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Sunday in the park

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You had some good sightings there!

I had one on Saturday afternoon, which was my first sighting of the year. It was a very poor sighting, but it was something. If only I'd had more time available, then I'm sure I would have had a few more. As it was, I was on the way to pick up my daughter and I had 15 minutes spare. I went to a park which is quite large and has three areas - the first one has a play park and playing fields with toilets, cafe and changing rooms. The second area is more playing fields and then the third area is a field with BBQ pits along one edge, a bit of car parking and some woods. I went to the third area thinking that there might be some people having BBQs and consuming drinks. I was right and there were three groups there. As I said, I only had 15 mins, so I was just hoping that I'd see something in that short time. After a little while, two more mature ladies, probably Asian or Nepalese, wearing some kind of long traditional dress wandered away from there group towards the area in which the cars were parked. I followed at a distance and found them part squatted behind a car. They got up when they saw me, but the ground was very wet where they had been. I didn't see anything very exciting but I did catch them in the act.

There were quite a few younger women at the BBQs and I'm sure that if I'd been around for longer then I would have seen something more interesting, but unfortunately it wasn't to be on that day.

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