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Overestimated my holding ability leads a soaked diaper..

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Today i decided to have a little fun for a long time and decided to wear a diaper for the whole day, why not? it is the week end and i have absolutely no place to be. I drinked a lot of liquid during the day and when i need to pee i used the toilet as normally during the day, still knowing the fact that i was having a diaper under my clothes. I did this to get my system running and after a while i was aware that i have to pee quite often cause i drink a LOT of liquid during the day.

In later on i have to go the grocery shop to buy some stuff for the week end, i noticed when i was about to leave from my house that i need to pee a little but i thought i could easily keep my diaper dry for my shopping trip..how wrong i was.

While i was in the shop my urge has got BAD and i couldnt even walk straight, i know my kidneys was an overdrive after so much of drinking. I managed to get in the register with only minor leaks and managed to pay my groceries aswell.. But after i got out i couldnt hold it back anymore at all and completely soaked my diaper at the parking lot. I am happy it was dark by the time cause otherwise anyone could saw me blushing and thinking whats going on?

Anyway here is pic of my diaper after i got home..it is a little swallen as you can see.


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