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Any F help me with new first time experience

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Hi Chris - I feel your pain, in that it can be incredibly difficult to find a partner, even just to enjoy company and special times with.  Add the difficulty of finding a partner who shares, or will at least accept an interest in pee fun and I agree it can seem impossible.

However I'm sorry that this isn't the site for you to ask for a real-life relationship. We're not the site to match up people for a quick-hit experience.  We've got no problem with online members becoming close online friends and then feeling that they know each other well enough to meet in real life.  That would take place over a long period of time.  But we are a community of people sharing a common interest and becoming friends.

From time to time we get people joining who maybe have no pee interest, but instead want to draw people away from this site onto another social media platform.  For that reason, a little while ago we added to site rule 8.  You can read about it here - in particular at the bottom of the rules page.   In particular, we don't allow people to share their own kik's and to advertise and in the same way we don't allow people to ask for kik exchanges.

I know that all sounds very negative and I'm sorry.  What I would suggest is enjoy this site - there are many ladies here who enjoy sharing their stories and real pictures. In particular have a look in the Real Pee Encounters & Experiences section, and Pee Talk & Questions.  You'll be able to read about real people's experiences there.  Those ladies will be happy for you to post comments on their public posts, you and they will start to get to know each other a little and then a little more.  Friendships here are built up over a period of time, but can become very real - and you'll also get to know a sound bunch of guys along the way too.

So - I wish you every success Chris.

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