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My girlfriend peeing

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I guess that I got interested in females peeing when out and about with my girlfriend. If we needed to pee we would go to a public toilet, I would go into the gents and if it was empty she would come in too, I would use the urinal while she would go into one of the cubicles.

I could some times hear her pee hitting the water in the toilet pan as she peed. At the toilets at our local park she would ask me in with her as the only cubicle in the gents did not lock so I had to keep the door closed for her.

On these times she would quickly drop her jeans and pants and sit on the toilet with her knee's together so that I could not see anything but I could hear the lot. When she had finished she would stand up and in one movement pull up her pants (without wiping) but most times I did get to see a flash of pubic hair, them pull up her jeans and I would open the door and see that the coast was clear we would leave the gents together.

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