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Great vacation encounter

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Guest UnabashedUser

 On vacation was riding an off-road bicycle down a woods trail. Saw 3 teen girls from a nearby summer camp all squatting and pissing in unison.

Of course I stopped to watch not wanting to pedal past their exposed rumps which were only a foot or so off the trail .

One of them heard the sound of the chain and glanced backwards at me and said to her friends:

“Oh hurry up and finish there’s a boy watching us” as she hurriedly pulled up her panties and stood up.

The others took a look at me, one of them smiled, the other quickly dabbed at her pussy with a kleenex and hoisted her drawers too.

The last one kept pissing until empty while smiling and looking embarrassed while the two others turned their backs to me and said nothing.

When finally done the last girl took her time wiping, and then said to me directly seeing my hardon said: “Enjoying your fucking self, buddy?”

She seemed to be older than the others in both size and age and might have been the leader of the hike.

Sneering she then gave me the finger and they all strode off up the trail.

I didn’t resume biking until a few minutes later as it would have been awkward to pass them on the trail so soon and I had to investigate the puddles and left behind tissues as well as take a leak myself and leave some cum behind too.


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