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Peed outside *pictures*

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I was out getting some shopping this evening, I didn't need that much but I went anyway. Afterwards I decided that it was a bit early to just go back home so I decided to drive out to a secluded spot and piss, I wasn't desperate but I wanted to have a pee. My chosen spot however was full of campervans whose owners saw me drive in, so I turned and drove back down the road a bit and found an empty area so I parked up and got out. I decided I wanted to capture it on camera, so I put the torch on on the phone camera and got my extendable equipment out 😉🍆 over the top of my joggies and tried to capture the scene as best I could. I pulled back my foreskin a little to get a bit of distance.

I hope you enjoy these photos. I have to admit that considering how cold it was and my obesity that I was fairly impressed with my dick, it ain't the biggest but given the opportunity it will be quite operational when the girls arrive 😘 in the mean time I believe an urgent delivery needs my attention courtesy of Pam and her five sisters 🖐️ 💧🍆 





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