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Pee In the Shower Article

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Interesting article and I agree with most of it, although the impact (or rather reduction in impact) is probably not as much as the author indicates.   Firstly, yes, you will save water and ladies will save tissue, but in reality, you will typically pee in the shower once a day or maybe even once every couple of days depending on your shower habits.  If you normally use the toilet say six times a day then you are looking at a 17% reduction in flush water.  If you use the toilet more the. The reduction is less as a percentage.   Any saving is good, and I wholeheartedly agree with peeing in the shower, but more water would be saved by promoting other practices including men peeing in the sink because it can be flushed with a small amount of water, anyone peeing in the garden or anywhere outside because that uses no water, and sharing flushes so multiple people peeing in succession only flush once after everyone has peed.

On toilet paper, again, yes it saves a bit for ladies, but the best way of saving toilet paper is to minimise how much you use on each visit.   A lot of ladies seem to rattle off loads of paper when a few sheets would be sufficient.  The author says that you would end up only using a roll of paper every 50 days.  Given that the average roll of two ply is about 500 sheets, that is an allowance of only 10 sheets per day.  On the basis of six visits per day with one of those being the shower, that would average 2 sheets per visit - which most girls exceed by far.   That doesn’t take into account the other use of toilet paper which we don’t talk about here, but would generally involve a larger number of sheets, so I think getting down to one roll every 50 days is somewhat of a challenge!


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