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I Didn't Use Public Restroom Because Of Virus Concerns

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I have been going for long walks over the winter to lose weight. Normally I have been using a restroom or nipping into the woods for a quick pee when the urge hit. Yesterday,  I opted for a  rail- trail walkway  through the city near my home and across the river , so no woods to pee in . Due to  all area schools being closed, as well as many work sites  and shops , because of the virus , there  were many more people including young families walking  there than on a normal weekday. 

As I reached my turn back point my need to pee was intensifying. I usually stop at the mens room before heading back. I am never one to worry about  germs  , but the constant news coverage has unnerved me somewhat. I was concerned about what I might touch in there, especially knowing some  people don't even wash their hands after peeing. So, that along with confidence in my holding abilities with this new medication convinced me to wait until I got home. By the time I returned to my car my need to pee had increased significantly. It was time I peed.  I had to pee bad.  My bladder felt heavy and full, and the pressure in my penis was increasing. It is just a 15 minute ride home - man up.

As I drove, however my need increased rapidly. I have never peed while driving so I hoped to be ok. As I turned onto my street,  my bladder was pressing hard against my jeans, and I felt strong pressure at my pee hole, like I was about to leak. I quickly squeezed my legs together , and kept them that way until I was in front of my home . After stopping I grabbed my dick with my hand, until the wave subsided a bit. My urge to pee remained very high, only dropping a bit below it's going to come out level . It was now or never. I knew  to delay would mean peeing on my car seat.

I stood up and as expected gravity caused pee to flow downward towards the exit . I felt like my pee was right at my pee hole pressing to get out. I couldn't hold myself yet, people were around. It got  much worse as I walked towards the door. I had to do a serious pee-pee dance as I fished out my key  ( which seemed unusually difficult & time consuming) and unlocked the door. OMG I had to pee so bad, it is going to come out. I opened the door walked through and the first leak occurred, but it would not stop there. I quickly pushed the door most of the was shut, but the leak had become a big spurt. I loosened my jeans  and tried shoving my hand into my jeans, to grab my penis directly. But the flow of urine had become a full  pressure ,steady, unstoppable stream .  A full on wetting. When urine is actually in a male's urethra squeezing  the dick not only is useless it hurts like hell. It was this sharp pain that reflexively caused me let go with my hand. I peed full force on my hand soaking my jeans crotch and down both my jeans legs, all the way to my ankles .  It was a total loss of control. I was still peeing hard as I reach the toilet unzipped and pulled my penis out. Pee splattered on the floor until I was able to aim correctly. I had emptied about 80% of my bladder in my pants, leaving little for the toilet. 

 I thought immediately after I should have jumped in the shower and just finished wetting my pants. In the rush of the moment I didn't think of that, plus any more pee would have run into my sneakers.  I hate that. I would have continued peeing as I removed them anyway.

At the time I was disappointed at losing control like that, in no way was I planning or omo playing. I just was overconfident at the return of bladder control, and ignored my full bladder. Later I began enjoying what happened. If I hadn't I probably would not have posted this.

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21 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

I'd been thinking that with the recent closures of public buildings, this would inconvenience more people and create more impromptu peeing situations. More people will be caught short and need to alter their routines. I was thinking maybe there would be more public sightings because of it. 

Iam betting your right, sightings will do dought be more prevalent. 

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