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A Vicky story from my notes

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Vicky and I had decided on a weekend away by the sea so we found a small town on the East coast. Arriving just as it was getting dark on the Friday evening, we weren't too fussy about where we stayed so accepted the first hotel with a vacancy. The room had a comfortable double bed and a view over the sea but the shower and toilet were, although private, just down the corridor. After the long drive we settled down in the room, opened one of the bottles of wine I had packed and began to watch a film on the TV. There was a sink in the room so, after a while when we both needed to piss I stood at the sink while Vicky squatted over a half-pint glass and pissed into it. She filled it about three-quarters full and handed it to me. I poured the warm contents down the sink and we both sat back on the bed with more wine. Vicky continued to use the glass for the rest of the evening, squatting by her side of the bed and passing me the glass when she had filled it to empty into the sink on my side of the bed. As the evening wore on, and we both drank more wine Vicky found it more difficult to aim into the glass and a few small splashes of piss went onto the carpet. I knew that when Vicky woke for her midnight piss the glass would not suffice for aperture or capacity. On Vicky's side of the bed there was a small cabinet between the bed and wall. Just as Vicky was going to sleep, I got up and moved the cabinet to near the foot of the bed, saying, “The splashes won't show there.” nodding towards the thick carpet under where the cabinet had stood.

Vicky fell asleep but I was still awake when she woke later with a full bladder. The room was almost totally dark as she sat up and got out of bed. She squatted low, resting her arm and head on the side of the bed. “Can you give me the glass.” she said sleepily. “Do you need it?” I replied. “Not really, and I can't be bothered” she mumbled and her heard a soft hissing as she started to gently piss on the carpet. She pissed slowly, probably letting out about a pint making very little noise in the quiet darkness. After she had finished she got back into bed and I put my hand on her warm damp cunt as we both fell asleep. In the morning I moved the cabinet back in place to cover the only slightly damp carpet. Vicky has pissed on my own bedroom floor more than once and her late night piss is always colourless and odourless, so once occasionally on a floor seems to do no major damage.

The following night Vicky again used the glass during the evening rather than go down the corridor. Again, last thing of the evening I moved the cabinet just before going to sleep. I then pissed in the sink and as I was getting back into bed, Vicky got out. I reached over and offered her the glass. “I won't be using it later so............” she trailed off as I heard the hiss and accompanying splash as her stream hit the carpet. I leaned across to watch, last night it had been dark when she pissed but tonight the light was on and I got a good view of the spray from her hairy bush as she let it flow. It was only a quick piss and soaked in quickly. I turned off the light and we fell asleep together. She woke again to piss later in the night. I am a light sleeper so seldom sleep through her getting up. She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed, slid off and squatted, again in the pitch dark. I heard the hiss and splatter again, visualising it in my mind. I grabbed my cock and wanked myself hard. Vicky finished her piss and I came just as she got back into bed. In the morning the carpet was still damp. It was a bit more piss than we would normally leave in a hotel room and something we only do very occasionally but it was a long time ago now, and still gives me the horn when I think on it.

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