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"Marcia:" A Brief, "Wet" Flirtation. Part 0. (A Prequel?)


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"Marcia:" A Brief, "Wet" Flirtation. Part 0. (A Prequel?)

By Dr. P

Additional Tag: Desperation

Notes: This is another story which begins in reality, and then continues as a fantasy, similar to the first version of this story, posted in Fictional Pee Stories, a couple of weeks ago. I have since thought about the story I posted first, and wondered whether the shared pee intimacies had moved forward too fast to be credible, there, in a new relationship, between relative strangers, from different countries and cultures, as they did in the first story. Hope you readers enjoyed the first version, anyway.

In this second version, I have fabricated an alternative, totally fictitious, second part to the original story, which may actually be more plausible, for an initial flirtation, which the real part of this story was. In fact, this second version could possibly be considered a "prequel" or "foreplay" for the version posted previously, so I have called it "Part 0."

More than 70% of this story is a fantasy, totally new, and very different from the original, so I hope it will be interesting to those of you who read that original, as well as to new readers. It is intended to be every bit as erotic as the first story, but more of it is told, in her own words, and acted out, by "Marcia." Her name is fictitious, of course. This fictional story may have taken place as much as a year before the first version, posted previously. As in the first version, the real part ends, and the fantasy begins, when she invites me to walk to the bathroom, with her. Readers of the first version may wish to skip the real part, which is similar to the original, but not identical, and start reading the fantasy, which is clearly identified. Hope you readers enjoy!

 The Real Part (Background)

I traveled recently with my wife to Taiwan to visit her relatives there. She is of Chinese ancestry, was born and raised in China, and speaks fluent Chinese, as well as English. I am American, and speak very rudimentary Chinese, but understand more than I can speak. I can make myself understood, only on the most basic of levels, with my very limited vocabulary. When the real events which gave rise to this story began to take shape (meeting and talking with "Marcia," for example), I kicked myself for not improving my facility with Chinese, for which I have had a lifetime of opportunity. If I had, I think that more of this story could have been a very erotic reality. It's hard to share intimate feelings with a person, if your verbal communication is hampered by language barriers.

We arrived in Taipei, in time for a recent National holiday, which went on for several days. We enjoyed elaborate luncheons, in restaurants, with my wife's extended family and friends, on virtually every day we spent in the country. All of them are fluent in Chinese, of course, and a few of them also speak English, to varying degrees. But all group conversations went on in Mandarin Chinese. I met the very lovely "Marcia" at the first of these luncheons, and she was present at a total of 5 of them.

She was easily the prettiest lady present, in our group, at the luncheons. She is slender, of medium height, with attractively styled, but short, dark brown hair, which appears to be natural, rather than dyed, and a very pretty, expressive face, enhanced by a minimum of cosmetics, and smooth, naturally flawless skin. She is probably in her late forties, or even early fifties, according to my wife's estimation, but I think she could easily pass for mid thirties, in her physical appearance.

She wore a denim skirt, which extended just below her knees, over her bare legs, on the first day, when we met. I noticed that she has slim, shapely, and very well muscled calves, perfectly sculpted ankles, and lovely feet, which are well cared for. On the second day, she wore a dress, which extended well below her knees, but it buttoned in the front, and sometimes rode up, as she got in and out of vehicles. I saw that her legs are absolutely smooth, hairless, and flawless.

As to her body language, she is not a compulsive leg crosser, when she sits, wearing skirts or dresses, but she tends to sit with her legs relaxed, basically together, but not compressed tightly. I had an evil thought, when I first saw her sitting posture, guessing that she peed in the same position as she sat, normally clothed, unless her stream came out relatively high and forward, as it often does, in middle-aged Asian women. In that case, she would probably need to open her legs, and lean forward, to keep legs, the seat, and her clothing dry.

She wore form-fitting pants, on the next two days, which showed off her trim, athletic-looking, thighs and bum. I thought I detected "bladder leak" protective underwear, under her tight, patterned pants, on one day, looking at her from the rear. On the last day of our visit, she wore a thin, loose-fitting dress, which ended a couple of inches above her knees, over a skintight pair of sheer, gold-tinted, footless tights, which showed off her beautiful legs, and pretty feet.

Somehow, "Marcia" and I seemed to be drawn to one another, from the moment we were introduced, although I am much older than she is, am obviously married, and walk with a cane, due to a healed leg injury, which still affects my balance and flexibility, but not my walking speed or ability. I was attracted to her, by her beauty and vivacious personality. I guess that she may have felt safe with me, since I am technically a very distant member of her extended family, and would do her no harm. We began playing flirtatious little eye games, and talked to each other as much as we could, from the beginning. Her English isn't much better than my Chinese, so it was difficult for us to communicate.

But I felt that the attraction between us was strong and genuine, nonetheless. She maneuvered, and made sure that she always sat next to me, on one side, while my wife sat on the other, at the large, circular restaurant tables where the luncheons were served. I quickly caught on to her seating strategy, and cooperated with her, so we could be as close to each other as possible, every day.

She and my wife carried on extensive, very amicable conversations with one another, in Chinese, with me in the middle, between them, and my wife showed no trace of suspicion or jealousy, since "Marcia" is a member of the extended family of in-laws of her younger sister, who hosted all of the luncheons. The three of us took good care of one another, passing endless cups of tea and dishes of food to each other, as the luncheons progressed.

On the last day of our visit, the attention of the customers of the restaurant, including our group, was drawn to a very noisy parade or march, complete with sound trucks and marching bands, on the street below the restaurant. Nearly everyone moved toward the large windows, to watch it.

"Marcia" and I were doing our best to have a conversation, at the time, just the two of us, trying to bridge the language barrier, while my wife was visiting with others, at another table, further away. We were turned toward each other, on our chairs, with our knees occasionally touching, as we talked. Her relatives called out to her, urging her to come to the windows, to watch the parade on the street. She stood up in place, beside me, moved so that her hip and leg were in contact with my shoulder and arm, through her thin dress, and replied, loudly,

"Waw yao shiao bien!"
(literal translation: "I want to pee!"),

She continued to stand very close to me, as I sat, at the table.

I was a little surprised by her sudden, open announcement of her intimate bodily need, since she is a very classy lady. I was not aware that she needed to pee, either, because she had not seemed uncomfortable, neither fidgeting, nor crossing her legs, on her chair. But I had learned, over a lifetime of experience with Asians, that they are generally much more relaxed, open, and honest, about their bodily functions, than most Westerners.

The Fantasy

She looked down at me, locked her pretty brown eyes with mine, giving me an intimate, conspiratorial look, touched my shoulder, and asked me, in a whisper,

"Ni yao bu yao gung waw lai?"
("Do you want to come with me?")

"Waw yao!" ("I want to!"), I whispered back, enthusiastically, reaching around her body, over her dress, but below the table, hugging her closer to my side, to show her my affection, and my desire to be with her.

I had no delusion that this was a direct, sexual invitation, at all. I was thinking that she wanted me to keep her company, and guide her, walking with her across the large restaurant, to the bathrooms, a fair distance from our table. Naturally, I assumed that our walk together would end at the door to the Ladies' room. And I might visit the men's, wait for her, and walk back with her, which I liked. So I took it as a nice, relatively intimate invitation, since I might be able to say something vaguely erotic to her, as she entered or left the bathroom.

I got up from the table, picked up my cane, and walked with her, toward the restrooms. She set a brisk pace, which I took as evidence of the urgency of her need to pee. I kept up with her easily, even with my cane.

"Ni dung waw," ("You wait for me,") she said, locking eyes with me again, when we reached the door to the Ladies' room. She continued to move, opening the door, while still talking to me.

"Waw dung ni. Waw yeh yao shiao bien,"
("I'll wait for you. I also want to pee,")

I replied, pointing to the Men's room, adjacent to the Ladies.'

"Hao!" ("Good!")

She answered, as she entered the Ladies,' very hurriedly, already reaching down, beginning to lift her dress, as she passed through the door, confirming her urgent need to pee. I found that quite erotic and interesting, of course, and began fantasizing about how she would do it, sitting, or squatting? Legs open or closed? Hissing or silent? Spraying, gushing, or well controlled? It turned out that she would reveal some of those intimate details to me, alone, very soon.

I entered the Men's room and did my business, then waited for her, across the hall from the door to the Ladies.' She was in there for a long time, almost ten minutes. At first, I was worried that I had taken too long in the Men's, and she had returned to the table, without me. But I moved to a point where I could see our table, across the room, and she was not there. So I continued to wait, until she finally emerged, saying,

"Sheh-sheh ni dung waw! Dui bu chee, waw lahn fey ni-da shr-jen!"
("Thanks for waiting for me. I'm sorry for wasting your time!")

"Bu kutchi! Waw-da shr-jen meo guan shee! Ni shenzai shufu, shr bu shr?" ("You're welcome! My time doesn't matter! Are you comfortable, now?")

"Dui luh, waw shufu,"
("Yes, I'm comfortable,") she answered.

After welcoming her back, I looked first at her pretty brown eyes, peering intently into mine, then down at her beautiful legs, noticing immediately that her tights were gone, and her lovely legs were now bare, below her relatively short dress.

"Ni-da wahdz tsai nah li?"
(Where are your tights?)

She looked embarrassed, and answered in a whisper,

"Shir-la! Waw-da twei shir-la! Waw-da wahdz shir-la! Waw fahng tsai pibau li!"
("Wet! My legs got wet! My tights got wet! I put them in my purse!")

She opened her purse to show me. I reached into her purse, and felt her tights, which were indeed damp. I also noticed a pair of her "bladder leak" panties, which were in her purse, and also damp, to my touch. I enjoyed the faint fragrance of her female pee, with its pheromones, wafting up from her dampened clothing, in her purse.

When she saw that I had noticed and touched her panties, she looked even more embarrassed, and a slight pink blush arose in her pretty face. I hadn't intended to embarrass her, at all, and I felt very bad that I had not been much more sensitive to her feelings, so I said,

"Tai hwai luh! Tsema lah, ni?"
("That's too terrible! What happened to you?")

I closed her purse, hugged her, and patted her shoulders very affectionately, hoping to make her feel better. She caught my eyes, and whispered in my ear, beginning to tell me her story:

"Nieu-wrzen-da tsuhsoh hun dzan, hun shir, so-yie waw bu nung dzoh, shiao bien." ("The women's toilet was very dirty and very wet, so I couldn't sit down, to pee.")

"So-yie, waw..." ("So I...") She stopped, searching for a word, then continued,

"Ingven, waw shaw "squat," shiao bien."
("In English, I would say, "squat," to pee.").

She demonstrated her high squat, as she spoke, possibly consciously, or unconsciously, bending her knees, and spreading her legs a little, but not lifting up her dress, since we were in public view, in a hallway, outside the restrooms. But the posture she adopted was obvious.

I replied,

"Waw ting dung ni, waw kahn-jen ni. Waw jer-dao."
("I hear you, I see you. I understand.")

"Waw gei ni shaw, gei ni kahn, waw gahn shen ma. Shen, ni kahn waw-da twei, shir-la, meo, hao bu hao? Waw kahn bu jien ho-mien!"

("I'll tell you about it, and show you what I did. First, you look at my legs, to see if they are wet or not, OK? I looked, but I can't see them, in the back.")

"Hung hao! Waw shi-hwan kahn ni gahn shen ma, yeh kahn ni-da piao-liahng-da twei, shir-la meo!"

("Very good! I would like to see what you did, and look at your beautiful legs, to see if they're wet, or not!")

I said, with a warm smile.

As she made her request, she turned her back toward me, and lifted her dress, a few inches above her knees, but no more than that, since we were in a public place. She was already holding a wad of t.p. in her hand, so I thought she must have planned to ask me for this favor, before leaving the Ladies' room. I felt very privileged to be taken into her planned intimate confidence, and I loved looking at her legs, wet or dry. I was surprised that she trusted me so much, so soon after meeting me.

I looked very carefully at her beautiful legs, as she had invited me to do, saw a few drops, on her calves, just below the backs of her knees, and told her,

"Shir-la, ie dien, tsai ho-mien! Gei waw sho jer, waw gei ni tsah!"
("A little bit wet, in the back! Give me the t.p. and I'll wipe them for you!")

I took her hand, with the t.p., and led her to the door of the unisex restroom, for the handicapped (like me), a little further toward the back of the restaurant, saying,

"Bieh-wrzen tsai kahn wawmen. Jing lai!"
("Other people might see us. Come in!")

I opened the door for her, led her in, closed, and locked it, behind us. I noticed that it was not particularly clean or well maintained, either, so I totally understood her reaction to the dirty, wet toilet, in the Ladies' room. I hoped she would be more comfortable, in this private place, although it was dirty, also.

She walked in ahead of me, and lifted her dress, all the way up, in the back, showing me her dry panties, and her incredibly beautiful legs, full length. I dropped to my knees, took the t.p. from her hand, and wiped the backs of her calves, where I had seen the pee dribbles, which had run further down her calves, toward her ankles, by then. I found a few more fine drops, still running down the backs of her thighs, surprisingly enough. I wiped those little drops away, with the t.p. She turned around to face me again, directly in front of the toilet, holding her dress up, above her panties, in the front, and began telling me her story again, from the very beginning:

"Waw chr fahn, huh-la hun doh chah. So-yie waw hun yao shiao bien, hun kwai. Waw pah tsai koodze-li shaio bien! So-yie wawmen kwai zoh shang tsuhso. Waw kahn jeggah shir-la, dzahn-da tsusoh! Waw meo shr-jen! Waw "squat" toh wadz, toh koodze, nema kwai, tsai waw shiao-bien, nemah DOH, hun kwai, hun lee-hai!"

("I drank so much tea, when I was eating, so I wanted to pee very badly, very quickly. I was afraid I would pee in my panties! So we had to walk very fast on our way to the toilets. When I saw that wet, dirty toilet, I had no time!" I squatted, pulled my tights and panties down very fast, then I peed a LOT, very fast, very powerful!")

"Ingven waw gei ni shaw, "I squat! I piss! sshsshsss! I spray! Legs wet! Panties wet! Tights wet! Dui bu dui?"

("In English, I would tell you, "I squat! I piss! sshsshsss! I spray! Legs wet! Panties wet! Tights wet! Right?")

"Dui luh! Sheh-sheh ni gei waw shaw, gei waw kahn, ni gahn shen ma! Waw shie-whan ting-jen ni, kahn-jen ni tsema lah. Hun bu hao! Dui bu chee!"

("Right! Thanks for telling me and showing me what you did! I am glad to hear you tell me, and let me see what happened to you. Very bad! Sorry that happened to you!")

Although I loved hearing her say "piss," I didn't want her to be looked upon as crude or gross, among speakers of English, particularly Western women. So I gently warned her about the use of the word, "piss," by women, in the West.

"Ingven nieu-wrzen bu shaw "piss" ingwei hun tooh! Nieu-wrzen shaw "pee," hao."
("In English, women don't say "piss," because it's very crude. It's OK for women to say "pee.")

"Sheh-sheh," ("Thanks,") she answered.

While she was telling me her story, she squatted again, high over this toilet seat, lifting her dress up, all around her, this time, gathering it above her panties, and wrapping it around her waist, demonstrating what she had actually done, when she peed. She showed me how far down she had slipped her tights and panties, on her thighs, less than midway to her knees, but she didn't actually pull her panties down, this time. She showed me how and where her piss had sprayed, using hand gestures, between her legs, as she told the story, even hissing, with her mouth, to help explain some details, at times.

For me, the whole scene was very erotic, as if I was actually watching her pee, in real time. I was very taken with her vivid story, and her acting it out, and I knew how embarrassing sharing this with me may have been, for her. I hoped that my sympathetic comments were making her feel a little more comfortable. She resumed telling her story:

"So-yie waw-da twei, waw-da wahdz, shir-la. Waw tsah waw-da twei, toh wahdz, fahng tsai pi-bau-li. Waw-da koodze yeh shir-la, so-yie waw fahng tsai pi-bau-li, chahng gan-jing-da."

("So my legs and my tights were wet. I wiped my legs, took off my tights, and put them in my purse. My panties were wet, too, so I put them in my purse and put on clean ones. ")

With that, she finished her story. I was surprised and thrilled that she had shared so many very intimate details with me, crossing the language and gender barriers, in a minute or two, and I felt very close to her, thinking that she must really like me, and feel very comfortable with me.

I could easily see how her panties, tights, and legs got wet, and caused her all of this trouble, from her demonstration. In her haste, to avoid wetting her clothing, she hadn't pulled her panties and tights down far enough, so they kept her legs too close together, and she couldn't spread them wide enough apart, to keep them dry, from her uncontrolled spray. So they got wet, and her pee ran down her legs, and wet her panties and tights. Some of her spray must have hit her panties directly, too, because they were so close to the source, and the gusset was between her legs.

She looked me in the eyes, intently, again, probably trying to gauge my reactions to her very intimate revelations, still looking a little bit embarrassed.

I tried to comfort her further, by summarizing her story, telling her that what had happened to her was by no means her fault, certainly nothing to be ashamed of, and complimenting her on her beautiful, bare legs, not covered by tights or hose.

"Ni bu nung dzoh, shiao bien, ingwei tsuh-soh hun shir, hun dzahn! Ni meo bahn-fahng! Meo guan shee! Meo wrzen kahn ni shiao bien! Ni-da twei meo wahdz hung hao kahn! Hung piao-liahng! "

("You couldn't sit down to pee, because the toilet was very wet and very dirty! You had no choice! It doesn't matter! Nobody saw you pee! And your legs look very lovely without your tights! Very beautiful!")

"Sheh-sheh ni. Ni tsai kahn waw-da twei, shir-la, meo, hao bu hao?"
("Thank you. You look at my legs again, to see if they're wet, OK?")

She still had her dress up, wrapped around her waist, above her panties, and I was still on my knees, in front of her. She smiled, a little bit shyly, and opened her legs, for me to check the fronts of her thighs, then rotated each leg outward, at her hips, to show me her inner thighs. I didn't see any dribbles on the fronts of her legs, or on her left, inner thigh, but I saw a single, large drop running down the inside of her right thigh, still above her knee, which surprised me. She noticed it at the same time as I did, and locked eyes with me.

I leaned forward and licked the drop, and the long wet streak above it, from her leg, tracing its path, on the smooth, lovely skin of her thigh, with my tongue, showing obvious enjoyment, licking my lips, and more of her surrounding skin, when I finished. Then I looked up at her face, with a wicked grin, and a wink.

She was surprised, and said, with a mischievous grin, and a wink, of her own,

"Ni hun shie-hwan huh waw-da shiao bien! Shr bu shr?"
("You really like to drink my pee! True or not?")

"Shr!" ("True!") I replied, with a grin, and another wink,

"Ni-da shiao bien shr ni-da chah, dui bu dui? Waw hung ai huh ni-da chah!"
("Your pee is your tea, true or not? I would love very much to drink your tea!")

She replied, smiling and giggling,

"Hung kah-ai-ia!" ("Very cute!")

Then she relaxed, opened her thighs even more, and hugged the back of my head, pulling my face into her panties and between her upper thighs, with her hands, then squeezed my face tightly, with her thighs.

With that encouragement, I couldn't resist hugging her legs lovingly, burying my face in her dry, but fragrant panties, kissing and licking her bare, upper inner thighs, and caressing the backs of her smooth, lovely legs, all the way from her ankles to her panties. Her legs were actually as silky smooth to my touch, as they appeared to be, visually, which was no surprise to me. I had guessed they were naturally hairless. She probably didn't need to shave or wax them.

From my vantage point, with my nose between her thighs, pressing on her pussy, through her panties, I drew in the fresh scent of her clean panties, mingled with the pheromone-laden, residual aroma of her unique, female pee, recently wiped from her thighs, her slit, and her lips, by both of us, separately, but not totally removed from her skin, thank goodness. The fragrance of her skin was very erotic, delicious to me, and I told her so,

"Ni hun shahng! Ni-da koodze, ni-da twei, nema shahng! Waw hung ai ven ni!"
("You're very fragrant! Your panties and your legs smell so very good! I love to smell you!")

"Ni ven waw-da shiao bien! Ni wei shen ma ai? Ni shren-jing bing!"
"You smell my pee! Why do you love it? You're crazy!"

She said with a giggle, and a huge, warm smile, looking down at me.

I didn't answer her, but just buried my face in her thighs and panties, again, enjoying another moment in my version of heaven.

I eventually released her, helped her smooth her dress down, covering her now dry legs again, before I stood up, very close to her.

"Sheh-sheh, ni! Doh sheh ni luh, tsah waw-da twei!"
("Thank you! Thank you very much for wiping my legs!")

She said, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and gave me a very intimate, full-body hug, snuggling her lovely face into my neck, cuddling with me, very affectionately, and then looking up at me, with her warm brown eyes.

"Bu kutchi! Waw hung ai tsah ni-da paio-liahng-da twei!"
("You're welcome! I love to wipe your beautiful legs, very much!")

I answered, meeting her eyes, as I pulled her even closer to me, with my arms around her back, at her shoulders and waist. I slipped one hand down to her nice, firm bum, and pulled her lower body tighter against me.

Looking me in the eye, then drawing my eyes down, she lifted the front of her dress, again, spread her legs slightly, straddled one of mine, and squeezed her thighs together, pressing her groin firmly against my leg, and began to slowly rub her pussy on my thigh, through her leak-protective panties.

She looked up at me, locked eyes with me again, and we kissed, gently at first, then very passionately, long, and sensous, with our tongues dancing together, after having wanted each other, for the better part of a week. We continued to hug, and kiss, for several more minutes. She rubbed her pussy hard against my leg, while I lifted her dress in the back, and pulled her hips in tighter, with both of my hands grasping her lovely bum, massaging it, through her panties. She squeezed me tightly, with her thighs, shuddered with a strong orgasm, and then relaxed, in my arms.

I felt the pressure and warmth of her orgasmic squirt, but no wetness, on my leg or on my hands, through her panties. I surmised that her "bladder leak" panties must have caught her liquids.

When she had recovered, we realized that we might be missed at the luncheon, by now. So we disengaged, and I started to help her smooth her dress down again. I could smell her fresh female juices, and a hint of her fresh pee, wafting up, from beneath her dress, as could she, until it was back down, in place. I wondered if her panties or her legs were wet, from her orgasmic squirt, and she did, too. She asked,

"Waw iwei waw tsai koodze-li shiao bien, ie dien dien. Ni iwei dui bu dui?"
("I thought I peed a very little bit, in my panties. Do you think I did?")

"Waw bu jr-dao. Waw pung ni-da koodze, ni-da twei, kahn ni shir-la meo, hao bu hao?"
("I don't know. I'll feel your panties and your legs, to see if you're wet or not, OK?")

"Hao. Waw shir-la, ni tsai gei waw tsah twei, hao bu hao?"
("OK. If I'm wet, you'll wipe my legs for me, again, OK?")

"Hung hao! Waw hung ai tsai gei ni tsah twei."
("Very good! I would love very much to wipe your legs for you, again!")

So I lifted the front of her dress, and reached under it, running my hand up, caressing and feeling both of her legs from her knees up, moving toward her panties, checking her thighs carefully, for any new wetness. She opened her legs, allowing me free access to her thighs and panties, which we both enjoyed. When my hand finally did reach her panties, she crossed her legs and caught it between her inner thighs, playfully, and squeezed it, with a wink and a grin.

"Waw-da koodze, waw-da twei, shir-la, meo?"
("Are my panties or my legs wet or not?")

She asked, still squeezing my hand, between her legs, giving me a wink and a warm smile.

"Ni meo shir. Ni hung gahn, so-yie waw bu nung tsah ni-da twei. Tai hwai la!"
("You're not wet. You're very dry, so I don't need to wipe your legs. Too bad!")

I said with a grin and a wink.

"Sheh sheh, ni" ("Thank you,") she said, with a big smile, releasing my hand from between her legs, at her panties, but continuing to rub her legs together, sensuously, with my hand between them. So I continued to caress her lovely thighs and lower legs, for one last time, as I slowly and reluctantly removed my hand, from under her dress, before I smoothed it back down.

We decided that she should leave the handicapped restroom first, and return to the table, to prevent any suspicion, or embarrassment. When I got back to the table, the parade had passed, and people were returning to the table for dessert, and beginning to say their goodbyes. When our turn came, we were standing, and she gave me another close, intimate, full body hug, in plain view of the group, and whispered, "Doh sheh ni luh! Tsai jian!" in my ear. ("Thank you very much! Until we meet again!")

Then she added, out loud, in English, "Come back, and stay much longer, next time!" with a big, warm smile.

"Will do! Next year!" I answered, returning her smile.



Edited by Dr.P
Put the word "Notes" in bold face, at the beginning.
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Guest UnabashedUser

Very provactive, very hot, and visually stimulating. Spent some time in Hong Kong and Japan while in the Navy. Story brings back memories of the rural binjo's in Japan and the floor squatties in the poorer clubs and restaurants in yesteryear HK. 

Excellent work

Looking forward to much more. 


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Thanks very much for your very positive comments. I'm glad to hear that my story brings back good memories, for you. You obviously have memories, which relate to my recent experiences. Although I have been married to the same Chinese woman for more than 50 years, I have only traveled to Asia twice, and have spent most of my time in large cities, like Bangkok and Taipei, which is now a very modern, thriving city.

I was conflicted over whether to include the Chinese language dialog in the story, thinking that it might be boring and off-putting to some readers. But in the end, I put it in, because I think it adds depth, and preserves the international flavor of the story. Hearing her say, "I squat, I piss, I spray," in her limited English, and then hearing her explain that her legs, her tights, and her panties got wet, as a result, in a translation of her fluent Chinese, enriches the whole experience, in my view. If the Chinese is eliminated, and idiomatic English is used, the international flavor is entirely lost.

Thanks again, for your comments. A purely fictitious sequel is being written.



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