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Desperation while flying in a small private airplane

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While needing to Pee while flying in a small aircraft there are some dimensions involved that just don't exist while on terra firma. These situations tend to be more amusing than erotic.

I was in the process of flying my family from Upstate New York to Oklahoma where my parents still lived. This distance is far enough that it is necessary to land and refuel the plane somewhere before crossing the Mississippi river.

While refueling I encouraged my two sons ( 2 & 4 ) to go to the bathroom and relieve themselves. My youngest son just didn't feel the urgency, and I was too busy with other matters to press the issue.

We duly loaded back into the airplane and took off for the last leg of our journey. It took awhile to climb back up to my chosen cruising altitude of 9500 feet. I had leveled out and trimmed the plane and settled down to navigation duties and the steady roar of the engine. As time passed I became aware that my youngest son was in full song crying loud enough that I could easily hear him over the roar of the engine.

I turned to him as best I could in the crowded little plane, and ask, "David, what's wrong?"

He replied, "I gotta go potty!" He could easily see that the ground was a long ways down, and there was no way that we would be on it for a looong time.

Well, I wasn't ignorant of these situations. I had a reasonable size Tupper Ware container with a 3 inch size opening at the top with a lid. I reached down to where I had stored it between the seats and pulled it up opening the lid as I did.

Boy, he recognized salvation immediately. He was unzipping the instant that he saw the container.

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Kevin, my very first airplane ride was in a Beechcraft Bonanaz V-tail out of an airport around Tulsa, Oklahoma. Beechcraft seems to have transitioned to a conventional tail.

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At this point in time my flying club owned a Mooney Executive, a four place low wing efficient little flying machine. The only door to the plane is on the right hand side over the wing. This demands this loading sequence. First the pilot has to climb in and settle into the left hand side front seat. Next he pulls the seat back of the front passenger seat forward so that the rear seat passengers can climb into their seats. After the rear seat passengers are in place, the last passenger for the right hand front seat climbs in and closes the door. Naturally the plane is unloaded in reverse sequence making the pilot the last person to exit the plane.

On this day Jim, to be the pilot, and another club member were taking some friends up flying just of the joy of flying and viewing the local area from the sky. As the sight seeing trip continues JIm becomes very aware that his need to Pee is becoming urgent. He and his friend decide that they will land at a near by airport for some coffee and refreshments. Jim calls the tower and gets his landing instruction, and permission to proceed to the administration build where the coffee shop is located. As soon as the landing is complete he taxis smartly to the parking apron at the coffee shop. He kills the engine as he rolls onto the apron and sets the brake just as the plane stops. At this point he realizes that he can never make it thru the unloading sequence. He unbuckles his belt and clambers out over the front passenger and exits the plane, leaving the club member to explain to the other passengers the probably situation and taking care of getting the others out of the plane.

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Kevin, went I moved to my current location in upstate New York, my wife and I joined a glider club. I got much involved in home building projects for club members who were out to build very efficient glider which were not available on the market. They were all V-tailed to present as little surface to the airstream as possible. One of those who I help build later became my instructor for my power flying. Once I had my power license I flew my family to Oklahoma three times. Once we had my third child we no long fit in the club plane, and as you said the expenses were enough to put me off.

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Just after we were married, my wife and I joined the local glider club. It was a nice little community of fellow flyers that could enjoy a Saturday pulling gliders around to be hooked up to the tow plane to be pulled into the air for an hours flight if you could find the thermals and manage to stay up, otherwise one would glide back to the ground in about 10 minutes and land at the airport. Most of the members of the club joined the national Soaring Society of America. There are recognized goals to be achieved for the personal satisfaction of the flyer. One of these goals is to stay aloft for five hours. No requirements to go anywhere, just be able to find the thermals and keep the glider in the air for five hours.

My friend had reached a proficiency by which he felt that he could pull off this feat given that it was a good day with lots of thermals. A day after a cold front moves thru tend to be very good days for this type of activity.

My friend was well aware that in five hours aloft he would probably need to Pee. Therefore, with all his other gear, he took a Ziploc bag in which to store his Piss until he had landed. He was to be flying our club's single place glider. The seat of the cockpit was just inches up from the outside skin of the glider and and just above his head was the canopy which was hinged on the left side of the aircraft and there was a fairly secure spring loaded latch to keep the canopy closed against the airstream at the gliding speed of 40 to 60 mph

He was duly hooked to the tow plane by a tow rope of about 200 feet which towed him up to 2000 feet at which point he was to release the tow rope and proceed to find the uplifting thermals. It was a very nice day and he had no trouble keeping the glider up probably reaching altitudes of over 6000.

Well into the flight the expected urge to Pee came on. No problem he was prepared. He got the Ziploc out and position his penis to Pee into the bag. As the bag filled it became obvious that he had not realized the volume of Piss that he had to deal with. He managed to stop, but the bag was so full that he could not zip up the bag without spilling Piss all over the cockpit. Now he had a real problem on his hands. He couldn't set the bag down anywhere because the liquid would just spill out. He finally decided that he would open the cockpit canopy and heave the bag out into the airstream. He did get the canopy opened and now the 60 mph wind was whipping all round the cockpit, and the canopy was flapping wildly in the wind. He heaved the bag out and opening. He wasn't sure if he even got 50% out the cockpit. Anyway he go the canopy latched and finished his five hour flight much thewiser as to the volume a persons Pees.

The next time that he went out he took a ten gallon bag with him.

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In my airplane club there was one member who flew B-17's on bomber runs over Germany. He told of one time when someone on a plane higher in the formation took a shit out the Bombay doors. It hit the windshield of his plane and froze there. The pilot and copilot had to look at the wad for the rest of the flight.

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Hahaha... some funny stories for sure! As a fellow pilot, I know all too well about the peeing issue. Often I am in the air for hours at a time, and especially in a small plane like a glider it can be tricky to pee into something with the seat belts on and in a reclined position. I usually carry some water bottles and use those after I drink them. I've found the best way is to pull my penis out the fly and drape the foreskin (which thankfully in my case is quite long) inside the bottle, and then try to relax! Getting a downward angle when you're already laying down is the hard part, and sticking my penis straight out and then getting a 90 degree bend with the foreskin is the only way I've been able to come up with (best argument against circumcision yet, I can't imagine getting a 90 degree bend any other way lol). I think the psychological aspect of knowing you're sitting in a perfectly good seat makes it hard to pee, plus trying to fly the plane, hold the bottle at the right angle, and then inevitably someone calls you on the radio halfway through!

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