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A Glass of Sweet Jivanna

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A Glass of Sweet Jivanna


She seemed so nice and genuine during the interview. It certainly didn't hurt that she was just so damn sexy. What a stunning blonde beauty of forty-two years, appearing not a day past thirty-two, with looks that any man would melt over, looks that any woman would envy over. From the moment Marcel was escorted to her office and felt her firm handshake and piercing presence, his eyes fell victim to her five foot, eight inch frame. Her cute angelic face had sexy full lips and hypnotic hazel eyes. The tight knee-length, navy blue skirt curved her shape into a perfect hourglass, embellished by a backside so plump and round that it shook with each step and seemed to beg for admiration. Her long, buttery smooth legs were right at home being enhanced by three inch heels. Her upper half was not to be outdone, with a sleeveless white button-down shirt displaying cleavage that perfectly straddled the line between professional and slutty. Complete with a diamond bracelet and earrings, Jivanna seemed to have stepped from the canvas of a passionate artist, created with the finest of brush strokes. Marcel saw a family photo on the bookshelf behind her, showing her in a loving embrace with two early teen boys, one preteen girl and a handsome rugged looking husband with a graying military style haircut and lush beard. “How lucky that guy is to be the one fucking this heap of perfection” he thought to himself as the interview commenced.

Just three weeks into his new job as a marketing analyst at Rossi Global Inc, six months is what Marcel said he'd give himself. Six months to see if things would improve, or if finding another job was best. Maybe he'd even consider legal action. A department specializing in marketing products to female consumers, it was comprised of sixteen women and himself. They were always too busy, when he asked around for training, saying they'd help later. It was the software he needed to learn, product meetings he was left out of, company procedures he needed for researching markets, assistance for how to present findings. None of it came in any useful capacity. An afterthought he was, not so much as invited out to lunch. So many days and weeks spent sitting in his cubicle awaiting training that rarely came, while his colleagues found time to talk of office gossip, shows, the men in their lives, children, family, fashion, vacation plans and the latest project initiatives. Further attempts to ask for help led only to being given brainless paperwork to sign that the others felt was beneath them. Maggie, who'd been hired just a few weeks prior to him, was receiving a warm welcome and thorough training in every corner of the department from more coworkers than she could keep track of. Marcel saw files piling up on his desk, a problematic computer and clients emailing with inquiries, to which he could provide no satisfactory responses. He could feel down to his bone matter, the beating heart of perceived incompetence from others that had grown around him.

Blood pressure rose as hours passed each day. Stress rose as days passed each week. Resentment rose as weeks passed each month. Asking Jivanna to intervene led to a vacuous promise of improvement that would never materialize. This was no place to work. He was not welcome. His mental resilience was tired. While working late one night in another attempt to self train, he'd overheard two colleagues unaware of his presence, talking about how he shouldn't be there and that he was creepy, that he was weird, that he was lazy and hadn't done anything. Suspicions of not being welcome were confirmed. His quiet demeanor along with short stature, slightly hunched posture and less than appealing looks was usually off-putting to women. A hostile work environment it was indeed. He knew things wouldn't improve. It was time to go. By six months, Marcel had already spent the previous two months job searching and finally landed a new one. On the first Monday of his final two weeks, he submitted his notice to Human Resources. That afternoon, after much consideration, he met with a representative of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and filed a complaint. Toward the end of the day, Jivanna was notified of his two-week notice. She found it a bit surprising to not be upset about it, feeling a strange indifference that had grown toward him within herself.

In the late afternoon that Thursday, she was called by Martin, CEO of the company, whom she was being groomed to replace upon his retirement in a few years. Upon entering his office however, Martin was stern with his tone, clearly angered. “So, I just got a charge of discrimination from the EEOC. It's from your new new guy, Marcel, that son of a bitch! I've contacted one of our attorneys to see about mediation. If this goes to court...our insurance may not cover everything this time...and we might have to make hard decisions, department wide decisions. Ahhh...I can't deal with this shit right now, but I wanted you to know first. Keep this quiet for now. I'm going home. We'll talk more in the morning.” That night Jivanna laid in bed with her head rested on her husband's chest after a sweaty round of sex. Before falling asleep she said to him, “Paul, I need you to call Greg in the morning. Got a problem at work I have to handle.”

Around four o'clock the next day, Marcel saw Jivanna in the hall on his way to the restroom. Her shapely legs where on display as usual, this day by a rather short black skirt with matching four inch open heels, while a light blue buttoned shirt hugged her torso tightly enough to leave little of her natural d cup endowment to imagination. At the instant they passed each other and briefly made eye-contact, he noticed that her gaze had a different energy than usual, as she headed to her office with coffee in hand. He figured she'd been notified of the charge. An hour later just a few minutes before five, he was preparing to leave like everyone else for the day when he received a call from her. “Hey, can you come see me for a moment before you go? I have some discharge papers for you.” Marcel turned his computer off and nervously walked over to her office, just across the small department a few paces away. He entered and Jivanna instructed him to close the door. As he took a seat directly across from her, she sat speaking on the phone to her youngest child, “I'll be there soon, honey, I just have to take care of one more thing at work.” Marcel worked hard to not look directly at her sizable cleavage, now quite visible as a result of her having released a few buttons since he last saw her. With the call ended she said to him, “Kids, gotta love em. Me and Paul made some awesome kids! They're the best at everything they do. Nothing like having two parents with superior genes.That was Hanna, she's an honor roll student and has a softball game tonight, which I'm gonna be late to, because of you.”

She stood and stepped over to her shoes beside her desk, sliding both feet back into them and tying her long hair into a ponytail. Walking around to the front of the desk, she leaned her backside on the edge, barely beyond a foot from Marcel. The preface of her odd demeanor was enough to put him at slight unease.

“You know Marcel, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who think they can do what they want, and those who know they can. I've worked here for twelve years, and made it to Director of the department. I'm on my way to CEO once that old fuck Martin finally retires or kills over. You on the other hand, made mistakes here lately. Your mistake was making a legal move that could threaten my position here, taking my kindness for weakness, and underestimating the connections I have outside of this company. Your mistake was assuming I allow people to even get close to fucking me over in any way.” Marcel sat with growing concern at her shocking words. He collected himself and with a nervous chuckle, reminded her that retaliation against his discrimination charge was illegal. She walked over to her door and locked it, replying, “Retaliation? Pfft. Look at that black Toyota outside right there. When I raise my fist, watch the headlights flicker. See that? I'll do it again. See? The gentlemen in that car are under my orders to make sure you don't make it home unless I call and tell them to let you. So, Marcel doesn't leave until Jivanna is done adjusting his attitude. I don't retaliate, I eliminate.” Now with a fearful racing heart, he sat speechless. She slowly walked back over to close the blinds, then turned her head toward him. “YOUR MISTAKE, was failure to see that I'm a great white shark and you're...an exhausted little man bleeding in deep blue seas.”

“Whoa, holy shit. Ji...Jivanna, what the...wait...”

Stepping forward and placing her palms on the desk, “Here's what you're gonna do to avoid elimination. You're gonna contact the EEOC first thing in the morning and withdraw your charge. If they ask why, you simply don't care anymore and want to move on. Say you fucking understand me.”

“Ye...Yes I'll withdraw it.”

“Mmm...Marcyyy, you don't sound too sure of yourself. I hear a sprinkle of doubt in your voice.”

“Look, I understand, I'll withdraw it! Shit!”

“There's the enthusiasm I want to hear! And now...”

Jivanna turned back and reached into the bookshelf behind her family photo, then back around facing Marcel, now with a large glass in hand that was filled with yellow fluid. He asked in a cautiously subdued voice what it was. She answered, “Oh, it's my piss. You see, this is how you're gonna make things right for making me late to Hanna's game. I actually started preparing this for you last night. I always try to pee right after sex and so after me and Paul had a good fuck, and I mean a really good fuck, I just pressed an empty water bottle to my pussy and let loose. I added more to it first this morning too! Almost overfilled the damn thing my bladder was so full. And just wait till you smell this, woo it's strong. My morning leak could probably strip paint off walls! Oh and I'm always wet in the morning too so some of my girl juices sorta got in there as well but hey it's just extra flavor! I brought it in and poured it all in a nice glass for you to make it more presentable! Now you can drink it.” With her extended arm holding out the glass, Marcel immediately refused and stood up. “Jivanna, I am NOT drinking your piss!” She replied, “How are your parents? Good? And your brother is good too? Mmm, let's keep it that way, Marcy.”

He stood staring at her with scrambled emotions, then slowly approached. She cheerfully held the glass out once more. He forced his hand to take it. She stood erect with arms crossed. A tense silence stretching several seconds took place as they stared at each other more. The smell of her aged and potent nectar was nauseating as he lifted the glass closer, making him twitch in disgust. Jivanna smiled and uttered, “Drink.” With the glass pressed against his lips he tilted his head back quickly and began downing her rancid bladder fluid. His moans of displeasure were obvious with each gulp. In his rush to get it over with, pee overflowed from the side of his mouth and trailed down his cheeks, soaking his shirt. He stopped for a moment, trying to hold back vomiting. His eyes watered in the intense coughing. Jivanna remained still, the same smile on her face as she enjoyed his plight. He continued coughing and eventually saying, “Ahhhhh. Fuck you.”

Unaffected by his reaction or comment, she sternly answered, “Ooh there's still some left in there. I'll need you to drink it all.”Marcel lifted the glass once more and finished the other half, nearly twelve full ounces of her urine. His stomach spasmed at the hostile substance, sending him running and kneeling on his knees over the trash can, unable to restrain the need to vomit any longer. As he finished and caught his breath, Jivanna slowly walked over, telling him, “Good boy.” The sound of her heels tapping the carpeted floor seemed to be all he could hear. His head hung aimed at the floor as her long and finely pedicured toes, shining of an opaque acrylic finish, appeared in his peripheral vision, then settled in front of him. Still on his knees with his pride visibly broken, Marcel looked up at her, feeling the finest fibers of his every muscle tingling with depressed hatred.

“That look in your eyes right there, that's how I know your attitude's been adjusted now. But Marcy, before I let you go, we have a new problem to address. I just had another coffee an hour ago and now I gotta fuckin PISS again!! Ain't THAT a motherfucking bitch!! Soooo, here's what I'm thinking. You did such a good job drinking my golden beauty already so why should I run all the way to the restroom when you're right here, so eager to please! Just hold the glass right there and let sweet Jivanna give you a refill.” Standing over him less than a foot away, she swayed her hips and seductively lifted her skirt. Underneath was a tiny black thong wedged between her labia, which had swollen and turned from their usual light pink to reddish with arousal. Despite being neatly trimmed, blonde hair of her mound was visibly rested outside of the narrow fabric, which was clearly designed more for kinkiness than practicality. In one quick motion, she slid her left thumb along the string and quickly plucked it out, causing a few drips of her creamy discharge to fling out against her thigh. With the material pulled free and to the side, her beefy outer lips separated, opening like a blooming flower. The inner lips and clitoral hood were exposed, displaying the full nerve-breaking sight of her engorged womanhood. The fragrance she'd applied to the region that morning was nearly snuffed out by the strong dominating feminine aroma that filled the air as her pussy breathed, while she spread her legs into a slightly wider stance.

An instant later, Marcel saw her ass cheeks moving from behind as her sphincter contracted and she let loose into the glass. It split in two and a messy side stream of piss shot out at an angle down her left thigh. “Wooo, shit, it's a messy one, Marcel!” A much harder muscle contraction breathed life into her stream and sent it hammering into the glass. It was strong enough that had Marcel not instinctively tightened his grip, the glass would've surely tipped over in his hands. The force soon overshot it and smashed into his chest, darkening his shirt as it became soaked. Wild splashes bounced up to his chin, to his sealed lips, to his nose, no matter how far he could turn his head. A violent and noisy stream it was, hissing a near-deafening tune of at least five rattlesnakes as Jivanna stood in her demeaning release with an emotionless smile locked on her face. Marcel's partially detached mind fixated on the nuances of her piss as it broke from steady and strengthened into gushing bursts, accompanied by sexual moans as she was nearing the end of a seemingly endless bladder.

He heard Jivanna's “Ahhhh” as her urethra spit another short hard gush into the glass.

“Ooooh” as another was expelled with more force, arching up and hitting his chin.

“Mmmm” as her swollen labia again hindered the strong flow from within, spraying sideways against her thighs, completely missing the glass and Marcel.

One last noisy burst struck his right ear and shoulder, again missing the glass. Jivanna tilted her head back in relief, exhaled with a deep breath and slapped her dripping flesh three times. She looked back down and replaced the thong inside the crease of her labia, sliding it back and forth to let it absorb the drips left behind. After pulling her skirt back down, she wiped her hand on a dry area of Marcel's shirt and stepped out of her shoes, leaving them in front of him. Upon taking a seat, leaning back in the chair, and crossing her legs atop of the desk, she uttered, “Drink” He looked at her in disgust and reluctantly began to sip once more. Already soaked in her piss, he painfully finished downing the six ounces that she managed to get in the glass. She called the men parked outside. “Yeah, we're good. He's trained, you boys can head out. Send Greg my thanks.”

Marcel placed the empty glass on the floor and slowly stood up. Jivanna's final words dealt one last heavy blow. “Since firing you would look bad, I think you just quit. You're not coming in Monday, or any day in your last two weeks, which means you'll be terminated for failure to show up for three consecutive days as per company policy. I'll send your termination letter next week.

Now, get the FUCK outta my office.”










Edited by Brutus
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16 minutes ago, Brutus said:

@spywareonyaLol damn that's the funniest reply ever.

You rarely say that little!

But thank you.

It's a long story and I ave up my usual attitude of quoting every portion I want to discuss



But indeed I am overwhelmed by:

On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 10:07 AM, Brutus said:

Now, get the FUCK outta my office


It quite sums up her character

And it moved deep emotions in me


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21 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

It's a long story and I ave up my usual attitude of quoting every portion I want to discuss



But indeed I am overwhelmed by:


It quite sums up her character

And it moved deep emotions in me


Yep, originally this was called Vicious Jivanna but since she is a bit unhinged, and refers to herself in third person and self describes as sweet, I went with that for irony.

Might seem long but it's my usual 4 pages in my word processing app. I make sure to not go too far over that.

Edited by Brutus
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24 minutes ago, Brutus said:

Yep, originally this was called Vicious Jivanna but since she is a bit unhinged, and refers to herself in third person and self describes as sweet, I went with that for irony

She is really scary


24 minutes ago, Brutus said:

Might seem long but it's my usual 4 pages in my word processing app. I make sure to not go too far over that.

I meant that is filled with events!!!

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