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Everything posted by ted0330

  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your experience. People can be cruel. Please see my post. I've told 4 women over the years, and one was intensely receptive, one moderately so, one lukewarm, and one a plain no. I hope you will find the courage to tell your husband. You're not disgusting at all, but very exciting. Anyone here would be happy to write experiences for you, tell you stories, or anything else.
  2. I've told 4 lovers over the years. I told my first lover. She was exceptionally receptive, spinning urinary fantasies for me and letting me watch her pee all the time. She would use diuretics and put on a show. My second wife knows of my interest and will readily indulge it if I ask. A third girlfriend did a couple of things but really wasn't enthusiastic. The fourth blew me off. I've had many other casual lovers, and never told any of them. My experience is that if it is done gently, with eroticism rather than lust, that the response is positive.
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