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Everything posted by luv2watch

  1. I would estimate that nearly half of the links to Eroprofile from the video section do not result in successful video access. The main reasons are that either the video or the member are not found. Considering there are over 37,000 pee videos on Eroprofile, I find it odd that so many referenced here have either members that could not be found or videos that don't exist. Do this many members delete their videos and cancel their Eroprofile membership, or is there some other reasons hundreds of links don't succeed?
  2. I am in the minority in that I prefer natural peeing.. I can do without wetting, golden showers, or drinking I love seeing women peeing in containers, but then I get turned off when she poors it down her body or drinks it.
  3. Thanks for the response. Did you make an effort to turn away and afford your mom some privacy, or did you watch her in full gush mode? If the latter is the case, did she mind you were watching her? Is she now more open about peeing in your presence?
  4. I'd be curious to know if your mom made any effort to keep her legs closed in the unisex restroom, or did she allow you to see her full gushing stream.
  5. The most disturbing "stop and start" clips feature a gorgeous blonde girl named "Amber". She has a potentially beautiful stream with peehole exposed, but the damn cameramen are more interested in the photo shoot, so they constantly tell her to stop every three seconds. What makes it even more annoying is that Amber really does need to pee, so she even tells them loudly " I need to pee", She does not want to stop, and I am sure the viewers do not want her to stop, but the damn stubborn cameramen ruin what could be a potentially great pee from a hot orifice. Another peeve of mine is simila
  6. F......Out on the deck of a Ferry, in front of men with pee hole exposed
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