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Posts posted by Dickknicks

  1. I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking.

    The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning and toilet roll, but I know that I don’t always use public toilets to relieve myself. I’ll sometimes use them to fix my hair or make up, wash my hands and just generally freshen up. Wish this there is no cleaning needed, and no toilet roll used. So what am I paying for? I’ve basically paid 30 pence for the use of a sink and a mirror.

    When I went this weekend I of course took my daughter with me, she’s too young to be alone, which cost me 60 pence. However she didn’t need to use the toilet, she was merely with me so I could keep an eye on her. Again I’m paying for nothing. I still don’t mind because as I said, it isn’t that much money. As we was leaving we walked past a couple of women, one who said “30p, 30 bloody p!” clearly annoyed or surprised by having to pay. And the woman in front of us was confused by the turnstile we go through to leave saying “I’ve never had to pay to have a wee before”

    So, what are your opinions on pay toilets? Should they be abolished, or are they a reasonable idea with them being clean and well stocked. By pay toilets I don’t mean the ones where you put in some money and you have 15 minutes to do your business before the door opens anyway and exposes you to the world. These are usually indoors and has somebody who can convert change for you.

    The biggest Problem I can see with paying to use a Loo is when one is bursting for a pee or (even more) and you don't happen to have the right change. Some things just cna't wait while you hunt out change. All in all I think free toilets are a must for councils to provide, after all we pay quite enough coucil tax already don't we.

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