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Posts posted by Dickknicks

  1. Hey guys,

    Just thought I would share a quick story with you again.

    I was just on my way home and realised I had drank too much coffee and juice in work and desperately needed to pee.

    On the way home, there is a layby, with a mud bank almost all the way along the road side of it, if that makes sense.

    So I decided this would be where I would stop, I drove all the way to the end of the bank, and stopped the car, it was dark so i decided that I would leave the engine running, and therefore the headlights stayed on.

    I moved round the front of the car, so you could just catch a glimpse of my bum if you looked at the right time, I dropped my jeans all the way down to my feet and half squatted in front of the car.

    The stream was amazing and felt so good, I looked down between my legs and could see my stream glinting in the headlights.

    I wiggled my bum to get rid of the last drops, and gently flicked myself with my fingers to get the last drips out. Pulled up my jeans and smiled in relief, sadly no one drove past during my exhibition, which spoilt it a little bit, but is was still good.

    I got back in the car and continued the drive home :)

    Hope you enjoyed reading this, until next time :)

    Fantastic, wish I could have been there to see that. I love the way you say 'sadly no one drove past, which spoilt it a bit' what a fantastic attitude, naughty girl!!

    I love the description you give of flicking it a bit to get the last drips out, wow.... the thought of that sure gets me going.

  2. When I have to pee outside I usually squat but sometimes in a crouching position. I use small flowers or grass to pee on. Peeing on them takes out the splatter. Never pee on hard surfaces like cement. Something to wipe with is a must too

    Here's me peeing outside

    Wow kellygirl, great pic.... thanks. that would have been fun to watch!

  3. Great answer Steve, thanks for that, there is real hope I think, that this might happen at most, if not all, festivals. That park sounds fun, have you not been back to check it out again since. Was it anywhere near London?

    I remember once in a London park, again many moons ago, sunning myself on one of the many lawns there, and near me was a young couple, lying around on the ground and happily drinking tins of alcohol, and getting quite merry to say the least. My attention was drawn to them because she was rather tasty looking, and from where I sat about thirty yards away I could see her carelessly sling her legs around giving me the odd sexy peek at her panties under her skirt. Very nice way to while away a few hours in the sun.

    Anyway it got better. To my left, and between me and them, was a large bushy tree clump bordering an area not generally open to the public. There weren't many other folk around. She suddenly decided to get up and head around the far side of the trees. My piss alert came on and I decided to go for a look on the off chance of being able to see her. I was glad I did because I arrived around the back of the trees just in time to see her pull her skirt up and drop those knickers I had been admiring. Her back was slightly turned towards me, and she bent over in a high crouch giving me a lovely view of her bare bum and the valley below. She was only a couple of yards away and I was able to stand and watch a beautiful piss until she finished and pulled her knickers back up, and gone back to her guy. She never turned and saw me at all, standing behind quietly watching the show.

    Fab sexy experiences, but the beauty of it was the experiences was repeated several times, each time her bladder filled up again with all that beer. Seemed to take about half an hour!

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  4. Seems this is most peoples favourite way to watch a girl peeing, and certainly mine. Too see it happen is to witness such a basic natural act but at the same time so exciting and erotic to watch, definite 'hard on' material! As we all know girls, for the most part anyway, are reluctant to let a stranger watch, unless they are pretty drunk, when caution tends to go out the window. So they usually make big efforts too conceal themselves (mores the pity). If, like me , you like to watch a stranger pee, you have to work hard and keep your eyes open to find it, even then it's rare and you have to be in the right place at the right time. Except it seems at music festivals!!

    I have been investigating the situation with music festivals. We have mostly all seen the vids and clips of it available on the web, I have seen these with varying degrees of disbelief that females will actually squat and pee so openly in front of everyone, but it has left me with an overpowering desire to visit such festivals. One female journalist who covered the big Danish festival, reported on the situation, and how she had no option but to do the same. She ended the article by commenting on the amount of strangers that must have seen her private bits in the time she was there. That made butterflys in my stomach and an intense longing to go there too.

    This has led me to do some investigation nearer home and I am told that the peeing situation may well be fairly lax as close to home as the famous T in the park in Scotland!

    I now find that there are many such events held regularly all over this country in the summer. I mentioned to my wife that it would be fun to go to a music festival. She was not that impressed with the idea. her response was 'what, get muddy and piss in your wellingtons' I didn't pursue that point with her as I didn't want to alert her to my real reason for wanting to go. It did, however, make me think that if she thought that, probably obtained from her girlfriends, there may well be a lot of info. floating around, about peeing at our festivals that I don't know. Hence this post to ask everyone who reads it. I really want to find out for myself, and for any one of us on here who may want to know the answers, and share information between ourselves!

    1. Have you any first hand knowledge of smaller English festivals, or been told if it happens at these festivals. I strongly suspect it happens at most music festivals!

    Does anyone know for certain. And of any particular festivals where they have heard about/or seen it?

    2.Has anyone ever seen it for themselves?

    Incidentally that is fantastic pic posted by Sophie of a girl squatting by her car, exactly what I imagine you might see at a festival, in all that lovely detail. I wonder if that is Sophie in the pic, or just a photo she in her collection?

  5. This was my Freshman year of high school and we had about 2 weeks of school left, and I had this bitch of a English teacher named Mrs. Ballard who everyone hated cause she would give you PM's for the absolute smallest things such, so one day me and my friends we're standing in the commons of my school and we we're waiting for out parents to pick us up and we had this secretary named Mrs. Hayes who was threatening to write us up for standing inside after school, so we all went outside and just sat there thinking we wouldn't get in trouble, but Mrs. Ballard was the after care teacher that afternoon and yelled at us telling us to go to the cafeteria, but we all we downstairs by the band room because our music teacher didn't give a shit if we we're down there, so we're down there for like 5 minutes and then Mrs. Ballard comes down there and starts bitching at us and demanding that we go to cafeteria and I was still mad at her because she had gave a PM earlier in the day, so I hide and waited till she left to come back out, so at the same time I had to piss cause I had 3 cokes earlier and I had to piss really bad, but the bathrooms always had piss on the floor and smelled like shit, so my girlfriend at the time Kenzie suggests that I go outside, so I decided to, but I soon as I walked outside I saw something in the parking lot that I couldn't take my eyes off of, it was A brand new 2000 Mustang Convertible with the roof down, and my friend Storm told me that was Mrs. Ballard's new car and I though of the best idea, Pee on the inside of the car to get revenge because she pushed me over the edge so much, so I pulled my dick out and pissed all over the interior of the car and quickly rushed inside, so a few hours passed and Mrs. Ballard was getting in her car, and the expression on her face when she smelled the piss and when she sat down in the front seat that was still wet was priceless, and that made last few weeks of putting up with her all worth it.

    I always say you get back in this world what you give out, and that seems a good case of it! I never really condone damaging other people's property but that sounds as though it was well deserved, some folk are just plain nasty aren't they. Nice one.

  6. Wow Eg what an unbelievable experience, I guess the lack of light must have been a bit frustrating though. You don't say how far above you they were, or how close you could get but it must have been awesome! I bet you were hoping they left on the same day as you, to lessen the blow of having to leave something good behind!

    It does seem surprising that they couldn't see that you where camped just below, with their bare bums in full sight.

  7. I was staying with my wife at a camping site on holiday in the South of France once a few years ago, and as the days went by we got to know loads of other people camping there too. One night we were all sat round drinking heavily, everyone was getting a bit pissed. There was a lesbian girl with us, quite attractive, but she had told us she was only into girls, so off limits to the guys. She was pretty merry and announced she needed to pee. She walked off behind where I was sat. I assumed at first she had gone out of site, or where it was a bit darker, then I could hear her giggling from close behind me and some of the others had turned to look in that direction too. Imagine my delight when I saw she had only gone away about five feet, pulled her jeans and panties down and was squatting facing us. She could have put her back to us but it was obvious in her drunk state, with her inhibitions down, she wanted us to see, or most likely the girls to see!!

    She wasn't shaved down there, and there was a fair amount of light about, I could see the piss gushing out of her hairy lips quite clearly. She didn't seem to mind so I stayed turned round and enjoyed the whole piss.

    Unfortunately none of the other girls felt inclined to do the same, but it was a great sexy experience I will remember forever.

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  8. As much as I enjoy seeing girls pee in daring/naughty places, I don't often myself. If I do have to pee outside it's normally not too obvious, although if drunk that's not always the case. Probably in the street (or I actually remember being on a bridge - but at night) is about as daring as it gets.

    Interesting to hear of female members peeing in some daring locations though.

    I remember once many years ago being totally drunk after a party, pissing right across a pathway with no one around, or so I thought in my drunken haze!!

    Suddenly around the bend appeared two friends of mine from the party, A married couple, who had stop suddenly to avoid walking right into my stream! Of course they laughed about it, and ribbed me for years. Perhaps if I hadn't been quite so drunk I might have heard them coming, or at least realized the possibility of someone else around.

    The joys of youth!!

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  9. I met up with a friend Id been on the works xmas drinking sesh the other day and she was showing all of the embarassing pics and vids from that night when one pic flicked up showing two substantial puddles in an alleyway, apparently she and her friend had gone to a pizza shop on their way home and said " we were that close to pissing ourselves whilst we ordered that we just ran across the road and went there" Then there was a pic of the takeaway followed by a few more when they got home and she never mentoned any more about it.

    She probably didn't mean you to see that pic! Unless she was going to show you anything else, I guess there wasn't much more to say about it.

    Pity they didn't get to take photos of each other pissing as they had a camera, or perhaps they did, and had been safely removed before she showed them. It seems odd for two merry girls out having fun, to just take pics of the puddles, I wouldn't mind betting there where pics of the puddles being made!

  10. A well known High Street Fashion chain store...it was in the changing room, and I was a bit miffed with the attitude of the young sales girl. I was trying on a pair of skinny jeans at the time, and asked her to get another size, she took her time, and clearly whispered something to her colleague...so I left her a little pool to mop up for her insolence before telling her to forget it..and walked out feeling very naughty and rather proud of my gift to her!

    Wow Sally, please can I come shopping with you....LOL

  11. Ive noticed there are quite a few pay toilets on the continent, Ive been to toilets in france that were essentially unisex, you went into a large room with urinals which were free to use and you had to pay at a turnstile if you wanted to use a cubicle. Other times Ive had to pay has been in pubs and bars in Holland, France and Spain and had to pay to use the toilet, usually like a euro which was very annoying as they must make a fortune from extorting people drinking in their establishment and esp as for most they were just the usual shoddily built dirty efforts, but as a lot of the time when drinking over there we'd be bar hopping so would usually just wait and find somewhere to go on the way.But to be honest I didnt really have a problem doing that.

    I do hope this growing trend for pay toilets aids our cause, and causes more girls to find somewhere quiet to pee were they can do so for free. The more girls that pee outdoors to avoid payment, the greater our chances of coming across one, out and about. Might become quite the thing, near pay toilets that have convenient places near them to use as an alternative to paying!

  12. The price asked apparently was not to use the rest room in itself, but was the fee for admission to the park for the day (or any portion thereof. Seeing as there is no way to assure that someone leaves the park shortly after entering, if they allowed people free admission on the claim that they were just going to be there for a few minutes, everyone would make that claim and not pay.

    I didn't realize from Kellygirl59's post that the $7.50 dollars was admission to the whole park! That puts quite a different slant on it. Not such a rip off after all. Of course I can still see her point, if all she wanted was a pee in the park toilet, it was a far better option to use the local Redwood tree.

  13. and

    One time we were on vacation in California. We were in the redwoods on this vacation. We had spent the night in a motel and had breakfast at a restaurant. I drank four cups of coffee with my breakfast. We were on the road when my coffee wanted out. My husband noticed that a state park was just up the road. We stopped at the park so I could use the ladies room

    The park rangers wanted $7.50 park admission for me to use the ladies room. No way would I pay that much just to pee.

    We left and went up the rooad and found a side road. We stopped and I took a Kleenex and went behind a Redwood tree and peed a gallon. Finished I wiped and went back to the car.

    I peed behind several Redwood Trees on that trip

    That's an unbelievable price to be asked to pay to use the ladies room, I don't blame you for refusing, a complete rip off!

    Did you develop a liking for peeing outdoors after that, as so many girls seem to, and can you admit to maybe a little excitement at the thought of being seen doing it?

  14. On WGP,i watched a vid of a sexy blonde pissing into a bathtub,and i understand why girls may need a wipe,as her bum,and thighs ended up running with piss,it seemed more went along her bum crack,than in the bowl!She did wipe,and that made it more horny...

    A girl once said to me that she didn't seem to be able to use the French squats without her piss spraying out all over the place! Difficult for me to understand as it doesn't seem to happen in thousands of vids I have seen where girls squat down and piss quite normally, without filling their shoes up! My helpful advice was that perhaps she should try spreading her pussy lips wide open with her fingers while she pissed. I don't know if she took my advice or not.

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  15. Mmm, I suppose your best opportunity to view wiping would be the voyeur, hidden camera type clips, often to be found on Eroprofile. There's also a subtext, to 'wipe' to 'rub' or to simply 'dab'. There's the problem with rogue droplets on the inner thigh, legs, and bottom. Also, how many sheets? Often we might take hold of the roll and fold several sheets around the hand, then wipe, or tear off a few sheets. The frustrating issue of 'no loo paper' at all, can sometimes arise in public lavatories, or to my embarrassment once or twice at friends houses...when it seems hard to shout down the stairs for a roll!

    Might be quite embarrassing (or fun depending on your slant on things) to stand at the toilet door, with your knickers round your ankles, when she (or he!) brings you the missing toilet roll up.

  16. I never really see much toilet graffiti, it's usually just the same things like a phone number or "Lucy woz ere" but there is one thing that will always stick in my mind... a shopping list.

    I was sat having a wee and just happened to notice "tomatoes" written on the door. Then underneath that was things like "bacon, face cream, muffins, wine, olive oil" all in the same handwriting and same colour pen!

    I am surprised she didn't have to take the door with her to the supermarket!! That's what I do with my shopping lists.

  17. France is great for roadside pissing, lots of rest areas with few toilets. I remember passing through France when I was about 16 and my family stopped in a rest area. I ended up having to go for a pee and the hedge was littered with disguarded tissue. Whilst I was going women in a constant flow seemed to be edging into the trees to piss

    Wow whereabouts in France was that. I motor a lot around France but usually on the Motorways where there are loads of rest areas, all with toilets! Sometimes the girls can't be bothered to walk to the toilets, and just go in the bushes, but usually they use the toilets. Perhaps there are too many guys waiting in the bushes!!

    Guess to find what you did, really need to be in rest places on the quieter N roads.

  18. Sounds as though she is really getting a buzz out of you watching. Have you tried responding by seeing if she will accept you squatting in front to watch the action close up, rather than if you just stand and wait, watching, while she does it. Let her know how much you love it, that's what I would do.

  19. ha ha, well when I was a young'n I went camping with a bunch of friends. I was laying on a cot next to

    the camp trailer when my friends mom stepped out of the trailer in a short pair of terrycloth shorts. Hair was

    hanging out of the crotch and curling under. It truly grossed me out! I was traumatized in the worst way. When

    I got older, I found my fathers dirty mags and fell in love with the shaved look. I have a saying now.

    "keep it shaved and smell'n sweet, it's guaranteed they'll always eat. But if it stinks and gunks all on it

    they'll take one look and surely vomit." LMAO

    I don't mind a little hair but I like the look, feel and taste of a fresh shaved pussy

    It's a pity that gross experience as a youngster had such a profound influence on you growing up, and your future life. One unsightly woman is hardly representative of the beauty and sexiness of a nice hairy pussy. A pussy with hairs can be just as neat and sweet smelling and tasty as any shaved one, all depends on each individual girl, of course, and how she looks after herself!

    As far as 'stinks and gunk all on it' is concerned, this is just as likely to happen with a shaved pussy as hairy one. Hairs have nothing to do with the girl being unclean, or even a bit sick down there.

  20. That's an interesting question...I must say that I am attracted to a man who is hirsute...and natural, I'm not into adornments whatsoever...and I have a penchant for an uncut penis...(I love to roll back the foreskin...it's somewhat akin to peeling the fleshy clitoral hood to see the swollen bean...)

    Being a practicing naturist it is important to me, to keep appearances neat. I am a pretty hirsute guy all over so shaving my nob and balls only, would look just plain stupid, but I absolutely hate the look of hairy balls. So I shave my balls nice and clean and any hairs down my shaft, and then clip all other pubic hair really fine, about 1/4 of an inch long. That looks really neat, and in common with everywhere else. I don't enjoy seeing guys that have shaved all their hairs off, as is so popular today. Can't see the point of it. Who would want to look like a little boy again! I enjoy being a man.

    As far as having a foreskin is concerned, I am so glad I was never circumcised as a lad. The sheer pleasure you describe above of having a girl roll my foreskin back is pure heaven. I am sure I would miss not being to do that, and to roll it back myself for a girl when the need arises....lol. I am sure my wanks are a thousand times better for having my foreskin, and keeping the helmet soft and sensitive inside it. fellow naturists that are circumcised look as though the end has hardened up a bit, possibly having lost some sensitivity, I don't know?

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  21. Well, I've just googled 'Tom Poulton', and clicked on images...uncanny resemblance to the drawing that I found in the toilets all those years ago...saucy seaside postcards often gave me a little thrill as well. Ah the joys of innocence..now with the click of a button!

    I just followed your example and googled, to see what it had to offer. Brilliant! but well worth looking at the book if you ever get the chance, to enjoy his work properly.

    I too loved the saucy seaside postcards, and still have quite a few, collected as a boy on holidays in Cornwall. Sadly not much in evidence last time I looked. I used to love ones like the girl on a weighing machine, beautiful legs with a skirt like a flared pelmet, pert bottom in the skimpiest of frilly panties, and the guy on the road behind, who had pushed a man hole cover open, and was staring up, florid face dripping sweat, tongue hanging out and a lecherous expression, while the caption had the weighing machine announcing 'You have a secret admirer'.

    They were brilliant cards.

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  22. Not exactly second hand, but observed through a frosted glass window. During my first marriage, we, like most young couples struggled to find our first house When we did, we landed in an Edwardian terraced house. Most of the houses had outside loos in the days that they were built, but had now been modernised to include an upstairs bathroom that protruded out back into the garden space. One balmy summer evening, as we sat in the garden my husband pointed out that the next door neighbour had not installed blinds in the window of their bathroom. As night fell, the light went on, and we watched as the silhouette of a young woman, slid her jeans and panties down, crouched over the loo bowl, and then wiped before standing and pulling up her clothing and flushing the toilet. Also the top window was open and we could hear it. My husband said that he looked through a little hole in the fence and caught sight of the woman lying down on the sofa, with the phone in one hand and one hand inside her jeans and knickers. We later found out that she was one of three students living in the house and studying at the local university.

    Great fun, years ago when I was a teenager, we lived in a Victorian terrace house. We were several floors up. It was a rambling place with lots of rooms, and we had a room that we used as a store/junk room, so no one went there much, except me! I discovered that the window looked down across the road and straight into a young couples living room. They could not be seen from the road and seemed to completely discount the houses opposite because they never drew their curtains.

    The husband was hardly ever there it seemed and his young wife, home alone, used to entertain herself, quite a lot actually. I seriously think she must have been insatiable because I saw her so often masturbating her pussy. She had her armchair at the back of the room facing the window, and me! and seemed to spend hours with her dress back, knickers off, legs stretched wide open, rubbing that big hairy pussy of hers like crazy. Her facial expressions were wonderful, and so exciting to me, watching and pounding my young cock. Well worth the investment in a good pair of binoculars!

    She was a bit of a naughty girl too because she had a regular, extra martial, visitor. Again she had no regard for the houses opposite, because I saw him so many times, servicing her needs in that chair. I would see him on his knees between her legs licking it for all he was worth, while her hands tried to screw his hair off. I loved just watching the pleasure, and excitement, on her face while he was licking her. He would kneel between her legs, which he got up and back, trousers around his knees. I would see his bare ass jerking as he pounded her pussy. I often wondered who else around, watched these shows with the pleasure I did, for the time they lived there.

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