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Posts posted by Calvin45

  1. I think the naughtiest would have been about 2 weeks ago. I had just returned form a trip, my roommate picked me up from the airport. It was fairly late (or early) around 9:30pm. I was still in my uniform, but we decided to go for a drive. I wasn't quite desperate yet. I don't know if she likes watching me squirm now that she knows I enjoy holding and peeing myself, but it seems, when I start, she figures out a way to extend the ride. That night, I  was barely able to hold hold, i.e. starting to leak, which means not much longer. I had my hand down my pants, holding and rubbing. Just as we were about to turn down our street she asks, " can we go around the block, please, so I can smoke another cigarette?" Of course...she had to have seen me. Soon I was rubbing harder and my hips started moving as well, I started to get hard.  I turned down a block earlier and gasped, "I need to pee." Basically covering a moan. As we pulled up into the driveway, I started feeling the unmistakable tingle start and couldn't stop. I pulled into the garage, and before I could stop, groaned and came hard. She said, "Please, don't pee in the car." And without thinking I gasped, "I am not peeing, I am cumming...." her eyes, widened and she looked quickly down at my hands...."ohhhh...." Yup, I think that was the naughtiest and most unintentional masturbating I have done.

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  2. I have. I drank my girlfriends pee way back in my college days. This morning, I peed a little into my coffee that I made in my hotel room. Sometimes I will lie on my back in the bathtub and  out my legs up the wall and pee, trying to aim for my mouth.

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  3. Yes I have. Sometimes just because there were no rest stops available, and a couple of times because I was so desperate, it was either pee in car or pull over quickly and pee on the side of the road.

    One of my memorable times was while I was out driving around the city, I miss gaged my bladder and became very desperate. I was on the freeway with my friend (before she knew I had this little fetish) I really needed to pee so I quickly pulled off in to the access road thinking that I would pull off into a side road and go. Nope, had to pull off to side of the road, quickly hopped out squatted right by drivers door and lost it.....luckily it was dark and no other cars came up behind us. Have to admit, was fun driving around with wet pants.

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  4. On 7/22/2024 at 11:30 AM, K9bro said:

    May or may not be my coffee at work


    Wouldn't it be ironic if that were my coffee and I saw you do that. I wouldn't say anything. I would let you finish, then walk by you sipping the coffee. You secretly smiling thinking I did not know what was in my coffee, and me secretly smiling because I do know.

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