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Everything posted by Sarah_Hiker31

  1. I love wearing and squatting down to pee while wearing tight clothes but I don’t like wetting.
  2. I have. When I was younger. About around 14 or 15. I would go out hiking a lot with my sister. Many times while hiking me and her have both had to pee so we’d duck behind a few trees and just squat to do our business. It was pretty normal to us considering we’ve seen many others do it.
  3. Of course! Ha, I love wearing leggings and yoga pants on my hikes. I love how free they make me feel.
  4. Exactly! I felt so embarrassed when he was just looking at me with my lips down there wide open with urine gushing out onto the forest floor 😝
  5. It’s happened one time during a running practice when I was running in the forest. I was wearing loose athletic shorts and had to urinate so I moved a few feet to the side of the trail and pulled the crotch of my shorts to the side. I was spraying the ground and a man walked near me and saw the whole ordeal. He apologized profusely while I kept watering the ground and I said it was no big deal. 😂
  6. I do feel naughty at times when passerby’s stumble upon me relieving myself outdoors 😅
  7. I love hiking in my free time and always enjoy the nature. Recently, I went out hiking this past weekend because the weather was warmer than usual. I wore light blue leggings and a light hoodie. I usually get really thirsty on my walks so before I left the house I drank 2 bottles of water. I'm known to have a very large bladder so i assumed that I'd be back home before I'd have to use the restroom. I went out and jogged into my local park where I found a worn down trail that doesn't look like it has much use. I found a flat clearing where I could take a breather and stretch for a bit. As I was
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