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Posts posted by p1ssputz

  1. I lurked.

    There was some good content. One in particular was someone named SickGurl - I loved some of her stories, mostly naughty stuff. There were other accounts - one was named abbabebba or something like that, and I remember some of those stories. Unfortunately, that's all gone. There's a site called SimilarWorlds but I didn't get deep into it.

  2. I went through this. You don't know me, but I had an active profile on here which I decided to delete for various reasons. I recreated the profile a little while back but I'm not really active in the way that I used to be.

    I was into "naughty" peeing and piss vandalism but I've kind of become disinterested in the fetish; part of it is what you described - the content that is out there simply isnt worth it. The communities aren't really worth it either. It just becomes really predictable and disappointing.

    I think that for me, it was a combination of the three - the piss stuff that I was into, I'd seen most of it and just got bored, the quality that I wanted wasn;t there, and I think I also kind of started losing interest with age. I felt the same way about it - I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or if there was something wrong, and I tried to maintain the previous level of interest, but it just kind of faded. I was in a negative cycle of habits for a long time regarding porn and I think I just kind of blew myself out of it, I don't know.

    I'm 37 if it makes a difference. When I was 17 I loved everything related to this stuff - now, I dont know anymore.

  3. On 2/12/2024 at 2:15 PM, Scot_Lover said:

    G’day all.  

    I’m programming (putzing around with it more like it) using VS Code on a Windows 11 pc. This also runs CoPilot, Microsoft/Bing implementation of A.I. 

    A recent update incorporates Copilot into VS Code, and you can now ask it to write code for you. I tested this with 3 questions, ‘show me the code to obtain MAC addresses, show me the code to obtain ip address of MAC addresses and show me the code to import into Excel’

    It did this easily, with options to use Python, C+ and C#. 

    Is this still programming? Are the advances in A.I taking away our artistic abilities? I know programming isn’t an art form, it’s more like sorcery, but I’ve seen A.I generated art, stories and now coding has been added.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on the way this  technology is heading?

    Languages learning models in regards to coding will eventually easily provide solutions to problems that are essentially already solved (as that's part of its nature by default). It likely won't solve unknown programming problems or patterns and will probably have some trouble architecting larger solutions for a long while. However, it is good as a code snippet tool when you are able to provide adequate guidance to what you want and have the ability to know when the generated code needs to be edited to work correctly in a certain context.

    At this point in time it's more like an automated check of StackOverflow than anything else, but that will probably change in the future.

    I don't think it's necessarily taking away our artistic abilities, but I do think that it will have a profound impact on "mainstream" art and culture. I think that we are people will start to adapt to it just as much as it adapts to us, if not more so.

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  4. On 11/11/2023 at 12:53 PM, bane said:

    Hey everyone! Wondering if any of you have any experiences of peeing and accidentally splashing someone? Or perhaps you were on the receiving end, or witnessed this happen to someone else? I'm sure it happens with somewhat regularity at venues like house parties, outdoor concerts, etc. Here was one that I found awhile back that I found to be wonderful:


    Anyone else have any good stories? Sadly, non yet for me. 


    Where'd you find that story?

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