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Posts posted by pee2poop

  1. The doctors were ready and waiting, there had been a horrible car accident and many people were on their way to the hospital. Miranda was the head doctor and so  she had to be in all the operations.

    The patients arrived it was like a horror scene as the nurses and doctors attended to them.  They moved quickly and speedy. 

    Miranda was on watch the whole time, as she sat sipping her drinks and watching over everyone, she was absolutely nervous for all. 

    Then as  the operations  ended  the last of the day, Miranda started to feel the beverages she had drank start to become a bother and really make her feel desperate to pee quite badly. 

    As she sat there in her scrubs watching the action below and not being able to stay still she squirmed and squirmed. 

    Then not wanting to miss a moment, quickly ran behind the bleachers she was on and pulled down her bottoms and panties quickly exposing herself to all who passed by, squatted very low and after removing her pants and panties let out a massive torrent of pee that she had been holding unto the past few hours. It went splattering out of her pussy in a huge massive stream hissing as it went  and with a push she moved herself to aim far away. The pee  pooling nearby, a small lake, it went on for a good 5min, just going and going. A huge  relief  was on her face. 

    Then her pee stopped and she pushed herself letting out a couple more spirts before fully  stopping and her grabbing her panties wiped her pussy off and stood up. Then grabbing her bottoms and putting them back on, going commando. She  watched the end of the surgery and sanitized her hands and discarded her very wet panties. 

    Then after the surgery with  congratulations to her crew  of nurses and doctors she went home. She grabbed  new panties and clothing and went to the gym to use the bathroom and change. 

    What a relaxing day. Psssss pssssss! 


  2. No peed on is better then peeing on them. Especially in the private area unless you are wanting to drink it. The sound and feel of it leaving them and running unto you would be an absolute turn on and the smell doesn't hurt either.  As long as you are close to the person! 

  3. I know most people know of the musical urine town. This is the premise of it plus a fifictional story add on. I am not rewriting the story though!

     My Story contains peeing, desperation and relief.

    There was a town, small in comparison to other towns nearby, the only difference being that you had to pay to pee. 

    Sure if you were a guy it would be easy as you could just deposit your coin and pull your cork out and   go but girls were costly. It was only to pee only  not poop which cost 0. 

    When you were desperate and struggling to hold it in, it costs you $2 if you were bursting it costs $5 and the sweet relief spot can cost up to $10.

    There is a fine as well if you cannot make it and go somewhere else. The sensor would show when you arrived. 

    Ariel and Nattalie were friends they had just moved to town and it costing $ was new to them. They had been relaxing by the lake sipping water as they pleased. 

    Then suddenly they began to feel the water hitting them, This town seemed strange but otherwise normal. 

    The only public bathroom in town was a pay to pee style bathroom, there was a coin machine attached to the toilet. You typed in what you were about to do. This was put in place to avoid homeless people using it and for the community to make $.

    You could use the ones at people's homes but you must ask them first and hardly anyone liked that. 

    Ariel and Nattalie being quizzitive women as they were older then 18, tried to figure out another way for relief. But without luck were forced to using the bathroom  and scrounging for $. 

    Being very desperate they each put in $5 and waited for response from the toilet. Then as there was only one toilet each took turns.  Ariel put in $10 and waited, then sitting down on the toilet  pulled pants and underwear down and let go, pee shooting out of her pussy rappidly, streaming into the toilet, hissing as she went  and relief showing on her face. After 5min it  stopped and she wiped and stood up. Then pulled her pants and underwear up and stood face  against the wall so her friend could go. 

    Now Nattalie  loaded the toilet with her $ and pulled her dress up and underwear down and sat down on the toilet as  pee came gushing out of her pussy filling the toilet up as she peed,  Then after it  stopped  a few minutes later  she wiped and stood up, pulling her underwear up and smoothing her dress down. She flushed, both their pee going down as it also costs to flush, so they just waited till both had gone to flush. 

    Then they left and santized their  hands as washing them would be too costly, the town needed $ after all and holding arms decided that if they were going to live in this town, they had better stock up on coins.  Maybe even get a job but relief is better then desperate feeling anyday no matter the cost. 

    So remember nothing is free in life, not even pee! Plus  have $  on you because you never know when it might be handy! 








  4. Beth and Becky were twins, they did everything together, if one was there the other was close by, they even dated in pairs, sometimes they even went out just the two of them. 

    This was one of those days, when one felt a little naughty and the other taged along after some resentment and argument. They decided the park would be a great place to go as they could act like kids and nobody would question it. 

    So they set out playing on the slide, monkey bars, swings and so on, then they thought to build a sandcastle before heading home. 

    After all lunch was over and nothing happened till dinner so they continued having fun building it to the top, tall with a moat around it. They had brought lots of water as building is thirsty work. Just as they were finishing up though they began feeling a little bit desperate but having fun ignored it.

    Admiring the work as desperation got a little intense and thinking they could wait to get to their friends place continued playing, until they couldn't move without leaking and their was no bathrooms in view so they quickly grabbed some leaves from in front of them and ran into the forest beside the playground. It was a few trees not a full forest.

    Then once there faced away from each other and pulled their pants and underwear down quickly then grabbing each other's hand quickly squatted side by side. Then let go of each other and leaning against the trees, let go. Pee came streaming out of Beth's pussy as she let go hissing and  pattering unto the forest floor as she went. As she reached the minute mark Becky started to also pee, hers gushing  and noisly coming out of her pussy. Simultaneously they peed on. 

    They continued going side by side as a puddle formed behind them, strong and long as it was close to 5min and no sign of stopping for another minute stopped  then after  they each wiped themselves with the leaves they had in their pockets and pulled up their underwear and pants, helping each other up and staring at the giant sized puddle they had made then   sanized hands with the santizers they always had on them and went to head back to the playground before going home. 

    When you think of twins personally being together always most people don't think synchronization but these twins were different, usually if one had to go so did the other, you could hear them if quiet in the  public bathroom side by side, in different stalls Simultaneously peeing with the music  on the radio almost in tune, always with a great relief afterwards. 

    Music to the ears... hiss, pisss, hiss, pisss.

  5.  Boy are they as Painful like heck, my only issue is if it's your period at the same time, figuring out where the blood is from. Do you  Pee on towel? Pee so you can see where or feel it? What's the best way for a girl to find out? Just curious! 


  6. For those who have never seen the athletic park, it consists of a racetrack, yard for football games, Saskatoon bushes as it is part of the high school. Which I live across from.  

    Soccer and baseball fields, it seems big.

    Story contains peeing, desperation and relief.

    Sam and Ally went to the park, they brought along bottles of water to drink as they moved around. 

    Sam which stands for Samantha was a big girl lots of curves and was never seen in a dress as Ally was tiny and almost always wore a dress, without underwear. 

    Why you ask? We are just getting there. So they went to the park, raced each other and moved about quickly, playing and having fun, enjoying the water. 

    Then all of a sudden Ally starts dancing around desperately looking around for the bathrooms. There is a couple portables and a small bathroom which a key is required for.

    Everything was locked and out of order, so being herself Ally nudged Sam and left her standing there as she ran into the bush. Once there she lifted her dress and high squatting it  peed strongly into the bush underneath, it streaming  out of her pussy, and the relief on her face, once done she wiped with her dress and left the bushes to find her friend. 

    Sam now was quite desperate herself wondering if there was a more secluded place goes down the bush farther in until all you see is bush, now pulling her pants and underwear down squats low and  bladder paning her let go, pee cascading out of her pussy messily, splashing unto the bush, hissing as it goes, Then dwindling down to drips and grabbing a leaf she wipes her pussy dry, then pulls up her pants and underwear and looks for her friend. 

    Now finding each other again they each take turns sanitizing their hands with the santizer Sam has on her and looking for the park exit head out to go for coffee and talk. Wondering where else they could find as a makeshift toilet or resourceful place to pee. 

    All relieved and empty once more. 






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  7. Sussy was ready waiting dressed up for  her boyfriend  Daniel to come down to see her, she was dressed in a cute sundress and very high heels that were hard to walk in. She wasn't wearing underwear as she was expecting to have sex together afterwards. 

    They had many many drinks and she was feeling a tad tippsy, unknowingly the appartment had very uneven stairs and craked cement to top it off. 

    On her way back after Daniel had gone inside and she was going up to meet him, her heel caught and she fell forwards brusing her leg and scraping and brusing her face as she landed with a thump. Then on the way up after drinking all those drinks she fell on her hands and knees again, so she took her heels off and went barefoot, but  just as she was standing up all the liquids she had drank hit her and using her hands to get up, kneeling was just too much on her poor bladder and she let go, peeing unto the entryway floor, she had drank a lot but  after a few seconds was able  shut things off and got up and quickly ran to the nearest bathroom, which happened to be on that floor, ran into a stall sat down hard on the toilet and let go,  pee streaming out of her pussy, thundering on and on as she finally expelled all the drinks she had that evening, lasting well over a minute then just driping as she wiped her pussy dry,  then she stood up and readjusted her dress, stumbling out of the bathroom sanitizing hands  along the way and going  into the elevator and up to his place, feeling lightheaded and dizzy, headaches too as she stumbled through the door and into Daniel's arms. A little less pretty then before as the dress was stained with urine and the bed was too far away so they went into the living room for the after party sex and coffee. Then afterward each took a turn giving the other golden showers. LAST TIME SEEING THOSE SO CALLED FRIENDS WHO LOVED PARTYING.. 



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  8. Story includes female peeing, desperation and relief. 

    Goldilocks was tired and alone, walking through the woods towards grandma's house on  the other side of the forest. As she was walking she ran into the bears heading back home after a stop for berries. They invited her to come to the lake and the prized berry bush with them, so she followed them and enjoyed herself emensley. As an adult there was no curfew or time restrictions  on her. Handful after handful of water she drank. The bears were lots of fun to hang with and she was invited back to their home afterwards. The front door had a three leaf clover on it. She tried all the places to sit, one to hard,another to soft and the last to small. She even tasted their porridge. Then they brought out the special guest furniture and it was just right.  She now was beginning to feel desperate, beginning to dance around from all the water, the bears even joined in the dance. Then she said she wasn't dancing she just really needed the bathroom. So she went to their bathroom, tried the hard, soft toilets and the potty sized one belonging to the little bear though none fit. Then the smallest  bear led her to the guest bedroom with ensuite. There she tried the toilet and it was just her size, so then the bear left  to find his parents and she lowered her pants and underwear and sat down hard on the toilet, Her  pee streaming  out of her pussy, strong, thick and powerful, it just kept going on and on into the toilet water turning it yellow,  then a good five minutes later her  pee finally came to a stop and she  dripped into the toilet for a few seconds   then after   she wiped, stood up and pulled her pants and underwear up  and santized  her hands.  After she left to find the bears and lay down for a quick nap before heading out. Finally releaved, The bears  were hanging outside the door, the littlest one  commenting on how long she had  peed and wondering if all people had extremely large bladders and could go like a large  fountain.They couldn't as bears. She then headed on her way after making 3 new friends and knowing if she was  ever stuck in the woods she had a place to go and use the bathroom at. The halfway point between home and grandma's, otherwise she mightve had to go in the woods as she had  had to go  very urgent and desperately. 







    • Haha 1
  9. Story includes peeing, desperation,  relief. 

    We all decided to get together and play a game of poker. At Sandra's but to make it interesting we set up a bet. You could drink all you wanted but had to hold it till game end to use the bathroom, otherwise if you couldn't and became desperate  you would have to stop playing and grab a kleenex and a bowl from the cupboard and pop a squat and go pee into the bowl  right in front of the other girls. 

    So the four of us sat down and began our card game. There was Ally, Bridget, Sandra and myself Karen.

    The 1st to stop playing was Ally, followed by Bridget and lastly Sandra. As usual the only one to make it through the whole game was myself. 

    I have a huge bladder capacity and it takes a lot to make me feel it. So any way we start playing and the dancing starts, desperation becoming apparent as time goes by. 

    One by one we drink our liquids and play our cards, Then Ally and Bridget both start squirming around making their need apparent to us all, so Ally grabs a bowl and a kleenex, Gets on the floor in front of us pulls down her pants and underwear and  kneels over  the bowl, it under her she pees strong and hard into  the bowl. As the pee streams from her pussy and starts filling the bowl, going and going then stopping she wipes herself off and pulls up her pants and underwear as Bridget begins to feel it as well, grabbing a bowl and kleenex and setting it down on the ground, pulls up her dress and  down her underwear as she squats on top of the bowl and  begins to pee,  it starts going  out of her pussy and sputtering into the bowl. Hissing as it leaves her. At this point we are staring  flabbergasted but trying to focus on our now 2 person game. 

    So we take 1 bowl and dump it into the other, almost filling it, now Sandra takes her pants and underwear off and we call the game quits as she sits down on her chair with the now empty  bowl in front of it  on the floor and she scoots to the front  of the chair and relaxes pee streaming into the bowl from above, boy she must have  had to go  bad as it kept cascading into the bowl almost  filling it up. Then after the pee stops  her and Bridget who is still squatting both take their kleenex and wipe themselves dry, throwing the used tissues into the bowls and standing up. Bridget pulling down her dress and underwear up and Sandra her pants and underwear up. 

    I  now take the bowls of pee and dump them into the toilet and set them empty piled on the bathroom counter,  then pull off  my capris and underwear and sit down  on the toilet as pee comes streaming out of my pussy  and down into the toilet, for a good  solid five minutes straight, then after  it stops  I wipe and do rituals, now  pulling my capris  and underwear up, sanitizing my hands as I  leave   the bathroom to join the others.. who also sanitize their hands and  then go on their merry way. 

    Everyone is relieved!  I have won the 1st ever game of pee poker. The start of a new game is born  and our now annual piss party comenses. 






  10. Arrived to the appointment, Suzzy  the technician was waiting, the dr told me Susan make sure you drink lots and come with a full bladder. I layed down, as she put the jelly on me quickly ran the receiver over my body, 

     It took pictures  and told me to roll over and breathe deeply. As she pressed hard on my very full bladder. I could feel the pressing as the images rolled on the screen. Then she announced we were done just a couple of more pictures but an empty bladder was needed for it.

    I asked where the bathroom was, she strangly looked at me as she stated the building does  not have bathrooms. Then she gave me a kleenex to hold and hooked up a hose like apparatus with a flat front to me and said just relax and let go, as I peed the machine sucked it all up. I kept going and going until I was empty and then pushed a bit more and it went in, then she took it off me, as I used the kleenex to wipe myself,  then pulled down my gown and  she finished the testing. 

    After that I got ready and left as she took a turn using the machine on herself, putting it against her pussy and just peeing into it. I could see the relief on her face as I left the building. 

    It was the strangest test ever taken but boy did I feel relieved to be empty. Has anyone ever tested like that before? 

    Suzzie sure knows her stuff. Plus it saved me from having to pee into a cup afterwards as the machine records all that necessary information as it works, sucking up all the pee.  I suggest next time drink a lot just as you are set up to do an ultrasound then the relief will be so much greater afterwards. 

    Boy those machines work well. 




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  11. Includes. Desperation, relief, women peeing. 

    Tara and Karen were walking around town, it started as a way to get exercise but after a little while they couldn't remember where they were. 

    The houses started to get a little more strange looking and  further away , the forrest was big and never seemed to end. 

    They were training for the upcoming marathon for cancer coming up, they wanted to be in tip top shape. So they were thirstly drinking water out of the bottles they had and trying to figure a way out. 

    They were not panicked yet but were beginning to feel the effects of the water. Thinking they saw a light in the horizon they moved following it, still a ways into the forest and no sign of escape yet, they searched and searched to find a way out. 

    Now feeling quite full from all the water and beginning to feel desperate, they looked again at the map which showed the direction that they were going was indeed the correct way out.

    They continued walking until Tara couldn't move without peeing herself and Karen was right behind  her the same feeling creeping up on her. 

    So knowing there were no choice they checked their bags for the hand sanitizers they always carried and moving behind a tree one on one side of the clump of Forrest  the other on the other,  quickly took their shoes off. 

    Tara no longer balanced on the leaves moved grabbed a couple  of leaves and squatted  lowering her shorts and underwear as she went, as she relaxed  pee started  streaming  down out of her pussy and going on  steadily for a minute or so making a giant puddle under her hissing  until  the pee stopped she  then wiped herself with the leaves and threw them down, pulled her shorts, underwear up and shoes back on. Sanitized hands and went to look for Karen.

    Karen at this time also dropped her pants and underwear and stood facing the trees, put her hands on her bladder and pushed her butt up, pee started gushing out her pussy  and making a small puddle as  she  standing watering the leaves under her, knees slightly bent, peeing never felt so good,  until it stopped and she also grabbed a couple leaves and wiped herself off, then throwing them in her puddle she pulled her underwear and pants up and sanitized her hands. 

    Now both feeling much better looked at the map one more time, found the exit and looked up seeing the same spot moved toward it. 

    Finally out of the Forrest they located home and traveled there.. meeting up along the way with a very desperate Mandy. 

    Who now moved behind the last group of trees lowered her pants and underwear and squatted feet apart, after waiting a minute her pee started coming  streaming out of her pussy, noisily hissing  for a good 5 minutes as she had been quite full then stopping, she grabbed a few leaves and wiped her pussy off, throwing them down after then pulling up her pants and underwear sanitized hands and looked at the giant puddle she made  with her big pee, then turned and went with her friends home. 

    What a day, hopefully the marathon would go better as the trail weaved in and out of the valley.





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  12. Josh loved when his girlfriend Julie did strange and unusual things, this Valentine’s Day would be like none other. Julie thought of all the wonderful ways to make Josh's day. 

    Josh first bought flowers for Julie then stocked up on teddy's. She was a collector after all. Then bought chocolates, It had been a special morning. He gave her all her valentines at lunch. Then spend time alone until supper. 

    They were to have supper out  together and then head home after. The night was still young and there was love making to do. 

    But as the afternoon wore on, Julie started preparing for dinner and getting ready for the night together, setting out her nightwear gave her ideas though.

    So they both  got ready and left for a wonderful dinner, ate lots of different foods and drank lots of water because of the salt the meat had called for it, sat around talked and had a couple cups of coffee. 

    Then went back home and relaxed watched TV and enjoyed time together, that was until the liquids started catching up, they were changing for love making when the desperation started. 

    Josh went outside and pulled his cork out then peed on a tree and put his cork back in his pants and  stood back  Julie meanwhile headed towards him with her dress up and no underwear on. 

    She squatted beside him and let out a  stream from her pussy unto the grass, it had been quite awhile since she had last peed so it went on a few minutes, just spraying out, then dripping before stopping.  She then grabbed a leaf and wiped herself dry,  What a relief! What a big puddle! 

     Then they rolled around in the grass  before heading in to finish the love making. Which during they both had to go pee again and took turns giving each other golden showers.  Then got underwear back on and  sanitized hands and then it was a night so  Josh headed home. ALL AND ALL IT WAS A  GREAT VALENTINE’S DAY.

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  13.  story includes, desperation. relief and peeing. 

    Everyone  on the titanic was tired from being awaken in the middle of the night. The decks though had washrooms  that people could use if desperate but the boat was sinking and nobody was thinking that way. 

    Rose and Jack felt the ship hit the iceberg, Rose began to wish she had decided not to drink so much earlier  as the sloshing around inside her was worse then the water pooling around them sinking the ship. 

    As Rose frantically looked for Jack and  trying to find the closest bathroom. Reality struck in, they were going to die... or she would pee herself before being rescued. 

    As the boat filled up with water and all the small boats had left she was running out of options as she didn't want to go down with the ship.  So they jumped into the freezing water. As  they struggled to keep upright and swim  in the cold water making her need to pee greater and not knowing when the relief would be, they found a piece of plastic big enough to sit  or lay on but only room for one. 

    As she now sat in the cold air wondering where the boats were and Rose realizing she was alone  as Jack was not on the piece of plastic and was tòo cold to save, she stayed holding on for dear life. 

      She moved around careful not to tip the plastic over, as she  layed back and  pulled her stockings and underwear down and  off with her shoes  then sat up   moving her body over the water, but  not in it,  the breeze   feeling cool, she was  waiting for the rescue boat, she sat thinking about Jack and promising herself  not to forget him.

    Moving closer to the edge laying back  a bit to keep her legs out of the water,  she sat up  and   leaned forward    peeing  into the ocean  emptying her bladder and   relief finally showing on her face as the pressure left and her body relaxed pee jetting out of her pussy rappidly as she hadn't gone in a long time. Minutes went by and it continued until her pee  started  dwindling down and slowly coming to a stop, she took her underwear  and rubbed her pussy dry  with  it and decided to forgo putting it back on as it was wet, pulled her stockings on and  up and her dress down and stuffed the underwear in her dress pocket and sat up cross-legged  as the rescue boat came into sight and using every breath she had she blew into the whistle she had on her neck until the ship stopped beside her.

    As she got on the other boat, she slowly looked at the very  cold water and the yellowish tinge she had left slowly disappearing into it,  she covered up with a blanket and  started warming herself  up  as  they went to safety, getting other survivors as they went, but also seeing the poor folks who didn't make it. 

    Her  feeling glad to be alive and finally empty as they came to shore,  Then she sanitized her hands with the boats sanitizer and  went to shore looking around at all the people who survived but knowing a lot more hadn't. 












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  14. Sam was running a lemonade stand for her son,  to make extra money for school.  She had set everything outside and even tried a few cups to make sure it tasted good, brought out ingredients to make more and piled  the empty cups up so when somebody bought a cup she just had to fill it. 

    Her son Sean was running around being his helpful self, then he ran inside the house and being a funny guy locked his mom out thinking of it as a practical joke. 

    Sam was minding the stand but at this moment she began feeling desperate to pee so she tried the door finding it locked, she looked around the front yard  and  being alone grabbed a couple of paper napkins, kicking off her pants and underwear, she squatted behind the nearest bush, grabbed a couple of the cups that were piled up off the table and put one up to her pussy, she let go peeing into the cup until  it was full then setting it down and switching cups a couple of  times  this way she  continued going until empty, then  she wiped with the table cloth  as the napkins were now dirty from the wet table  and pulled her underwear and pants up just as her son was appearing again.

    She then sanitized her hands and made sure nobody else was nearby. Just then Joe her neighbor from around the corner, came over and picked up one of the cups  and drank it, then grabbed another and did the same, by now starting to taste it but not caring he finished off the last one and asked for more lemonade. 

    Sean now appearing looked at him strangely as his mom Sam told the guy she had been  desperate to pee and used a few  of the cups as a  toilet because  her little guy had locked her outside and those were the cups Joe had drank. 

    Then filled his cup with lemonade and he tasted it  saying  it tasted much sweater. Then leaves the area walks a block away and once alone  turns and pulls his cork out and pees on his neighbors tree, stuffs it back in his pants and then turns and waves at Sam before disappearing around the corner to his home.  The kid hiding under the table seeing nothing.

    Normal day i think not: but a very successful sale none the less.




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  15. Includes peeing, desperation 

    Everyone was gathered around the Christmas tree, presents galore and all the cousins, the kids were in their own circle hanging around and playing fun games. 

    One after another the family's started to leave, outside getting into cars to head home.

    Heather was the last to leave, Martha  in tow she left the party with her daughter who was pretending to be a puppy. 

     All  Heather had to do was to round up Martha then they could get going. They were the last and  It had been a long day of partying and drinking but at last the place  was locked  up and they were ready to head out.

    But at this exact moment Martha and Heather both  began to feel desperate to pee after having much to drink  and quickly ran behind a bush and Heather pulled her pants and underwear down and helped Martha do the same. Then squatting down as low as possible.  Heather  went, her pee gushing out and spraying everywhere as she aimed it  downwards pushing on her bladder,  it splattered down and  out of her pussy  and pooled into a small lake under her  and turning the snow yellow, going and going  on and on for a few minutes before stopping and her grabbing a kleenex from her pocket  wiped herself off threw the kleenex down  and pulled her pants and underwear up and then  helped Martha by holding her to make things easier as Martha  went pee. Pee  streaming out of her  little pussy  going on a few minutes  before stopping and starting again until she was empty and as she stood dripping looked up at her Mom who handed her a Kleenex to wipe with and toss down  after which she helped her pull her pants and underwear up and they both sanitized hands and got into the car and headed home. Heather still in shock looking over at Martha and wondering how such a small vessel could hold so much. Minutes later  both with relief on their faces they traveled down the road home


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  16. Story contains peeing, relief. 

    Sam was busy, it was a special day as it was nearing her time until she left the company. She had been with them 5yrs and it was her last day. 

    She as usual took the elevator up to her office and worked very hard until time to go home. She had drank a lot of water and was going down to leave with her boyfriend in tow. Feeling extremely thirsty though she had chugged another bottle of water after leaving the bathroom and was working on a 2nd.

    Her boyfriend Matt  up against her pressuring her to have sex in the elevator. The elevator suddenly came to a stop without warning. 

    The two of them stuck, he thought that now was a great time for the relationship to go to the next level and was pressuring her into it.

    As he pushed  himself into her, the pressure inside her from all the water she  drank started increasing and painfully she pushed  herself away from  him as the desperation intensified. 

    He turned his back as she fell to the elevator floor in pain, then crouching down to reach in her bag, she pulled out her lunch box and opened it, taking the napkin out and stuffing it momentarily down her shirt. Setting the open lunchbox down.  

    She then   pulled her pants and underwear down to her ankles and off with her shoes  and set them beside her  then stood up   and with her legs open wide she  placed the lunchbox under herself and squatted over it.

    Pee came streaming out  of her pussy filling the box and hissing as it went, relief on her face,  as she went and went then it  stopped and she moved the box over and  pushed on  her bladder and the pee  started again . She went  slowly at 1st then intensifying it continued before stopping completely. Then as she was squatted  there dripping she took the napkin out of her shirt, wiped her pussy off  to get rid of all drips and  threw the napkin in the lunchbox and set it down to  put her pants and underwear back on.

     Then as she stood there looking down at the pee filled lunchbox  and wondering how it all came from her  the elevator gave a quick jolt and started up again, splashing pee  into the floor and  landing them on floor 2,  she then  took a quick look at her boyfriend  nervously, quickly ran  off  the elevator to the nearest bathroom and closest stall  to dump the lunchbox out and then  finish going pee before taking the stairs down a level   (as she was a bit afraid of elevators now)and going home,  now unsure of their relationship status as he had  likely heard her peeing on the elevator in desperation and not knowing if she would find a bathroom in time.








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    Story contains peeing, desperate feeling, relief. 

    Ella was a grump nobody could figure out why. She lived all alone and hardly saw others. 

    Anyway one very desperate night 3 toilets came to show her the sights,

    one the past was a chamber pot and showed her how evolution of bathrooms  took place.

    Two the present was a normal cubicle toilet which showed how day to day life was in different parts of the world.

    Three the future was automatic and showed how things could be if people were more inventive.

    Then Ella woke it was a dream and having feeling so scared and desperate was sure to change her ways and make the world a better place

    So  she went outside by her waterfall and got naked went under the falls where she wasn't wet but was on a small land piece steps  into the falls  on the edge of the land and squatting pees strong, long and hard into the water, the stream goes on a good few minutes and sputters, hisses and continues as she pushes her bladder. Going and going then stops, she stands and aiming her pussy upward into the falls rinses it off, leaves behind the falls.

    Then getting dressed and happiness like never had before she heads to town figuring our the wonderful ways she can teach others about inventions, the environment and not wasting things, changes in the world . Taking evolution into consideration and all, she started her new life.. 

    What to do when you have to desperately pee and its making you grumpy. By Ella 

    1. Find a toilet, chamber pot, outhouse or portapotty.

    2. If none available find a bush or waterfall to get behind. 

    3. Sit down on the land  or  squat in the water,  stand if a guy, relax and relax and pee until empty colouring the water as you go then rinse off or wipe. 

    4. The grumpy desperate feeling going away as relief sets in. 

    These days don't be surprised to find her teaching by the waterfall for demonstrating purposes, with a few others around, happily by example showing how to  pee into the water as her pee comes out  splashing and hissing as it leaves her pussy, streaming into the water, bubbling and turning it yellow as she goes until no more comes then wipes if something handy or uses the falls for a quick wash off, then dresses and waits  while others follow suit the  pee coming streaming and hissing out of their pussies and cocks  or gushing out  at an incredible force into the water then dripping with  relief on the faces.  The future is ours! 






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  18. Story contains peeing, relief. Desperate feeling. 

    Abigail  and Sarah walked to the lake, it was not a far walk  from home and they  brought lots of bread to feed the birds. 

    The birds really liked scooping up the crumbs from the bike path. The path seemed to circle the lake and lead to a playground and splash park.

    The trouble was at that park there was only 1 portapotty and it was often in use. Sure there were a few bushes around but mostly everyone can see you. 

    So a few people  went into the lake to pee but not a lot. Abigail being the adventurous type had tried it once  

    So after downing  a couple coffees each   they started the walk, it was a lovely day and all the people were having fun. 

    Of course at this moment Abigail started to feel desperate for a pee, she brought 2 waters and was chugging  one down as well. 

    But being her she had ignored  the feeling until it was almost to late. So she looked around, saw the portapotty was in use  but  very desperate she  ran behind it and set her stuff down on the grass, pulled her clothing off    and  beside her stuff  squatted down very low and relaxed her pee now started flowing out of her pussy  hissing and  streaming,  splattering into the grass under her, steadily coming out  for a few minutes as her bladder deflected then it  stopped, and   she pushed and it started again,  then quit, her empty now and  her  having nothing to wipe with  she sat  down and quickly rubbed her pussy dry on the grass. Got up again and put her clothing back on, sanitized her hands and left the spot relief showing on her face. Then Sarah took a turn to pee pulling  her  clothing off as she walked to the same spot as Abigail had  squatted quickly down as   her pee came  gushing out splattering down stopping and starting as it went for about a min as she didn't drink nearly  as much as Abigail had, then stopped and she also rubbed her pussy on the grass, sitting right down on it and  then got up put her clothing back on. Sanitized hands  and they  walked home stopping only to finish their water.

    By the time they arrived home Abigail  was beginning to feel desperate to pee again and finding out she had locked herself out as well as her friend  now had to wait for her brother to bring the key.

    It took him a while to find the key to Abigail's place and as they  waited Abigail felt her bladder bulge and pain her. Desperately to avoid leaking  she ran behind a bush, pulled her  clothing   off and squatted, pee came streaming out, of her pussy noisily hissing as it splattered into the dirt, puddle forming,  strong, steady  lasting a very long time almost  5min  then stopped, she now ran on to her lawn dripping and  in front of everyone as her friend watched and  if her neighbors  were out they also saw, her  laying in the grass, rubbing her pussy dry   naked and then  stood up showing off for the whole neighborhood ran back and put her clothing back on and let Sarah now have a turn, sanitized  her hands and waited.

    Sarah now  ran behind the bush and took  her  clothing off, squatted and peed noisily behind the bush, her pee gushing out full force, splashing all over  then stopping and sputtering a bit  as her pussy let out  the last few drops of pee,  staying hidden she took a leaf from the bush and wiped herself dry  and put her clothing back on. Sanitized  hands quickly, just in time as  Abigail's brothers truck rounded the bend, key in his hand. 



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  19. Story includes naughty peeing, naked moments. 

    The day started like any other, the girls were throwing a pajama party that night at Kate's home. They woke up early to get ready for the party.

    This was their day off work, they worked retail and needed a night of fun. People had been yelling at them all day. 

    They put there pajamas on,  These were not normal pajamas though as many people have seen a flap for the butt in some, while these also have a smaller flap in the front of them. The flaps meet and snap off in the middle leaving the person with a big gap underneath them. 

    So the night went on all having a good time until somebody's stomach started making a lot of noise, gas pains from the snack, which was fine it let up eventually. Then the girls all had to pee very desperately as they finished their drinks off. 

    So being the adventurous foursome that they were they started looking for relief, each in a different way. 

    Fran went and hid in the closet, shut the door and pulled her jammies so the   gap was shown and peed into the carpet,  the pee spraying out as she kneeled down and let go it  quickly soaking into the carpet and changing the carpets  colour , after which  she rubbed her pussy on the  carpet, covered up and left the closet, and joined the fun.

    Sue went outside and hid behind a bush and and pulled her jammies to see the gaps as  she peed into the grass standing with her hands on her pussy, a puddle forming  by the bush, a , gushing pee spraying out of her, starting and stopping  until her bladder was  empty, then she  wiped with the flap, and rejoined the party straightening out as she walked back.  

    Now leaving only Kate and Mary left desperate.  Mary grabbed the closest towel and put it on a chair in a corner  straightened it out and pulled her jammies out of the way so the bottom was all open  and  she was exposed if you looked her way and peed into the towel a bit   but still feeling full  she then grabbed a pop bottle, shoved it up to  her pussy and let go peeing into the bottle until it was full and  she pulled it away  then wiped with the towel it soaking up any pee left dripping  and she  put her jammies back to normal and put the lid on the bottle. Then joined the others.  

    Kate now alone and desperate went over to the fake plants, sat on a chair, at the very edge, pulled off her jammies  over her head and sitting there naked peed into the plant, the pee splashing and hissing as it went out of her pussy streaming down  for a couple min  then it  stopped  and she tore a leaf off the plant  and wiped her pussy off and put her jammies back on. 

    The party continued  this way with  each girl  finding new places to pee  each time they felt the  need until morning  when they all  put on regular clothing   and  cleaned up the room, each girl taking a turn to use the bathroom and left, remembering the places they peed for next time they decided to have a pajama party. 


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  20. Aurora was asleep as usual, the prince not yet come to wake her with a kiss, about halfway through her sleep, suddenly wakes up unexpectedly and desperately having to pee. 

    So she gets up from her bed, walks down to the bathroom and sits down on the toilet and pees, strong, hard  the pee  splashing down into it, of course it goes on a long time as you would too if sleeping a long time, just  spraying  out of her pussy. A good 5min  later the pee slows down to a dribble, she wipes gets up and heads back to her room to await her prince. 

    The prince not yet there to awaken her with a kiss. She lays down and rests awhile more feeling she will have to fake sleep if he shows up but sleep eventually comes. 

    Pressure building now  as the fairies watch over her each feeling the need to pee as well. Watching and waiting for him to come. 

    The fairies now desperate each take a turn 1 by 1 heading to the waterfall and back, each sitting on the edge, dress up  and peeing into the water using their dress to wipe after. 1= a Gusher 2= strong and steady 3= splashing  the  whole time she goes. 

    As you sit trying to figure out which one of the fairies  you are, and they each  get relief  the prince comes and wakes Aurora up and takes her away.  

    As they leave each fairy flies by promising now life will be simpler for them all. No bad  awaiting but having to now make homes  with bathrooms to scale for themselves as Auora no longer needs them. 

    Then tinkerbell visits and has some troubles  with her tiny bladder and holding it  in each and every time she goes to the bathroom in one of their rooms, so she decides she must  get a chamber pot which she makes out of a tiny thimble and  sets it in the guest room as it is the only room without a bathroom attached  and uses it whenever she feels the need without having to leave her room, curtains drawn around her as she goes pee into her thimble and  stays with her fairy friends. 



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  21. Back in the day, not that long ago but before bathrooms  were invented, people only had these options when having to go pee...

    1. They could hurrying go outside in the -30 weather and quickly pee before going inside again.

    2. They could use a bedpan or chamber pot and stay in there room warm but smelling the room up of pee until morning. 

    3. They could wet themselves or pee in bed and have a mess to clean up.

    4  they could put a bag on the floor, take off all clothes and squat and bare all pee unto the bag from their pussy if female  or stand with cork pointing down and pee  if a guy. 

    Or if you were very adventurous hold it  until morning light came and shone on you, then  run then outside to the outhouse before you wet yourself  or  too an area of secluded bushes and let go, pee streaming, hissing and puddling at your feet or gushing spraying under the hedges or into a cold snowbank in winter. Catalogs and magazines were the toilet paper. 

    This was the early settler life  was living in Alberta and how needs were met at the time nobody afraid of going out together to pee and showing all  it was not taboo even during womens periods when they had to deal with  bleeding  and thinking long and hard  about where and when to go pee! 

    Careful and watchful as Grandma said was done. 


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