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Posts posted by zxcvbn

  1. Have you ever been to a National Park? Which park?


    Edit: Lol I looked around on some similar posts, and everybody else is asking about pissing and nudity habits, while I just want to know what national parks you have been to

  2. 6 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    And to add to @Sophie's point - the site staff are all first language English speakers and therefore able to review everything that's written.

    If we were to allow use of other languages, it makes it much harder to pick up on whether a member was being insulted, harassed or otherwise abused or whether a member is breaking other site rules with selling content or similar.

    Of course - it's easy to purchase a website domain name and content hosting package - there's nothing to stop anyone creating their own forum completely independently. 

    Content moderation is hard, and website hosting is even harder. 


    Again, nothing is stopping you from creating your own forum, but I agree with the mods that it would just add unnecessary complexities and hurdles. 

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