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Posts posted by PrincessApricot

  1. On 8/17/2022 at 5:07 PM, ChrisS said:

    I’m not at all shy about peeing in pools, but the limited amount of water in hot tubs sometimes gives me pause. More than that though, is just releasing into the hot tub is so discrete there is almost no fun in it. To date, I’ve peed in the hot tub (a few times), hung my butt over the side and peed through my swimsuit so that the pee ends up on the concrete surrounding the tub instead of in it (a couple times), gotten out to stand in the grass next to the tub and just flood my swimsuit with pee (once), gotten out and jumped in the pool to pee there (several times). 

    It seems like men are more likely to announce their need to pee and then go hop in the pool to pee since peeing in the pool is so widely accepted. Women seem less likely to announce their need to pee so I suspect they are just peeing in the hot tub, but they may also be waiting until a natural time to make their way to the pool and peeing there without announcing it.  

    I agree with what you’ve said about peeing in the hot tub being so discrete there is no fun. However, for me that makes it the ideal place to pee when discretion is needed. I certainly enjoy peeing in the pool or the grass more, but if I’m desperate for a pee, it’s often easier to do so in the hot tub with no one but me the wiser. 

  2. On 5/21/2023 at 8:22 PM, Rosita said:

    I did pee once while on a phone call tho and the entire time I was hoping that they didn't hear me hehe.💀 But other than that maybe during gardening? 

    I was on hold for a long while but got quite desperate so started peeing in an empty Starbucks cup I had nearby. Right as I relaxed and was going full force, someone came on the line. I kept going though, it was much needed. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Emilaze said:

    This weekend I went to a club, after months, with my friends and obviously downed a bit too many drinks. We could have visited the restrooms but those stank enough to make you want to run away from it as far as possible.

    So we got out and were chatting and that, all when I was crossing and uncrossing my legs already, and so was another friend. It was becoming unbearable to hold on with every passing second and it got to a point when I felt that I will for sure combust into flames if I'm to hold on any longer. 

    So we made our way to an alley that wasn't exactly concealed but still better than the main street atleast. I was wearing a skirt, no panties and thankfully thigh high warm stockings and not leggings, paired with knee high boots. I stood with my back against the wall, feet shoulder width apart. Leaned a bit forward and flipped the back of my skirt to let out a stream hitting the base of the wall that would have been sharp enough to cut glass, no joke lmao. I thought I'd be gushing with how increibly desperate I was, but instead I was peeing steadily at a somewhat fast ish pace. 

    My friends (yes they knew, I told them) were standing in a semi circle around me, and because of how I was peeing, you cant tell straight away what I was upto. I was worried that the hissing noise (alongwith the SOUND OF MY HEART BEATING LIKE CRAZY GOD DAMN) would certainly give me away but it didnt. The people walking by infront of the alley just barely 10 to 15 m away from us, never looked in our direction, so no doubt no one knew. At one point my friend said if I intend to pee the night away because I was peeing steadily for almost a minute now hahaha. Tbh after I was done the mark on the wall alongwith the puddle (and the tissues) was a tell tale giveaway. It certainly didnt help that another friend decided to add onto that puddle. 

    But we were long gone before anyone found out.

    Can you share more about your friend who added to the puddle?

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  4. I often wear diapers to bed on the weekends, so that I can sleep in. I still wake up at my normal alarm time, out of habit. But instead of getting up, I just pee my diaper and go back to sleep.

    One time, after I’d been drinking, I didn’t wake up until after noon and my diaper was already full and I don’t even remember using it. I was surprised but also a little bit pleased with myself. 

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  5. On 10/11/2022 at 8:30 PM, Wetseat said:

    I was in an uber once and peed so loud she heard me, when i get in ubers I always tell the driver im incontinent and wearing a diaper. When i peed in this girls car though she wasn’t mad, probably because I don’t leak but I also think because I warned her. She ended up pulling into a gas station and I changed in the bathroom. 

    Wow, that must have been a loud pee! I’d love to audibly hear someone wetting like that. 

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