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Posts posted by PrincessApricot

  1. Assuming I’m at my destination (and not needing to catch a connecting flight), I prefer to pee in the parking lot. I find that airport parking lots tend to be somewhat deserted and have never had any problem with just squatting down between two empty cars.

    I did once see a man peeing in the parking lot already when I got there and I’ve also seen a man relieve himself in the pet area. I’m yet to spot another woman at an airport though. 

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  2. Not sure if I’m getting a cold or just allergies but I’ve been quite congested today and not feeling 100%. As such, I’ve just been laying on the couch listening to an audiobook and putzing around on my phone all afternoon. I put a diaper on just in case and glad I did because I’ve needed it twice already. I just finished going the second time and enjoying how good it feels to just relax and go without thinking about it. Nice and warm too!

    Don’t worry, I’m drinking lots of orange juice and electrolytes in case this is a cold coming. It’s important to stay hydrated. 

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  3. I like wearing a diaper to the theatre when I go to a particularly long movie so I can pee when I need to. I often wore diapers to my exams when I was in uni, for the same reason. 

    They’re also useful for car trips. I prefer pulling over for a squat, but when travelling with others a discreet option is often needed. I change it at the next ‘real’ bathroom break. Not only is it much more convenient than waiting, but I’d pick peeing in my diaper over peeing in a gas station bathroom anyway!

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  4. On 3/7/2024 at 2:12 PM, stevemcf said:

    Was in the pool at my gym the other day, had swum a few lengths and was having a rest and a piss at one end. The other end is where the steps in are and I saw this guy about my age get out of the spa pool and come into the main pool down the steps and stopped at the bottom. He got to the bottom and crouched down so his shoulders were under water then stood up and did that a couple of times. Then stood there for a bit, looking around then up at the roof.  Then he started fidgeting and adjusting his shorts and cock under the water - so fucking obvious he was having a piss. By this time I was swimming towards him, got to that end and turned. Didn’t seem to bother him I was that close. Didn’t bother me either 😆. A few seconds later he was out of the pool and away to the changing room. At least I know I’m not the only one that pisses in there!

    Was it warm when you approached him? I find it so arousing to feel that warmth from a swimmer (or know they may have felt mine). I especially enjoy when the warmth is the only giveaway. 

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  5. I have used a few. My favourites are the ones that are more of a slide than a funnel. I use mine at outdoor events where blatant peeing isn’t accepted/feasible, but I do prefer peeing without it. 

  6. I was lucky enough to see a man peeing in public yesterday evening. This was in the back alley across from my place. I was taking out the garbage and a man was peeing against a light post on the other side of the alley. I’m not sure if he noticed me, as it was getting to be dark out and I was somewhat hidden in the shadows. I had a nice view of him though, as he was lit up by the light post and I stayed to watch him finish. He got into a car a drove away after. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, PrincessApricot said:

    If the movie I’m going to is quite long, I make sure to wear a diaper so I can just pee when I need to. For normal movies though, I prefer to hold it and then pee in the parking lot after the movie. It’s dark anyway so no need to wait in line for the bathroom.

    I also peed in the parking lot once during the day, which I usually do not do. I think I’ve mentioned that experience in a previous post. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    Do you do this alone or with your friends?  Ever seen anyone else peeing there after the movie?

    Usually alone, but I have peed in the parking lot in front of friends a couple of times when I’ve needed to. Once a friend peed there also. It wasn’t ‘fun’ though, just out of necessity (though I still enjoyed it!) 

    And yes, I have seen other people peeing discreetly in the parking lot after a movie at night. Not often, but several times over the past 10-15 years. Mostly I have seen men doing this but I’ve seen a couple women as well.

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  9. 17 hours ago, longbastard said:

    Did you ever see her again? The fact that she was so dead casual about it strongly suggests this was a regular habit of hers.

    I saw her again at a couple of other events for that charity, but I never saw her pee again. Getting to know her over the course of a few events, she was a little bit of an outsider and definitely marched to her own drum. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    I have to ask the somewhat obvious question, does keeping the panties on and peeing through them provide any benefits other than being less noticable that you are peeing?  For example do they help direct the stream downward away from the front of the skirt?  Do they make it quieter?  Do they keep your thighs drier?

    I’m not OP, but in my experience the main benefit would be privacy, either needing to be discreet or peeing openly but without exposing myself indecently. Of course, there’s the secondary benefit of it feeling quite nice also. 

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  11. On 2/23/2021 at 12:00 PM, Alfresco said:

    I got caught again the other night.  Public toilets were closed (which I knew before I went there).  I parked in the car park, walked up to the toilets and peed in the entrance.  A lady who looked about 50 years old walked past and looked in my direction.  I spotted her out of the corner of my eye and looked towards her over my shoulder.  She looked at me with a bit of disgusted view, but didn't say anything and carried on walking, so I carried on peeing until I was done.  

    I don’t think there’s much to be done about peeing in the toilet entrance. You “tried” (wink wink) to do the right thing but they were locked. What else is a desperate fellow expected to do? I myself have enjoyed a few squats outside of locked bathrooms with not even a second thought about it. 

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