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About Oddisthenewgood

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/18/1980

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight male
  • Occupation
  • Age
  • Location
    Ottawa, Illinois
  • About Me
    Thumb-sucking, piss-lusting, mother-fucking (ideally as close to literally as possible) arts-loving pseudo-intellectual (I consume ENTIRELY too much sugar & stay up too many nights every week for my intellect to ever aspire much higher than that).
    I am now going to write as though this is a singles ad I'm posting:
    Oedipal as I am, my hopes are to find a mature & nurturing woman to adopt me & to spend the rest of our lives living together (and treating one another) as mother & son 24/7 365... That having been said, I am NOT attempting to find a "sugar momma" or to financially profit from our relationship. In fact, I'd be FAR more inclined to give up the master bedroom of my own house to my new mother & invite HER to move in with ME than accept her invitation to move in with her (I've a nostalgic stronghold here, and the hold nostalgia has over me is rivaled only by the ceaseless ferocity of my ever-thirsting libido...) Seriously, I don't want your money. In a perfect world, I'd pay all our bills & you'd be a stay-at-home Mom (though, I assure you, I'd want you to leave the house & make friends & be as productive in whatever else motivates you in your life as possible... Basically, I want you to have & to LEAD a full & rich life of/on your OWN (as I suffer quite severely from pangs of guilt whenever a woman I love feels any sadness or pain or boredom, etc.) and to just SHARE whatever you'd ever care to of that life with me over the dinner table every night. Age is just a number, so I wouldn't necessarily dismiss outright the possibility of doing this with a woman who ISN'T old enough to've birthed me, but will admit that the older a prospective woman is, the more intense & instantaneous her hold over my interest/desire/attentions would be (which, admittedly, means I'd rather be a grandmother-fucker, but I've never had the good fortune of meeting an elderly woman who both had a piss fetish of her own as well as a longing to fully invest IN & commit TO being my mother for the rest of her life... And I have ZERO interest in attempting to coerce a woman into developing EITHER desire, and have just as nonexistent an interest in EVER SETTLING for ANYTHING less..)

    I am an odd sort. You'd have to be a fan of odd birds with the sort of intensity of belief & feeling which one ordinarily only finds in people who're long-suffering paranoid schizophrenics (I assure you, I'm not schizophrenic, I just believe in & feel things intensely as I've spent the bulk of my life laboring to strip away as much social conditioning as possible in effort to best ensure that my beliefs are my own. The intensity felt is due both to that depth & sincerity of my beliefs as well as my being a rather solitary & hermitic person (for an agnostic, at least) so my scarcity of emotional/intellectual intimacy with others just naturally (and understandably) results in their being expressed & felt more passionately... If it's any consolation, that scarcity of socialization ALSO explains the intensity & passionate expression of myself both PHYSICALLY (I love, Love, LOVE (big) SPOONING, kissing, massaging, holding hands) & SEXUALLY (My love language is sexual expression, and I speak it FLUIDLY... My highest ambition in life is to express my love & appreciation for the woman who takes me on & adopts me in HER love language, and to become so fluent in it that it becomes my own... I am an odd bird, but I am also more LOYAL, PASSIONATE, LOVING, & SUPPORTIVE a person than I'd imagine most'd ever likely find themselves fortunate enough to even feel more than a wee touch of in their lives.

    I hope you're here. I hope you find me, soon... I BEG you to contact me if my proposal sounds anything like the sort of relationship you're looking for.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Having been born a male, I am only capable of experiencing & understanding the concept of an orgasm within that framework... That's DECADES of DAILY REINFORCEMENT of that experiential correlation betwixt orgasming & cumming ensuring that I likely won't ever successfully be able to think of anything other than those few pulsing spurts of semen when I think of orgasms... That's likely WHY I love drinking/FEELING/playing with the hissing, hard-hitting stream of a woman's pee as much as I do... I know it's wrong, but I am a male. I cannot ever even HOPE to acquire the experiential knowledge of a female's orgasm. It's a childish association to make, but I have terminal Peter Pan Syndrome, so it only suits me all the more for it... Anyswitch, my favorite thing about pee is that depth of acceptance I feel when I think of my lover & I being doused in/tasting/drinking one another's pee... In all sincerity, when I try to picture what a woman TRULY LOVING me would look like, it's this: A woman who would genuinely feel hurt/neglected/unloved if I ever pee'd in a toilet (or anywhere else, for that matter) when she's near enough to me in proximity to pee down her throat so's she could savor every drop.
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    I'm genuinely hoping to find a woman here & HAVE that experience WITH HER... If ever that comes to pass, I'll be sure to provide you with a better answer.

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