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Posts posted by glad1

  1. How far can I pee? About 3 ft.

    From my waist to the ground!

    What, only the three feet to the ground? :frown:

    Okay, maybe it's more a guy thing, but I'm pretty certain a great many women really enjoy seeing just how far they can pee. The skill comes in pretty handy sometimes. :wink: Or, so I'm told! :redface:

  2. It's nice to see I'm not the only one with fond memories of long bicycle rides. In fact, some of mine are rather recent ones. There's something about how the hours fly by, biking down a back road with a friend, that often leads to desperate situations. :)

    I hope you're still riding, Blob. If not, you really should hop back on. Who knows, you might just rediscover your youth! :wink:

  3. I've never done a tri, but I'm a fairly decent cyclist, and can knock off 40, 50 miles at a clip, maybe a hundred in a day. While I don't know about you, Sophie, I seldom have to pee while I'm riding, unless it's a really long ride.

    But, once I step off the bike, it's often pretty difficult to keep holding. (Maybe it's a male thing?)

    I agree with you, it's important to have the seat adjusted right or it's not a fun ride. I find it helps to has a narrow saddle, there's less chafing on the thighs.

    Maybe I'm not doing it right, but I don't find anything terribly sexual about my rides. At least while I'm on the bike. However, I'd like to think all the exercise does wonders for my endurance.

  4. I was still a pee virgin at the start of my twenties. One day I was using a stall (I had to do more than pee) in one of the older college men's rooms, when I heard a knock on the door. I suppose I was preoccupied :redface: and didn't answer. A moment later, I heard footsteps as someone came in. It wasn't until I saw a pair of definitely female legs walk by that I realized there was no women's room on this floor.

    She sat down a couple stalls from me and almost right away released a steady stream. From the sound of things, she'd been needing to pee for quite a while. In my condition, I wasn't going anywhere for a while, and how could I with her there? But, once she realized she wasn't alone, I think she hurried up things, a quick run of water over her hands and she was out the door.

    I never did get to see her, but it took a while to get that picture of her out of my imagination.

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  5. It is not uncommon for me to pee every hour (or even less) depending on the temperature and my level of activity. If I am working when it is very hot, I end up sweating more of the liquid out. If I do not have to pee for a few hours in a situation like that, it tells me that I actually need to drink more fluid.
    When I first started hiking with a group, one of the first things I learned was the importance of adequate hydration. One particular leader explained it to us in terms of our urine, that we know we are drinking enough when we feel the need to pee every couple hours and what comes out is clear or pale yellow in color.

    Since then, I've insisted that my hiking partners stay well-hydrated. I've even had to check on a few, er, to make they were following instructions. :)

  6. Thanks so much, Sophie, for answering. It clears up many things I'd been wondering.

    It's interesting you take part in tris. I cycle a good bit and occasionally have gotten desperate on long rides. I expect you've had a few thrilling moments, too. :wink:

    Good to know you actually enjoy a pee outdoors. I was getting worried you wouldn't have much fun on our hikes or rides. :)

    But, I would suggest you do away with those tight jeans. I think you look great in skirts or shorts, you know the ones with loose leg openings.

    As for peeing standing up, don't worry, I doubt you would lose one bit of your femininity. And, I'd be more than willing to help you acquire this most useful skill. Gladly! :wink:

  7. The challenge is only to drink at least 5 liters of water in a 24-hour day. You can drink other things as well, but that on top of the five. There's no need to hold, if you don't want to. In fact, I would think you wouldn't wish to, as it's more a matter of letting things out so you can get more in.

  8. I have one or two lady friends who would enjoy your company right now. They'd relish your desperate, full-bladdered, discomfort. :)
    I'm hoping I know them, too. Perhaps they could join me in discomfort. After all, misery loves company. :)

    I also wouldn't mind if you could find a few who enjoy that sweet moment of relief. I'm sure there will be several of them today. Now, I don't suppose you could, er, beat the bushes? :wink:

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