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Posts posted by TopMarker

  1. On 5/19/2024 at 12:44 PM, Kevin said:

    Man it's so cool that you just showed him that he can piss wherever he want. Cause that's normal for dude to just relieve themselves wherever they want. Are your coworker also cool about pissing everywhere ?

    I haven't done any construction work for quite some time now. Back then many of my co-workers were pretty uptight about it including my boss. Which in turn is why I wanted to teach the trainee my way of handling things. On one occasion someone working in the basement or ground floor must have heard the splashing in the unused elevator shaft when said trainee and/or I were pissing down and that caused quite some fuss. The foreman held an angry speech urging everyone to quit those antics unlesswe wanna get fired. Over the whole thing one of my co-workers, with whom I was personally closer, confessed to me he had always wanted to piss down an elevator- or other service shaft but was afraid someone would notice and tell on him, getting him in trouble. When I privately admitted to him that it may very well have been me who caused the splashing noise he laughed his ass off and high-fived me. So he at least was absolutely cool about it.
    Never found out about anyone else though. I mean on many construction sites it was quite normal to see workers piss outside on bushes, trees, grass and what not. And when cellars and basements were flooded with rain surely sometimes co-workers added to that. However I rarely saw traces of co-workers relieveing themselves on-site and haven't really talked to anyone but the two mentioned above about it.

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  2. When I helped out in construction I used to go wherever. Basements, elevator shafts or the corners below the stairs were my favorite makings.

    One time on a renovating job we were doing the electrical wiring and the plumbing hadn't been fixed yet. I chose a storage room on the same floor we were working on to relieve myself in a number of times. In the corner, on dusty furniture, between boxes... Couldnt be bothered to go all the way downstairs and climb up again.

    So when I come back the trainee, a young cute and rather shy dude, asked where I had found a working toilet and I gave him directions. Stepping into said storage room he hesitantly asked if I were mocking him and I was dead serious. Told him he could mark the couch as it had to be thrown out eventually anyway. He shied away but chose an open storage box to piss in. Boy, did He have to go! Cant remember what was in there but we definitely had a laugh about pissing on something. Later that day we did piss on the couch together finally. He turned out to be cool about it in the end and marked lots of places, dropping his inhibitions around me.

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