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Everything posted by Ivan72

  1. my wife is generally not into ws,but we have an agreement,that at least once a month shw will hold it..
  2. To go out with a company - say wife and some of her female friends, who all have been separately convinced into drinking up and holding their pee to the limit and measuring it in the end. Let's say they get half of their yearly salary if they are honestly doing it. At the restaurant the waitresses are also doing the same + recruiting all female customers who want too use the bathroom. At the end I'll somehow get to watch how they run to the toilet, yank up skirt and pee into the masuring container with full force.
  3. invite my previous self and all my girdriends to a pee competition
  4. Hi, I have been into desperation for more than I care to remember 🙂 I think I was about 13 or 14, when I was trying to delay my neighbour,a girl about my own age when she announced that she needs to pee. At the same time I was also looking for closed toilets and spying the women who tried to get in for their reactions. My first real girlfriend was a from a partner school in lithuania . I didn't much discuss desperation and holding pee with her, but she didn't have any problems squatting in my sight when it was suitably dark and she needed to go. At 18 I went to university and met my cur
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