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Everything posted by Peebear

  1. Small squirty pee pee bear hates these
  2. Nursery pee no staff about why not
  3. Just chilling witth pee bears friend and she just reminded pee bear pee bear hasent been potty really squirted out this time
  4. Pee bears pee still very squirty and pee area smelly and sore horrible pee imfection
  5. Pee bear needs a pee too tired to use the potty
  6. Sorry couldn't get to the potty in time
  7. Pee bears pee is a bit yellow and swuirty at the monent due to a pee imfrction
  8. Pee bears pee area smells fishy cause pee bear got a pee imfection
  9. Another squirty pee haven't been for four hours
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