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Posts posted by Bigpee0589

  1. 3 hours ago, pop-a-squat said:

    Oh I forgot to mention, if I’m waiting outside in line at the club, I will just pee in line in a squat while my friends block me with their bodies or jackets. At one particular club they have an outside deck for smoking and I’ve pissed in the corner of that before. Sometimes I will wait til I have to go pee then go out and smoke on that deck so I can piss there. I’ve seen plenty of men piss off the side of that deck. Why can’t I squat and do it?! Then if I’m dancing at the club and don’t wanna go to the bathroom or outside, I usually have a dress or skirt on with no panties and will get in the middle of my friends and just spread my legs and piss on the floor.

    Wow that’s amazingly hot and naughty 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

    There was a short cement retaining wall fronting a yard on the way home to where I used to live. Many times I would pause to sit there, but I never once thought of peeing there. In a short skirt, I would only have to scoot backward a bit to sit on the grass and nobody would have known that I was peeing on it. Otherwise, I would have poured it directly down the wall and onto the sidewalk. Given the size of my bladder, it may have even crossed the sidewalk to hit the street!

    Oh that’s cool and glad it was somewhere you could go easily.

    there was a side street on my way home tO my old house at there was a grid by a wall meant I could lean on the wall and pee 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

    If laws were more permissible in this regard, you probably would see more of it. I do remember having to pee much more (and more often) from light beer than from mixed vodka drinks. I used the ladies room (if I knew where it was) and I often walked home alone. 

    Yes I am sure you would I know here in the uk on nights out guys don’t care on nights out 

  4. 1 minute ago, Simpfan said:

    If I was dressed in what I prefer for the occasion of peeing (short skirt or dress and no panties), I wouldn't need to find a hidden niche. I would love to be as uninhibited as some of the other lovely women on this site.

    That wound be fantastic to see and only once or twice have I seen girls doing it not caring and one of them once crazy but good.

    I wish there were more Women found it acceptable for men to pee anywhere and also to feel ok peeing anywhere 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

    What I would imagine is observed is that with massive amounts of alcohol, the inhibitions lower as the bladder fills, and I would guess that even women exhibit this need to desperately pee, not even caring as much whether someone can see them. If sober, they would probably look for someplace much more discreet. With men, they seem to feel comfortable peeing no matter where they are. My problem was having to pretend that the guys pissing near me weren't turning me on!

    You are correct with that statement guys don’t care and I have done it in many places before but have found girls only do it in alley ways drunk or behind trees

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