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Posts posted by bk3k

  1. I don't normally have the courage to sneak into the women's room, but the exception is that I do so at work, under the guise of "checking the condition." This is something I do far more often than necessary for just making sure things are clean LOL. These are single person lockable bathrooms. Now we have a camera facing the door that leads to a hall, and the hall itself has the bathroom access. But luckily no cameras in the hall itself. The camera facing the hall access is very useful to me, so I can see who used the restroom. Yes I can easily access the video.

    Now I know not everyone here will appreciate this, but I always check the bowl for unflushed treasure. If I find some I instantly lock the door behind me. I will gladly drink pee water straight from the toilet. If I find "solid" things, yes I like that too. But there is a limit to what you can do at work with that! A little sniffing and licking mainly. After washing your hand(gently) you can still more or less smell(if not taste) it on your hand all day yet other people should not notice it in passing. The same can be true of strong pee, but to a smaller extent.

    Also when I get lucky I will see a woman entering the bathroom, or overhear her asking another employee where the bathroom is. I rush in, keep quiet, and listen to the magic. Once she enters the woman's room, I gently crack open the men's room door for a better listen. It is always so sad that I cannot go in and join them.

    Now since I have such access I am strongly considering the risky business of hidden pinhole cameras. But I probably never will. There is not really much for good spots in that bathroom. Plus you can't really control who uses the bathroom you planted a camera in. Besides the undesirables(elderly etc), it is a matter of time until your camera captures someone who is too young, and suddenly if your camera DOES get found then you are in a whole other realm of trouble (even though they where not the intended target). You can't exactly put up a sign that says "toilet intended for use by 18+ females only." Such a problem is why I will likely never go through with it.

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  2. It really depends. A lot of stuff slides. There are some really good videos up still that never got noticed/reported by the morality police. Some of them even show some vag. If it doesn't get reported/pulled early on, it is probably safe.

    I happened to (today) accidentally find one of a guy peeing on the floor and it showed his penis. Certainly not what I like but I'm not going to go reporting him since I don't want to ruin it for those who DO like that.

    You find something good though - download it ASAP. It could get deleted anytime. I personally use DownloadHelper for Firefox, but there are tons of other options available. That one happens to let you pick the quality you want from Youtube, and also can grab video... streams :P from most other sites provided you click on it as the video first starts playing(if you miss the window of opportunity then refresh the page and try again).

    Oh one more really good tip - videos in English get pulled the fastest. So get Google Translate in a tab. Feed it the terms you want, and translate them into other languages. Then copy/paste the term into youtube (or otherwise Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc). You will find MUCH more treasure that way, I assure you.

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  3. I am opening tons of links so I am not really sure!

    But I think I got here from

    1. Typing terms into Bing(safemode off) for girls peeing in elevators.

    2. Some youtube video came up

    3. click on more videos

    4. girl in comments for one

    5. has a link to her site

    6. I think she linked you

    Not very informative I know.

  4. You better believe I do so when watching girls pee! Particularly stuff like hidden cameras, public pee where the girls has to go, or girl peeing where they really should not - elevators, stairs, carpet, stuff like that! I really do love girl peeing everywhere but the bathroom(excluding on the floor) most of all. Anything I just said is also true of #2.

    I also love to to myself in places where I should not. It turns me on greatly to leave a mess in forbidden and daring places! I do jack off later thinking about it. Actually I am here from searching because I "may" have done something tonight LOL. I'm a bad boy :P In fact I use everywhere except the toilet more than I use the toilet!

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