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Posts posted by sd91

  1. I saw a thread about pee fetishes across the globe, and it sparked a thought about something similar yet different. What are public peeing attitudes like in other countries? I know Germany has been mentioned a lot before as a place where peeing in public is very common; whether thats streets, by the side of the road, whatever. They're not exactly popular right now but what about Russia too? Given the amount of porn that seems to come from wedding parties and parks in Russia where vast amounts of women pee in public, it would seem that it's a normal part of life there!

  2. This is an interesting one to me. I have a story almost finished where I peed with complete strangers a few weeks ago. I basically draft the details like the day after I have the experience then tidy them up when it comes to sharing them.

    My conclusion is that it really depends. A lot of people are comfortable with different things, not least based on age, sex, familiarity and whether theres alcohol or similar involved. I have no problem peeing with other people. In fact if there's other people peeing somewhere I'm possibly even more comfortable doing it, if its a public place.

    I do look as well. Not stare. How many others will look? And whether thats at their face, their stream, or their pussy/cock? I noticed in some videos recently other women will take quite a strong look, or keep looking, and clearly not just their face, which makes me feel that I'm not alone in this. It may be just curiosity but it happens. I've attached links because the images were too large.


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