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Everything posted by WetDreamer

  1. WetDreamer


    That is so sexy Puddyls. I love the wispy hair too!
  2. Hello Audrey81 In my eyes I view you, and other women, as equals and you have my respect. Good luck in getting through your stuff and challenges.
  3. Yes I am ready for you. We can enjoy together, bon appetit! What about desert?
  4. Yes!!! That would be wonderful. You can have me, any time 😋
  5. That pussy looks so tasty. I would love to eat it. You are a sexy woman with a beautiful body.
  6. Thank you for sharing the amazing pictures. You are a very beautiful and sexy woman. I wish you were my neighbour!!
  7. That hot bottom needs spanking!! Very sexy. Thank you for posting elo1978.
  8. WetDreamer


    Puddyls you are such a sexy woman. That is a beautiful pussy. Thank you for not wearing panties. Love the view.
  9. You look as if you are looking for someone to sit next to you on the bench. Which could be fun!! That pose is just so sexy.
  10. You have a beautiful sexy bottom. It is asking to be smacked for showing off!! Magnifique 😀
  11. Wow thats hot and sexy. Thank you for posting it.
  12. Wow that is so hot and sexy. Can your neighbours see you on your balcony?
  13. That is a beautiful sexy bottom!
  14. Thank you for sharing your adventures. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
  15. I have just read your post. What you write is so sexy and a real turn on. Thank you for sharing.
  16. It is the lack of facilities, in the past, which may well have brought many of us to this forum. Desperation to pee, and being told by parents that using anything other than using a toilet is naughty, makes a natural body function taboo. Under present circumstances I totally agree that outside is cleaner, and safer, than an unmaintained public toilet. Faced with the need, then just be discrete!
  17. I am up for that any time, just need to meet the right woman with the same interest!
  18. When you need to go you need to go! It was a good place to wee. Perhaps when it was time to clear it up in the morning, the owner enjoyed it too.
  19. Hello SteffiePs4U, welcome! Look forward to some more hot pics and stories. Would love to see you in yoga pants, dark or light in colour, both are sexy.
  20. That is a great sexy piece of writing. Please write some more.
  21. How about using a shewee type device? No wet clothes and freedom to wee where you want.
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