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Jethro P

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Posts posted by Jethro P

  1. On 3/28/2019 at 3:25 PM, spywareonya said:

    No piercings, no tattoos, no body hair, less makeup and dresses possible, and hair dyed red

    Unless, it means you aren't a Witch


    I think that makes me almost a witch 🙂

    No peircings, no tattoos, completely devoid of body hair (one step further removed from the apes 🤣), don't wear dresses or makeup (I'm a bloke FFS!).

    The only thing is the red hair. If I had some hair, I would dye it if it meant you'd pee all over me 😘


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  2. Spywareonya has just directed me to this thread, and I find it so enlightening that a lady would take all the pics and vidoes, and then discuss them personally.

    You have a stunning body, and we are so privileged that you share it with us. I think that the Likes I gave to various pics will indicate which area of the anatomy I particulary like, but everything you have shared is so beautiful.

    Thank you 😍

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  3. I feel the absolute opposite 😊

    I feel it my willy first when I need to pee, and I have to “clench it up” to stop it leaking. And if I don’t let it all go on demand, then the feeling spreads up to my tummy and gets uncomfortable.

    Weird how we are so different isn’t it 😊


    • Haha 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    Willy Wank-a and the Sperm Factory aajajajjaahahahahahahahahahahah

    "Willy Wanker" did pass my mind, but it doesn't actually wank the willy, it just vibrates and wacks the top of it.

    Sperm??? I was vasectomised a long time ago. I would love to tell you the circumstances, but another story!

    7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    Great story… I'm only sad that you had not yet found a girl worthy of you

    I am on the look-out. I have a good circle of friends, but you can't just go up to someone and say "Can I pee all over you" 😂

    • Haha 3
  5. 2 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

    Seems like fair punishment hahaha

    I've intentionally pissed on some of my wifes flowers hahaha

    In the final stages of my marriage breaking down with the old witch (no insult intended to Spywareonya 🙂 ), I pissed into a few of the flower pots she had around the house.

    It was intended as pure malice to try to kill the feckin' things. But the buggers actually flourished!!

    At least something appreciated my wee back then 😂

    • Haha 2
  6. A while ago when I was young and enthusiastic, I used to do sub-aqua (read scuba, aqualung etc).

    The first thing we would do when we put our wetsuit on was pee in it. I makes it all warm and wet inside so that when you hit the water, the cold isn't quite such a shock.

    That was before I had fully recognised my love for peeing, but it did feel seriously good. I just wish I could do it now 😢

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  7. On 3/5/2019 at 8:47 AM, Adyguy6970 said:

    Well my todger, unfortunately, is very much on the small size.  I'd love an extra few inches.  

    Ditto. Although my former GF said it was fine because she could suck the whole thing without gagging 😁

    I used to have a bladder like a space hopper - could hold buckets!! Go all night on a bender and only pee when I can  home.

    But as I'm now an old fart, I went for "Small".

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  8. 14 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

    First off thank you for your service, from a canadian to a (iam assuming fella from the UK) 

    Second, good work for pissing all over her 'girly bathroom stuff' haha. Did she know you did that?

    Thank you for your kind comments. You're right - Britsh Army 1973 to 1988.

    I'm certain she didn't suspect what was going on.

    On one Saturday afternoon, I saw her putting all her sponges and fluffy stuff in the washing machine. She said it really pongs, and that something had gone wrong with the water.

    Nope - the water's just fine, regardless of which tap it comes out of 😂

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  9. I do a split stream just about every time I pee. It's almost like I have two holes in the top of my willy 😀

    On the rare occasions when I waste my wee going in the loo, I have to stand sideways to the bog so it all goes into the pan 😀

    I have done a video of me peeing which will show this, but I'm not sure about all the "meta-tags" and such which could identify me on it, and the upload which can do IP addresses and what-not so I'm a bit reluctant to upload it.

  10. A while ago I had a short contract for a month. After about a fortnight or so, I stood up and announced to the office (mostly staffed by women) that I have just GOT to go and take my dick out. Gasps and shock all round 😊

    One of the women eventually found the courage to say “Why have you got to do that?”.

    I said “Because if I don’t, I’ll piss down my leg”.

    Fun fun. I was only there 3 weeks 😊

    Back to topic – I like the less abrasive words, and quite often say “piddle”. Very childish I know, but I’m not keen on Piss, Slash, etc.

    10 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    like a person famous for being goodhearted, or a doctor, or a war veteran, and so on

    I’m a “War Veteran”!! I served in the British Army for a whole heap of years – got shot twice – it feckin hurt ☹

    But I would consider it an honour for you to pee on me 😊

    10 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I can be really nasty

    Just after I separated from the Old Witch, I lived in a shared house for a while until I got myself sorted out. One of the people living there was a stunning blond. Unfortunately, she knew she was very attractive and tried to milk it with all the guys. I would have none of it.

    She had a whole shedload of bathroom paraphernalia – you know, all the fluffy sponges, soap on a rope, those lacy body scrub things - hanging everywhere.

    During my time there, I very rarely peed in the loo, I always peed all over her stuff. That turned me on more that if I had shagged her!!


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  11. I love the idea, but not sure I'd like it to be on telly!!

    I have the occasional "almost asleep" dream where I go to a "Pee Party".

    A room full of people (a small room, not a big crowd) lounging around the place on settees and armchairs, no clothes on, baring willies and pussies to all.

    The Hostess comes to me and takes me out to the kitchen, gets me to undress, and then introduces me to all the folks. They all say things like "Welcome Jeffers, pee on me".

    But for the life of me, I can't go!! Push, strain, push again - not even a dribble 😞 The folk there get bored and just get on with their own things, and ignore me 😧

    But then the hostess gets hold on my willy, twiddles with it a bit, points it towards her tummy, and says "Ok Jeffy, let it go". And then I pee for England! Olympic peeing? I win it. England Gold!!

    Everyone wants some of my wee then, and I have to stock up. Water, beer, lemonade - you name it - I'm chugging it. They all want some, and by all that's wet and sacred, I give it to them - all of them!!

    Pee competition? Don't bother. I've already won it!

    (At least in my dreams!!)

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  12. Thanks for your support 😁

    I see on the comments that there are a lot of folks who like piddling on carpets, and on floors etc. Some are lucky enough to pee together, but I haven't seen anything about widdling on your own bed.

    I came here to share my own "thing", and enjoy everyone's experience - the comments, the stories, pics and videos. I am new to this kind of chat where you bear your soul, and I'm feeling just a little bit "exposed".

    Once again, thanks guys 😂


  13. I have “come to terms” with the fact that I love pee. I have never shared a wee with someone else, and only do it by myself at the moment, and I am anxious to find out if anyone else is as “bad” as I am.  

    My biggest turn-on is weeing in bed. I cover the bed with incontinence sheets and lay on them - tummy down – point the willy up the bed, and let the pee go. It soaks up through the sheets and makes me wet all over my front. It comes up my tummy, down my legs, and I can feel the warm stream on my body.

     Occasionally I have tried to lay on my back, but the pee squirts all up the pillows and it’s difficult to make sure they’re covered properly, so that has got to be a particular “project”.

    Tonight I needed a mega wee and decided I wanted something different, so I laid on my side this time. The pee wanted to squirt everywhere, so I put my hand over my willy and peed on it, and diverted the spay all up my tummy and over my legs. Then rubbed it in!!!

    I stayed laying on the soggy sheets for about 20 minutes while I built up another few dribbles, and then let them go. I could not believe just how turned on I was just having a pee!  

    After I had decided there was no more to let out, my willy was seriously hard and really slimy, all covered with pre-cum. I didn'y wank afterwards, just wanted to savour this pee moment.


    So I ask again – Am I weird to like doing it like this?

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  14. A long time ago, in a land far, far away, I was once a squadie. One night, after a serious night out on the town, I came back to the barracks pissed as a cricket and bursting to go, and went for my usual shower before crashing out.

    I don't think there's anyone in the entire history of ever who would go to the loo to pee and then get in the shower 😀  Well, this time I decided - for some totally unknown reason - to leave my grollies on. I'm still not sure why. Before I turned the shower on, I started to pee in my undies. It felt really weird but really good, and I was moving my willy around inside the pants to get every thread of them soggy. I ended up trying to pee through a serious boner.

    Soon after that, I started having a bath instead of a shower, and would lay down in a shallow bath and pee all up my chest, over my face, hair, into my mouth, and was a total pee addict from then on.

    Obviously, there are very few opportunities to endulge this in the British army, but I would savour every chance I had.

    Thing is though, I am stunningly embarrased about having a pee where people can see me. In public loos, I always use a cubicle.

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