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Posts posted by rochauthrowaway

  1. I was actually considering writing about this a few days ago and I absolutely agree with you. Not totally sure what's going on but it's been noted that quite a few pee-related sites have closed over the past few years. I also feel that there's less activity on the remaining sites than there was maybe ten years ago. As a person who mostly enjoys reading and writing stories, the fiction section on this site has seemed noticeably less active over the past year or so than it has been previously.

    I think the internet overall and payment processing companies have both become more restricted over the past few years, which I think probably can take the bulk of the credit for the reduction in activity on websites like this. COVID may have contributed a bit especially if you're into festival stuff that requires large crowds. On the other hand, there should be more people than ever with internet access right now, which should boost overall activity, and that doesn't seem to be happening.

    My only other theory is that everyone moved on to hard-to-find/access platforms like Telegram group chats or whatever, but that's total conjecture.

  2. On 3/22/2024 at 2:36 PM, miniskirtpisser said:

    It also seems to me that Madison planned the naughty pee.

    Not really planned, no. I can tell you that Madison definitely needed to go but also had a bit of a crush on her coworker and didn't really mind letting him see.

    On 4/1/2024 at 10:29 PM, Alfresco said:

    With all those containers, I am sure she could have just disappeared found a place totally out of sight

    Absolutely. It definitely wasn't Madison's first time squatting and taking a much-needed piss while at work, although it was the first time she (intentionally) let someone else see her doing so.

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  3. I'm not quite sure if I'm right, but I really strongly feel there's less content out there than there was maybe ten years ago overall. Not totally sure what's causing it, but I think the internet has generally become more controlled and consequently it's harder to find and access content like this. That plus many of the major hosting websites cracked down on unverified videos and stuff a couple of years ago. Forums of all types are also less popular than they used to be. The pandemic may also be a factor.

    It's weird. People are I think pretty much into the same things they've always been into, and there are more people out there with internet access than ever, but there nevertheless imo seems to be a noticeable decrease of activity on these sorts of websites. Do you all feel similarly or am I crazy?

    • Agree 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Jar351 said:

    A great story I'd love to hear another version of it 

    Thanks. As probably some of you have noticed, I never did write a second part of this story (although I have written several new stories since). I had some ideas at the time I was writing this story and there was definitely a plan for a follow-up, but for one reason or another I never actually did the writing.

    It may happen one day still. I can tell you Katherine definitely wasn't the only camp leader who had to take an emergency piss that summer.

    • Like 2
  5. On 6/7/2022 at 7:17 AM, whiskey35 said:

    It was a great site and lives on to a certain extent through Web Archive Site - femaledesperation.com Most of the content is still there if you take a bit of time to go through it.😉

    I was unfamiliar with this old site and enjoyed a fair bit of the content on it. For whatever reason I find it slightly amazing that people writing almost thirty years ago had some of the same exact sexual idiosyncrasies that I do today. I remember having a similar experience reading bits of My Secret Life from the much more remote 1880s. Also, some actually quite funny stories on that site. Thanks for bringing to my attention.

    As an aside, I can't help but note how much of the content both on that old site and on this site seems to be UK-centric. It's not a complaint but I'm surprised how highly represented British writers seem to be on these sites.

  6. 3 hours ago, miniskirtpisser said:

    I’m so happy to see a new story from you. I love how nonchalant & matter-of-fact Jordyn is with her need to pee. She is really sexy for doing that & your protagonist is a very lucky man having witnessed such an amazing display. I can’t wait to read more stories from you. 

    Appreciate the positive feedback as always. I often find coming up with the scenarios for these stories quite challenging which is I guess why I post them so infrequently. The writing is usually pretty easy.

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  7. Shockingly, the pirated porn website that deals exclusively in cryptocurrencies is not run by the most scrupulous people.

    I'll admit to subscribing, but I kept only purchasing six month blocks because I figured the proverbial music was eventually going to stop.

    Anyways, fuck them. Maybe all their customers come back because everybody's a porn addict but I hope not.

    • Haha 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Hidengo said:

    I hesitate to link VM218 here, because while they are REALLY GOOD at writing pee scenes, they’re also REALLY into incest. It’s your call whether you want to stomach that (or, in my case, alter the fictional reality in your own head) for the sake.

    Seems like at least half the stories on Literotica feature incest. No idea why.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Havelock said:

    @rochauthrowawayIf you have a link to this video, I would love to see it. Yes, the selfishness is a big turn on for me. I love it when women choose to make a mess for their own needs, convenience or privacy vs. peeing somewhere more open outside which would make little mess and require no cleanup for anyone.

    I believe it's in Galician 136.

    • Thanks 2
  10. On 3/16/2022 at 12:02 AM, Havelock said:

    @AlfrescoI often wonder how women have come to their optimization for privacy vs. property. I think it must be a combination of upbringing and culture. For those of you that have watched the Spanish Voyeur videos, I think it's fascinating to see the Spanish girls who often have a disregard for property. I've also witnessed this in person in Spain. They do not hesitate to pee on fancy marble entryways, storefronts, places where the puddle may run under the door and places that may require someone clean up the next day. 


    Commenting on an older thread, but whatever. One of my favourite videos ever has this scene where some college-aged Spanish girl is caught peeing inside what looks like the lobby of an apartment building. You can't really see all that much but I'm sure from the way the girl is squatting that she's managing to get piss not only all over the lobby floor but also onto the walls and such. Anyways, I really love how the girl obviously considers her own privacy to be more important than going pretty much anywhere else and avoiding causing a substantial mess. Like you mentioned, the selfishness is a bit of a turn-on.

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