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About WetSex

  • Rank
    Active Member

Personal Information

  • Gender
  • Occupation
    I have no job.
  • About Me
    I am new member from sweden. have neurologic disability from my childhood and urgency incontinence is very common. My special interest is having desperate pee sports in jelly diapers. I Think I have a very good reason to have this interest. I am a private model for diapers and make reviews and pee tests on different brands and flood them as much as possible. 

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Pee sports in diapers
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Pee sports in diapers.

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  1. Hi Why do I get tickling pee orgasms when I pee in my diapers but not when I pee in the toilet, what`s the difference?
  2. Hi I have always wondered if it´s possible to flood a diaper without any notice while you get full body massage? This would be awesome.
  3. Hi Please comment my self edited video when I do a desperate pee test in an Swedish all in one diaper. https://vimeo.com/237782869
  4. Hi How do I upload vids to this site?
  5. Hi I´ll tell you all I know about my diaper life.
  6. Hi I am new member from Sweden and my special interest is pee sports in diapers. I have neurologic disability from my childhood and urgency incontinence is very common. I Think I have a very good reason to have this interest. I am a private model for diapers and make reviews and pee tests on different brands and flood them as much as possible.
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