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Posts posted by AngelGirl

  1. I am firmly opposed to the death penalty. There have been cases where people have been wrongly accused and incarcerated, sometimes for 20 or 30 years, before they are proven innocent and freed. Yes, our justice system is fallible, and yes it would be horrible to be wrongly jailed for so long a time, but can you imagine then finding out you were sentenced to death... For a crime you didn't commit? Meanwhile, the real culprit is out there roaming the streets and a danger to the community, town, etc. Is it okay to allow the death penalty because these criminals are costing us all money to keep alive and support, while the possibility of condemning an innocent man is still present? Absolutely not.

    I agree it would be impossibly hard to be the parent, friend, family member, etc., of a victim of a horrible crime, especially rape, violent murders or torture, but is seeing the person accused of the crime sentenced to death going to bring back your loved one? I think not. Justice may be served, and truthfully, if there was a way to guarantee you'd never give the death penalty to the wrong person, some crimes definitely warrant it.

    I've thought a lot about this actually, and the best idea I can come up with is to find some way for all these violent criminals to be taken to... Somewhere. An isolated island perhaps? One with no way off or out, and they could live there. Instead of paying for them year after year, taxpayers could contribute a little to building houses, starting farms, etc., and the goal would be to make this place as self-sufficient as possible. An impossible idea, perhaps, but would be a good solution.

  2. I could quite easily manage without any porn at all, actually, pee or otherwise! Porn in general does little for me, especially since my favorite part of the pee fetish, desperation, isn't easily shown in porn realistically. I've found one or two desperation and peeing clips I've enjoyed, but overall, I far prefer stories and don't bother much with any sort of porn.

    It'll be interesting to hear the other responses here, especially since most of the active posters are guys and guys are supposedly much more visual than girls. I'm also curious if relationships can have any affect on answers here. For example, I'm engaged to a wonderful guy who shares all my sexual and fetish interests, so I really don't need porn to turn me on. Just wondering if your relationship might have some bearing on how you answer this question....

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  3. The BDSM is really my only other fetish although it's not as strong as my pee fetish. I do, however, enjoy playing both dominant and submissive roles and engaging in light bondage (think fuzzy handcuffs and necktie blindfolds lol), usually when combined with my fiancé and I both being desperate to pee.

    Hmmm, I do have one other thing, not necessarily a fetish, because it really isn't, but something I've often fantasized about. And that is people in either a bad situation or who are feeling vulnerable, shy, upset, whatever. I have a sort of set, short list of characters who feature in these fantasies (people I know in real life) and it usually involves them crying and me helping them out of their tough situation in some way. I guess that's weird... A vulnerability fetish perhaps? It sounds awful to think I find people in trouble sexy, but it's more I find helping them sexy, if that makes any sense whatsoever!

  4. Unlike a lot of the people who posted here, I wasn't aware of my fetish at 5 or 6. I'm 20 now, and I'd say it's only been about four years since I realized I was into pee. I'm really not sure how it started either, perhaps minor events that, by themselves, amounted to next to nothing, but on the whole contributed to my fetish? I do know I used to fantasize a lot about women I knew being in situations that made them so nervous they ended up wetting themselves and that that was the start of my fantasies involving pee.

    Eventually, I found the pee stories on Experience Project, discovered my enjoyment of the desperation aspect as well and began experimenting with holding, and from there on, my fetish basically formed into what it is today, a desperation and holding fetish with interest in a few other aspects.

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  5. Awww, she's just too adorable! She looks all fuzzy and soft, like young puppies usually are... That's my favorite age for dogs, at the 8-10 week stage, despite the whining and housebreaking, lol. And that face of hers, it just looks so soulful and innocent. Please post more pictures of her as she grows up, haha, because she's beautiful. :-)

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  6. I doubt any of these answers would be revelations to you, Steve, since you know me so well, but here's my responses anyway.

    1) Peeing on a partner = 6

    2) Being peed on by a partner = 8

    3) Peeing in your partner's face = 0

    4) Having your own face peed on = -100, lol

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source = 10

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source = 10++++

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet = 9

    8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner = 10 (if it's your carpet and you're watching, Steve! )

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches = 0

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self = 2

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee = 1

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner = 9

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate = 100,000!!

    14) Pissing in full public view = 0

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view = 0

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together = 0

    • Like 4
  7. I've actually chatted there several nights using tags like pee and urine, and ended up with so-so results. Most are guys and many are closer to my age (20's), although the bulk of them had atrocious grammar (which I hate!) or wrote things along the lines of "Cam for me" or "I have a big dick" which just isn't my thing. Most didn't share my enjoyment of desperation either, just wanted to discuss peeing on me. :frown:

    Wish I could come across someone like you, @[uSER=334]wetmanjf[/uSER] or you @[uSER=1]Admin[/uSER] on there to chat to sometime! :wink:

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  8. Something I've found in life is that it's really important to take time to count your blessings. It helps to put bad days and times into perspective and get through them (Hey, tomorrow's another day, right?) but it can also be very humbling to just sit down and make a list of a few things you're grateful for because it helps you to realize there is always good in life even when there doesn't seem to be. Making a list of five things I was grateful for each day helped me a lot when I was struggling with depression and feeling worthless a few years ago, and while I haven't kept up with the list, I often add to it mentally before I go to bed at night. One of my New Years resolutions was to try to focus more on my blessings and take time to realize I really do have a lot to be grateful for.

    So, I thought I'd make a thread here where people could take a few moments to think about their lives and write down some things they're grateful for. It can be small or big things, things that maybe only you can see the beauty and pleasure in or things some of us reading this thread can think "Hmmm, I have that blessing in my life too, now that I think about it." It doesn't matter really, just anything you are grateful for today, list it here, and as you think of others, come back and add more to it! (Okay, long speech over, lol, I do tend to ramble on and on as some of you may know.)

    My list of things I'm grateful for:

    *Having an amazing fiancé who makes me his whole world and loves me like no one else has ever loved me before.

    *Good friends, both in my real life and online.

    *Family who love and support me every step of the way, who encourage me when I'm down and are always there to share in my happiness.

    *This site!! So glad I found a place that's different from others I've been on; everyone is so nice and friendly here and I already see it as my new online home.

    *Spring FINALLY coming now that it's officially March. It's been a god-awful winter and I can't wait for warmer weather!

    *Being at the top of my college classes this semester despite struggling with learning disabilities at times.

    *Lemon Oreos... So fattening but so amazing!

    *St. Patrick's Day party invitations! Yes I'm an Irish girl.

    *Bathing suit shopping for my trip to Ocean City in August.

    More to be added later; I like to have a mix of serious and silly, as you can see. I didn't list things like food and shelter because we all know we are lucky to have those things and while they're very important and of course many don't even have them, I usually focus on some of the finer points. But by all means add whatever you're grateful for as you're reading this thread.

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  9. Hi and welcome to the site. You'll find many of us enjoy outdoors peeing too; I certainly do, particularly senerios where the girl was desperate for a long time and finally couldn't make it to the toilet so had to pee outside. Hopefully you'll stick around here to see what a great site it is, and maybe even have some stories or pics, to post for us, of girls peeing outside.

    See you around the site!

  10. Welcome to the forum! Trust me, you're not alone in not knowing quite what to say here either... I think most of us felt that way when joining here or on other sites. I certainly did when I joined my first pee fetish site and indeed even felt a little nervous posting here for the first time.

    But it definitely gets easier, knowing what to say and write, and the thoughtful and friendly people here make it even easier to relax and fit in. Hope you enjoy your time here!

  11. Hello and welcome to you, piss4me. As others have said above me, you've come to the right place for all things involving girls peeing and I'm sure you'll make friends here right away. Everyone here is very friendly, the admin is very involved and helpful, and I know you'll enjoy your time here!

  12. Hello there and welcome! Like you, I'm 20 and from the United States, and enjoy seeing girls (and guys) peeing, although it's even better when they're holding.

    I've just joined here myself, and I can tell you already that you've come to the right place for meeting new friends; everyone here has been very welcoming and friendly, and it's easy to fit right in and enjoy yourself here. Looking forward to seeing your contributions and getting to know you. :)

  13. Well, I'll go first, although I think the original poster of this thread should add his most embarrassing moment in too. *hint, hint*

    This happened to me a couple of years ago, and just happens to involve pee even! Before I go further, I have to say there's been some major sh*t in my past, things only a few trusted people know, and for several years, I felt completely alone, hurt, broken and worthless. It was during this time that what I'm about to write happened to me, so please don't judge too harshly.

    Despite being born and raised in a big city, I've always been a country girl at heart, and my favorite place in the world is out in the country on my aunt's farm. I spend a good part of my summers there and especially love horseback riding and showing. One night several years ago, as I said, it happened that my older cousin and I were the only ones still left at the barn, everyone else had headed home and I was leaving shortly to sleep over at my younger cousin's house for the weekend.

    Now my older cousin, who runs and manages the farm, suffers from leg pains due to a nasty riding accident and can't stand too much without resting. So since I was the only one there, she asked me to go up to the top pasture and bring in a horse she had forgotten to give medicine to. It was totally dark out, no big city lights up there, and my past has left me terrified of the dark, so I really didn't relish the task, but I agreed to do it. I made it to the top of the hill, located the horse she needed and turned to go back down to the barn (imagining monsters and serial killers lurking everywhere, haha!)

    Like something out of one of those cheesy horror movies, I suddenly saw a dark blob standing off to my left a short distance away, just standing there, not moving. Of course I freaked out and screamed, and then it started moving towards me. I thought it was a person, but there wasn't much light from the moon and everything else was dark, and I was scared to death. Instead of running, I just froze until it came almost close enough to touch me and reached out hands towards me. (Bear with me, I'm not making this up no matter how stupid it sounds)

    Then I managed to dash down the hill and back to the barn, leaving the horse there of course, and only when I was safe back inside the lights in the barn did I realize my cousin and her friends who had supposedly gone home were all standing there, laughing, and shortly afterwords, I found out the dark figure was another of my cousin's friends and they'd all thought it would be funny to play a childish joke on me, knowing I was scared of the dark and at an emotionally vulnerable point in my life.

    But the most embarrassing part was that I hadn't realized in my fear that I'd absolutely soaked my pants, I mean like a huge wet spot halfway down my jeans, and everyone saw and was laughing at me for that too. Most humiliating experience ever (and possibly why I don't like wetting), although I'm glad I can look back on it now and laugh at the corniness of the whole "black figure" idea.

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  14. Thank you for the welcome, everyone!

    TW, yeah, I sort of moved on from the other places and thought maybe there wasn't really anywhere else out here that would ever be able to replace that site, but I think I may have found it! Glad to see you here too. :-)

    Admin, thank you. As you probably saw in my post about the list of favorite things for points in the little game, I really like how friendly you seem here, a welcome change from the treatment I've received elsewhere. And I look forward to chatting with you too sometime!

    Steve, haha, I'm full of surprises, aren't I? What can I say, it was 4am, you know how I get that late at night, and I figured heck, why not join here since you've had nothing but praise for this site, plus I recognized several familiar names. Also, I'm thinking when I finish that little story I'm working on for you right now, here might be just the place to post it... What do you think?

    And Let'sGetQuizzical, great to meet someone else who shares some of my interests (not too hard here, I'd imagine!) I am very lucky to have a partner with whom I share my fetishes, yes. See you around. :)

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  15. Born and raised in the US, only other country I've been to is Canada. My dream is to visit all 50 states and then each continent if possible. Countries on my top list of wanting to visit are England, Ireland, France, Germany, Japan and Brazil.

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  16. Hi, PeeOutside, and welcome to this site! Like yourself, I've just come here from PS, and it is nice to be among familiar people from other sites.

    I'd love to read your stories, especially if they're about girls peeing outside as that's something I enjoy myself and would really like to see others doing. Please post them when you're able to!

  17. Hi everyone! At the suggestion of my good friend Steve25805, I've decided to check out this site. I see a lot of familiar names here from PeeSearch, so some of you may already know me, but for those who don't...

    I'm Karlyn, I'm 20, bisexual, and live in the northeastern part of the US. My favorite parts of the fetish are holding and desperation, although I sometimes enjoy naughty peeing as well. I'm very much into bondage and dominant/submissive role play as well, and am so lucky to have an amazing fiancé who shares my interests!

    I look forward to exploring this new forum; so far, it looks like a breath of fresh air to the pee fetish community online, and I'm eager to join in and start posting and hopefully making friends. :)

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