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Epic Jess

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Posts posted by Epic Jess

  1. Oh, I did not know this one. Did you just come up with it ?

    I liked it well enough, although I would have preferred longer description of each and every pee (I was spoiled rotten by LeakyOne, after all :p).

    Who is leakyone? i cant find any of her work?

  2. I am conflicted, this is obviously nasty but it is also very arousing (to me). But then, I'm Pisces, so it's just my dual nature showing :)

    I would also be interested in the attitude of said lady, I am glad you gave her position, and it seems to me that she is relatively skilled in peeing standing; however I wonder about her motivation & attitude.

    For example, did she appear extremely nervous (suggesting she's somewhat new at this) or very composed and relaxed (suggesting it's an old trick) ? Was she peeing frantically (full bladder or pushing to make it quick) or was she bidding her time ? Did she saw you or not ? ...

    She didnt see me, And i wasnt watching too hard to to see exactly how she was peeing... but i think she was trying to look calm but was actually scared.

  3. TRUE STORY: On time at the mall I saw a lady standing close to a clothes rack, leaning into it. She was in the back corner of a store. Her and I were the only ones around. At first it looked like she was just looking a clothes, but then I saw that the front of her pants was pulled down a tiny bit and she was peeing into the rack. All the pee was going into a large fuzzy sweater so it made no sound. She finished and calmly walked away. As soon as I saw that much I walked away so I would not get blamed.


    Do you think that is right? Would you have done that? PLEASE COMMENT!!

  4. On time when my boyfriend and I were an a private beach, we started to have sex. So like 2 minutes later, we we naked, on laying on the sand. No one was around. My boyfriend did a little moan and said that he had to pee badly. The sex was so good I didn't want to stop so I said just pee on me. So he did and that made me really have to pee so I peed also.

    Please tell your stories if you have ones like this!

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