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Sinna 2pee4you

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Posts posted by Sinna 2pee4you

  1. I also think when you use their clip cash card, you pay the $ price. At the moment, it's not that huge of a difference anymore. But just so you know, c4s is not keeping that to themselves. When a customer pays in Euro, studios also get a few more % than the 60% they get from $ purchases.

    Thanks for the warning about bratty chicks, although they don't seem to post that much #pee anymore.

  2. Tiny Bathrooms

    When I was about 18-19 years old, I went camping with several science groups from university. We were all sleeping in big tents for 20 people each, lying next to each other on the floor. I had my sleeping bag zipped open like a blanket, because it was warm and I liked to stick my leg out at times to cool down a little.

    It was a rather boring group in terms of partying, which they did not want us to do on the camping site anyway. So after a few glasses of wine (the guys had some beers) we went to bed pretty early to start our science project the next morning.

    I had just fallen asleep – or even slept for a while, I did not know for sure – when I heard a whisper next to me. It was a guy. I couldn't see him and didn't recognize the voice. We had all just met for the first time and he could have been anyone.

    “Shhh, are you free?”

    I ignored it and nothing further happened. Then, a few minutes later, I had slept again, I felt someone next to me, pulling down my sleeping boxers. Half asleep, I was still trying to figure out what was going on when I heard a voice close to me, whispering once more:

    “Shhh.. I am just going to the toilet. Don't worry.”

    My boxers were being gently removed by a rather big hand. Still not sure whether this was a dream or not, I kept silent and waited.

    The hand that just removed my underwear over my feet, ran back up my leg and thigh and was softly stopped by my outer labia.

    “Shhh... this is totally normal. Don't worry. I only need to pee”

    The hand went away and came back quickly. Now I felt something wet sliding down my genital lips, feeling at my “entrance”. The whispering continued

    “Sorry to wake you up. This is nothing sexual. It's quite normal when camping in groups. The girls often go to the toilets anyway, even at night. So it's established that men can just load up their pee. I feel your bladder bulging already, so you would go soon, anyway.”

    I maybe had a glass of wine too much, because I didn't grasp it. While still thinking about the logic of it – I must admit it sounded natural – I felt a body leaning into mine. The hand took my thigh and lifted up my upper leg, until my knee came up and the sole of my foot stood on the floor.

    “I'll just quickly go to your toilet, you can continue to sleep. It will only take a minute”

    I felt something big against my entrance. It felt like when I had sex and was being entered by male genitalia.

    “This is not sex, it can't get you pregnant, it's really quite common. I will be done in a second. Ssshh, just sleep on”

    He moved so slowly and gently, that I dozed off a little. But I felt something pushing inside of me. I was not taking contraception and started to worry a bit, but he whispered again:

    “It's okay, really. It's being done all across camping sites all the time. It can't get you pregnant as it's not sexual. I am just using your tiny bathroom”

    It felt really like something common the way he did it.

    “Think about it, it's ecological as well. You go to the toilet anyway and you just take mine with you. That way we only flush once. It's a good thing”

    I felt something really hot inside me and a little pressure. A slight moan reached my ear

    “Hmmmm ohhhh... it's good”

    He just went in and did that. He did not move in and out, so I believed that it was supposed to be like that. It was really not like sex. Saving the economy was part of our science project as well, so this felt right.

    “I am done, I'll flush your tiny toilet now”

    He went all the way in and started gently rubbing my clitoris.

    “It's best to relax. You can just sleep again, I can finish my bathroom visit on my own”

    He rubbed me gently. It was arousing. I felt the pressure from my own bladder increase, as well as the pressure inside my vagina. I had never felt anything like it and before I knew, a sensational feeling rushed through my body. I felt my genitals throbbing and my face got really warm. Muscles were moving out of my control. Then it faded away again and left me feeling very relaxed.

    “Okay, you are flushed now. I just need to wipe and clean myself up. I am nearly done. Sorry that I took a little longer, it's different to estimate how the tiny bathrooms react.”

    His penis left me. I heard a little noise, like plastic ripping. Then a bit of movement and he was back. Pushing into me. It went really easy this time, I barely felt it.

    “I'll get us cleaned up now, you can go to sleep again. Really no need to be awake. Thank you for being open tonight”

    He started slowly moving in and out of me. I started thinking that this maybe was just an excuse to have sex with me, just when he whispered.

    “Remember, I don't have any sexual interest. Just protecting the environment by having you take my urine to the toilet and wiping without toilet paper”

    I started dreaming. I felt really tired after that sensational feeling from earlier. Before I left for dreamland, I felt him rocking and pulsating inside of me. A final whisper:

    “We are all cleaned up now. You can turn into free position now. You know, lying on the side like you did earlier means open, lying with one knee bent upwards means occupied. Everyone knows it. It's the international sign code for tiny bathrooms. I'll be in ...”

    I didn't hear the rest. I slept wonderfully.

    In the years that passed, I often thought about how logical and green this solution was. It was good that people would use this on camping sites to save toilet paper and water. I would assume open position quite often and although I sometimes woke up in “occupied” position, I never noticed anyone using my tiny bathroom again. It never got me pregnant, so I believe the guy.

    The End

    written by Sinna 18jun-2015

    © 2pee4you, www.sexysinna.com

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  3. Okay, my post on the general forum did not work out as expected:

    "PooAlexa wrote:

    Are you an idiot?

    Your accusations are outrageous. I do not operate poopeegirls.com. You're just trashing this site for no reason. I've stuck up for you by allowing your lame clips to be on the site, even though they are clearly just ads for you to make money.

    You're banned. Good bye."

    To be honest, I just assumed that the sites are run by the same Person, as there was a HUGE Banner at the bottom advertising ScatShop and LoveRachelle2, both sites that are run/part of Alexa's network. In combination with the name (poopeelife vs. poopeegirls) I made a (premature) conclusion.

    But seen as this turned out, I am happy they showed their real face. They could have answered to the first thread with their opinion. Then they could have answered to the new thread, stating that they don't run the site. Then I would have said sorry and that's that.

    By the way, the one allowing my clips on the site was not Alexa, that was the old owner of wetpantsboy. The videos just moved on like all the others, basically taken over by Alexa. I posted two videos about two years ago, other than that I wrote messages with members. Not selling anything.

    Edit: the users enjoyed my videos

  4. As many of you know, poopeelife is the new site that wetpantsboy.com used to be. They outsmarted the owner of wetpantsboy and went off with all the content, then made the content pay to view with their premium membership. The content was user submitted on top of it.

    Many people were upset about this. Wetpantsboy started wetpantsfun, basically an old backup of the site. But the videos were gone. Poopeelife has all of them saved up (basically stolen).

    Just today I was searching why no one would buy clips lately and I found a big site with lots of poo and pee content for free. Poopeegirls.com. Then I noticed lots of videos on there that are blocked as "premium" for paying members on poopeelife. Exactly the same videos.

    So, when you consider buying premium membership on poopeelife.com, you could be paying for something that's available for free on peepeegirls.com. Both sites are run by the same person, who just deleted my thread about this on the "site issues" forum (there is no off topic) on poopeelife.com without warning.

    So they run both sites, get all the content from the users, then charge the users money while also renaming videos and uploading them for free on another site at the same time.

    If this makes sense to you, I guess it's worth getting their premium membership. If not, then I guess you can watch many of the exact same videos for free on poopeegirls.com

  5. Thanks Steve :)

    I actually heard back from c4s. Since they are changing the site, programmers are also heavily working on the blog / contest area of c4s. That would be the reason it's slow, but it should be fixed in a few days. Yes, they said days :(

    With that in mind, I am even more happy that you guys fight through the frustration and vote for me. It makes me really happy :)

    Any comments on the clip itself by the way? Someone emailed me that he liked the different "attitude" I show in comparison to most of my clips. What are your thoughts? I really did my best. I filmed more than one hour of material in total and then was shocked when I noticed there was no way I could add everything I wanted in 30 seconds (the clip had to be between 15-30 sec otherwise it will be rejected).

    I am planning on creating a making of and also releasing some different versions I had made until I decided on that final one. Note that the music that I chose (took a few hours as well) actually fit all the movements and things I did. Having to cut it up and edit so heavily, I lost most of that :(

    Did you notice the voiceover? :P

  6. @likes to lick that IE is really old indeed, but I am also having trouble getting any of the videos to load! I wrote them a message. They are changing the site, maybe that slows things down. I am amazed that you still managed to vote. It really means a lot to me!

    @loardofcoatham1 thank you. I am glad it worked for someone :)

    • Like 1
  7. Hello!

    you might still remember me from my contributions or clips.

    I know things have been slow lately, but I am getting back up to posting more.

    I wanted to ask a favor. I am participating in a contest on clips4sale. It's a bootyshake contest and I made a crazy clip for it. Although pee is not allowed there, I wanted to ask if you would watch my video and vote for me. There is a vote button above the video:


    The contest duration is 4 weeks and I only entered now, so I got little chance to win it. But who knows what the community can pull of, right?

    Everyone can vote once per day and I think the #1 currently has about 2000 votes.




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  8. Well I have an update as well. I just re-activated my membership streaming area at clips4sale.

    I put the price at $19.95 / month for now and I have already added 120 videos and 480+ pictures that you can watch directly. It's non-recurring, so it's not a subscription that you will have trouble getting out again. I add new content very often now and hope to get a few hundred clips in there, to make it worth your while :P There are limitations, like it's streaming only. But it saves you disk space and you can log in from everywhere. Plus it's cheap. Probably too cheap, but if you paid the $19.95, you won't have to pay more for now. That would be my fault then ;)

    You know I had a bad experience with this a few years ago, so please don't abuse it and exploit that I put up such a low price. Have a look around:


    • Like 1
  9. Omorashi.org is amazing and it is the only site that I made (and still make) exclusive free videos for. Because the people there are awesome and a lot of them support me and actually buy my clips when they find something they like.

    Without omorashi.org, I might have stopped making videos some months ago. The guys and girls I met there are very nice and they build you up when you are down. They helped me through my miscarriage and other bad times.

    I am a premium member there and it's also the only site that I sent money to for server costs (as they host my videos which a lot of people download)

    My profile on there:


    You also find my content and the videos I uploaded there.

    I recently posted two videos to this thread as well, which you won't find in the uploads:


    As jenmai said, Kirito is very watchful and a real guardian of his site. It is amazing to be a part of it.

  10. I really want to interfere here and I hope the admin has a look as well. Miranda, you messaged me some time ago with a seemingly pointless message "How are you? Do you have to pee?".

    Back then I thought you were a Miranda I know. Better said, a friend of hers. Right now I am led to believe that "you" are a bot or something. If not, then someone sending this message to other, if not all, people here. Can somebody confirm that?

    I still don't know the motive for that, but let's be honest. What on earth does your answer here have to do with the initial posting? And guys.. I would not care if I just worked as a model for someone, but as a fellow pee fetishist, I am disappointed at the initial reactions and the likes. It's so blunt. I guess the horny feelings got the better of you. But this is kinda making me want to stop participating here. After all, it seems like it does not matter what you do, if you post just any picture of a beautiful girl seemingly peeing. Totally off topic at that.

    I know that there are well experienced people here and all the credit goes to sophie this time, who, without me better knowing, seems to be a girl as flabbergasted as I am at what happened here.

    It's honestly disappointing how this thread developed.

    edit: just saw double negative votes for the girls that spotted this. Go on, vote this down if you just want to see pics and don't care about pee fetish at all. I am sad about this

    hint for "miranda": google does not only offer text search

  11. I have a very big offer this week that I wanted to bring to your attention, as a lot of you have already bought clips at my studio and might already have 10Ft to download the 25free clips I have set up for my supporters. At the top of my store (http://clips4sale.com/2pee4you), you see how to get to the free clips. It's only for customers that have spent 70$ though, but you get 250$+ in clips and you might only need a few more Ft or even have the Ft already but are not aware of this offer.

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