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The Lot 3/17/18 Three Pee Trio

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After leaving from my friends in the previous story and being it was after 1am I decided to visit the famous Lot. I arrive at the lot about 1:40am to find it packed and people loitering all over the lot. I drive around the church vehicles, I saw wet spots but no napkins. I continue to cruise to the back row where I post up. I noticed a stream coming from the group of parked vehicles. I park and walk though the parked cars to see where a female left a nice stream which looked to be from a medium squat by the pattern left on the ground. She wiped with a paper receipt which I picked up from the middle of the puddle. 

I returned to my car where I pulled out and relieved myself on the ground at my open car door. I saw 3 nice looking ladies walking to their car which looked promising. I drove down their row to see nothing, they got in their car and left. 

I returned to the last row of the lot so I can see the church vehicles and the dark corner of the lot. A white Nissan Rogue pulls up and parks next to the church vehicles. A very attractive fair skinned black or Hispanic woman with a small waist and big hips with a very nice round ass walk around their SUV while unfastening her tight blue jeans with some rips in them above the knees. She walks between the front of the church bus and front of the church van and squats down. I could see her nice, round, yellow ass beneath the front of the church bus and her stream start. Another lady from the vehicle goes to relieve herself and sees the other lady and turns away with her tissue in her hand. The first lady finishes and drops her large white napkin, gets up and walks from beneath the vehicles while still pulling up her jeans. 

The 2nd lady, nowhere near as attractive as the first lady, looked to be an older lady goes between the church vehicles and appears to sit on the front bumper of the bus and starts pissing on the ground. A 3rd what I initially thought was a fat guy pulled it’s pants and what appeared to be boxer shorts down, leaned forward and began pissing on the ground and possibly on the front passenger door of the van between their SUV and the church van. The lady in front of the church vehicles finishes and drops a large white napkin. 

They all stood at the open tailgate of their SUV drinking and dancing before they finally walked away. I went over to examine the puddle of the first lady. I snatched up her extremely saturated napkin which was absolutely soaked in urine. She urinated for real! The napkin was yellowed and smelled like morning urine. Usually the puddle in the lot are recycled alcohol from my experiences. This was urine! Strong urine! I added the urine soaked napkin to my pissy receipt I picked up and the napkins from the last story I had in the car. 

My friends were back at my house so I had to leave to go meet them. Had I stayed I think I would’ve seen more. 

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