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Two Confirmed Pee Sighting At, "The Lot"

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Early Saturday morning about 2am I returned to, "The Lot". The church van and bus were parked differently, in different spaces. The two vehicles were parked side by side up against a fence. The new positioning made it better for ladies looking for a spot to pee but bad for me to get video footage.

The temperature was right at freezing so there wasn't as many people out. I focused on the cars parked along the curb on the street. I was parked in, "The Lot", backed in with my rear to the sidewalk and street so I can look out of my drivers window or my passenger mirror to observe ladies taking a piss between their car and the curb. 

After a few minutes I see the lights flash of a car parked on street out of my driver side window. A thick, fair skinned black or hispanic young lady walks up, snatches the two passenger side doors open, turns facing forward the vehicle and opposite of me, pulls her jeans down and squats along the curb and pisses. Few seconds later her friend comes while she's still pissing and gets in the back seat and closes the door exposing the pissing girl. I saw back and ass crack. 

The pissing girl gets up and calls her friend a, "fucking bitch" as she's fixing her clothes. She gets in the car and they pull out. I was about to move over and take that spot to see the aftermath but another vehicle was waiting to get the space. 

As I am waiting on the other car to park and the people get out and walk away I see a lady who had been sitting in her SUV in the lot get out on her driver side which was opposite of me. I observed the footing which looked like she was about to piss. I wasn't sure because there were no other vehicles around her for cover. At that point the people parking in the street spot left their vehicle. I walked down the sidewalk to exam the fresh puddle. There wasn't much to see, a fairly small wet patch, no splashing and no tissue, not worth a picture. 

I then made my way down the sidewalk while looking in the lot toward the lady in the SUV. She was back in the car and there was a wet spot, appeared to be a trickle piss with no signs of tissue.

 I returned to my car and exited the lot to park on the street. I got a street spot opposite the spot where the girl pissed along the curb. 

I observed from that space 3 woman, 1 with a sexy short skirt and boots walk to vehicle behind the spot were the first girl pissed. The three got in the car and closed the door. After a car double parked next to them left I saw the front passenger door open and what looked like the one with the skirt step out. After a minute or so the door closed and they pulled away. I got out and walk over to find a bundle of napkins that had been used between vagina lips and no puddle on the street. Maybe she used the grass. Only wet spot in the street was spit. 

I ventured to the next block which is another hot spot, I walked that block to find a row of cars with the passenger side windows busted out and no puddles or tissue. I returned to my vehicle. 

I wasn't able to go out Sunday morning but I will see what this weekend brings.

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