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The Camp for Girls 2

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Not quite as much action here, but necessary to pull the plot along. Hope you enjoy.

After thoroughly soaking their beds, Sara and Faith got up and both smiled at each other.


“You’re soaked,” Sara said as she looked at Faith’s nearly transparent cami and shorts that were once light blue and now were much darker with wetness.


“You’re naked,” Faith said, giggling.


“Yeah, I just didn’t know if I would sleep well in wet clothes.”


“Liar,” Faith said, giggling again and winking.


“Okay, so I wanted to know what it would feel like to sleep naked in a wet bed.”


“That’s my girl,” Faith said. “And?”


“Amazing. I think I peed at least five times last night. The last few times I didn’t even move. I just lay however I was and let it out all over myself and the bed.”


“Did you cum anymore last night?”


“Once,” Sara said. Faith smiled. “So,” Sara continued, “can you explain to me what’s going on here? My parents said this was supposed to help me find direction in life. Ummm…” Faith laughed. She sat down on the chair in front of the desk, and Sara sat back on her bed, smiling as she felt the cool dampness on her bottom.


“Well, that’s kind of the truth. We help young girls discover healthy sexuality. We open up opportunities to explore sexual pleasures within a safe environment that offers both private and public facilities, but you’re not pressured to do anything you don’t want to do. See, society puts a lot of pressure and expectations on sex, especially for women. It can be overwhelming and confusing. And sometimes when sexual expression is repressed or stifled, people get all crazy or angry or whatever. But this camp gives you an opportunity to let it out…sometimes literally.” She smiled and Sara laughed.


“So…my parents weren’t wrong.”


“Well, start by telling me why they sent you.”


“I had some boyfriends…lovers, whatever you want to call them, my freshman year of college, and I didn’t do so well with my classes…because I wasn’t going. But they think it’s because I was whoring around.”


“Were you whoring around?” Faith asked.


“No, I mean…no. All of those guys knew it wasn’t exclusive, it was just sex.”


“So…none of the sex meant anything to you?”


“I mean, yes, but…not like relationship sex or anything.”


“So there’s a difference?” Faith asked.


“Well, yes, of course.”


“So since what you did with those men was ‘just sex’ you feel you weren’t in a relationship with them, right?”




“Did you like them?”


“Well, of course I liked them or I wouldn’t have had sex with them.”


“You could have just had sex with them because they were attractive and you wanted to have sex with them.”


“Umm…well…” Faith giggled again.


“See, that’s what is wrong. Our view of sex and sexual attraction and relationships is all confused because we define it by society’s terms, not our own. Do you understand?”


“I think so.”


“Did you like those men? Like as in if the opportunity arose for you to see them in a context other than sexual you would want to spend more time with them?”


“A few of them, maybe?”


“How many were there?” Her tone was not accusatory or judgmental, but curious.


“Seven, I think. Unless you count the guy who fingered me in his car.”


“It counts,” Faith said, giggling again. “And out of those seven, how many would you consider seeing again exclusively, like in a relationship.” Sara thought. Honestly, how many would she see again? They had all brought her some sort of pleasure, although a few less than others.


“Two, maybe?”


Faith smiled and she stood up from the chair. “Hang on,” she said. She looked down at her shorts and Sara did the same as the crotch darkened and shimmered with a fresh flow of warm pee. “So,” she said, still peeing, “you said you think there is a difference between relationship sex and ‘just sex’ sex, right?” She sighed and the flow increased, soaking the crotch and front of her shorts even more and running in rivulets down her legs to the carpet.


“Yes, I did.”


“So these two men you liked…do you mean the sex was better than the other five? Or are there other reasons you liked them?”


“Both, I think. Well…” Sara paused. “No, there was one who was incredible in bed, but not someone I would want to date.”


“Why not?”


“Because he was kind of a jerk, like arrogant and cocky, like he knew how hot he was. I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a guy like that.”


“But weren’t you?”


“What do you mean?”


“You had sex with him, right?” Faith’s flow finally seemed to stop and she slid her shorts and panties off and sat her bare butt back on the chair.


“Yeah,” Sara said.


“You allowed yourself to be vulnerable around him, you gave yourself to him, you derived pleasure from him, right?”


“Ummm, yeah, but…”


“Do you understand what I’m doing?”


“I think so.”


“This camp is not just to get you to have a bunch of sex and masturbate a lot. It’s true purpose is to give you ownership of your sexual…relationships. Anytime you connect with another person intimately, it’s a relationship. It might be a once-on once-off deal, but who is in control of that? Do you understand?”




“How many of those seven men do you think liked you?”


“I don’t know. I don’t think I ever asked.”


“Why not?”


“I think I just assumed it was a once-on once-off, as you said.”


“Did you tell any of them you liked them?”




“And that, my dear, is the problem. If those young men buy into society’s view of sexual relationships, to them you’re a whore.”


“But I’m not!” Sara said.


“I know you’re not, sweetie, because you actually liked some of those men and would consider seeing them again. You’re not a whore, you’re just trying to navigate the confusing and frustrating world of sexual relationships.


“I’ve got to pee,” Sara said. Faith laughed.


“Well, you know what to do.”


Sara sat back on her bed and crossed her legs Indian-style. She sighed and let go, feeling the warm flow of her urine as it dribbled out and pooled between her legs before slowly absorbing into the already wet mattress.


“So what you’re saying,” Sara said, but she could not hide the sound of pleasure in her voice, “is that…mmm…that I’m here to figure out what I want when it comes to sex.”


“Correct. And wow, that looks like it feels good.” Sara nodded.


“It’s pooling right at my crotch and it’s so warm.” She laughed and looked down at the clear trickle of pee that continued to dribble out into the darkening puddle between her legs.


“Nice,” Faith said. “And yes, that is the reason you’re here. Your parents might not get what they want, though?”


“What do you mean?” Sara asked as her flow eased to a slow dribble that tickled her slit.


“Well, what if you decided that what you wanted was just a series of sexual trysts that mean nothing to you other than the physical pleasure of sex and you want them with a bunch of different men. What then?”


“Well,” Sara said as she uncrossed her legs and scooted back to the edge of her bed, “I would say I’m being kind of a whore.”


“Exactly. Which is wrong in the eyes of culture, and to a certain extent it can be wrong and have great consequences, like if you’re not taking precautions, spreading STDs, having affairs, charging money.” Sara laughed. “But,” Faith continued, “who is in control of that?”


“I am,” Sara said.


“And that’s what we do here. We give women ownership of their sexual relationships. But you probably don’t want to be a whore, do you?”


“Not really,” Sara said. “Honestly, I slept with some of those guys because I thought I was supposed to, like that’s what you do in college. Go to parties, hook up with hot guys.”


“Why is that?” Faith asked.


“I don’t know,” Sara said, “bragging rights, maybe?”


“So you didn’t want all of those men?”


“Well, eventually I ‘wanted’ them, like once we got to the bedroom and started making out, but no I think in a different context I would not have wanted some of them.”


“You’re going to do great here,” Faith said. “Let’s get dressed and greet the day.”

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