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The one who got away

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I was recently visiting Vienna and, as I was walking through the large square infront of the Museum Quartier, It wa mid afternoon, I saw a bunch of punks, both male and females, hanging around and drinking.  As I was walking by, one of the boys left the group, a d headed for what was a discontinued access to an underground parking, withsteps leading diwnstairs but eventually blocked. I realized it was their private pee place, and I hang around assming someof the grls would need to go too. In fact some 15 or 20 minutes later, one of the girls left the group, and headed inthe same directions. i gave her some 10-15 seconds advace time, so as to catch her in mid stream, but, can you believe it, by the time I got there she was already done and coming back upstairs. I checked for puddles, and there was a clear, large fresh one. How desperate she must have been, to do such a large puddle in such a short time!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hate it when that happens!   I've had it myself where I know a girl is going to pee, but misjudge the timing.  If the girl is a little cautious then it is no good arriving too soon as she will still be taking precautions and convincing herself that it is OK to pee.  If the girl is totally desperate and doesn't care, she will very quickly start peeing and of course it is not always possible to be close enough to get there quickly enough - otherwise she would see you were there and wait.   All part of the fun, but can be frustrating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are two scenarios here - one is that you just keep your eyes and ears open all the time and chance across a situation where there is potential and then keep tabs on what is going on.  The other is where you deliberately go to a location where you know that there will be an abundance of drink and a shortage of toilets and therefore a likelihood of people peeing outside.  Again, it will be necessary to look out for signs to follow.  e.g crossed legs, furtive glances around, even open holding of crotches.   Also in busy areas, look for quiet corners, narrow alleys, possibly tell tale signs of previous peeing, like puddles and discarded tissues.  Then it is just down to trying to discretely observe groups and then when you notice a couple of girls break away from the crowd and dive down a side alley, follow casually at a distance - don't make a beeline for it or you will draw attention, but if you casually walk in the general direction and then you've got every chance of catching them in the act.

Good spots are:

- Late night near nightclubs where people have been drinking in pubs, then end up in a queue for the nightclub and find that the cold air and previous drinks contrive them to need to pee.
- Late night near nightclubs after closing time when people come out and hang around but don't have anywhere to pee.
- Late night near taxi ranks and bus stations where people come out from clubs and pubs and are waiting for their transport home.
- Outdoor events - e.g. festivals, large running events.
- Outside concert venues.
- Carnivals and any other similar events where there are lots of people and not enough facilities.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Good advice, Al. Pubs which side doors open on alleys have been a good spot for me -- to observe and also participate. Bars in college towns where large groups of women congregate on holiday weekends also. Ah for those good old daze in college again. I recall with fondness having a whiz in a side-alley next to a high stack of wood pallets in my state of inebriation failing to notice two comely coeds crouched and pissing to the right of the stack. Giggling when they saw me, they didn't stop in the middle of the pee but finished before I did and as they wiped and pulled up panties one gave me the finger and said "Enjoying your fucking-self?" as they ran laughing down the street while I stood there with my lizard in my hand still peeing.

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