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Awesome story from a homesteading forum

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:26 AM, antlers said:

When I was in grad school in Madison, Wisconsin, the Outdoor Club decided to take a canoe trip up the Wisconsin river, camping on sandbars along the way. The group consisted mostly of physics and astronomy PhD candidates (and myself - a Race and Ethnic studies person!). 

Out of the dozen or so participants, there were only three women. One was a petite blonde Physics PhD candidate - she hailed from Minnesota and had the fragile porcelain doll-like qualities common to her Scandinavian heritage. Never were looks so misleading! 

Over the next week - our delicate rosebud of a travelling companion proved herself to be the best canoe-ist of us all, one of the heartiest drinkers and... most wonderfully... an expert at peeing standing up. 

As was our habit after pitching the tents each night, we would gather for drinking and star-gazing (lead by the astronomers) and stories of the origins of the universe (thank you to the physicist. We would start the evening sitting up but soon everyone would be a little too sloshed and we'd end up on our backs listening to each other's stories. The inevitable need to pee would rouse us and a drunken stagger to the trees would ensue. After a couple of rounds of this, a show of skills was called for and the guys were happy to oblige by writing out mathematical equations (no points if you didn't finish the equation) or lining up for distance shots. 

We women watched on- critically - giving points for style, mathematical prowess and boldness. 

Suddenly our porcelain doll stood up and burst into the line of distance pee-ers. Hoisting up her skirt, she jutted her hips out and splayed her labia. And shot a stream of pee that put the guys' streams to shame. While the mens' streams dwindled to trickles, hers shot out long and proud....and did I say LONG?? 

Finally she was done. Shocked silence reigned until one of the men started clapping. Bottles were passed to celebrate the queen of distance peeing and more creative peeing was expressed. Our porcelain doll even acquiesced to write her name in the sand. "Bonnie". She went back and dotted the "i" which involved completely stopping the stream and aiming with great precision to get the dot in the right place. 

I don't know that I've ever been more proud of my gender! 


I've lived in the Upper Midwest for several years. I've kayaked along many of its rivers. I've pulled over to a sandbar to answer nature's call more times than I can count. (And I'm pretty good with math, too)

Too bad I've never run across Bonnie.

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  • 3 years later...

If you were back up here this time of year, you could enjoy a favorite winter pastime, seeing if you could write your name in the snow.

I know, you'd probably say you'd just make a mess. But I'll bet with enought practice, could be the next Bonnie.

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