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Question for the ladies

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I have a few females friends who are aware of my pee fetish. I am not including ex girlfriends who have participated before. My question, if we are friends and we talk often, everyday to a few times per week, would it be alkward if I told him I'd like for you/them to pee on me? It doesn't even have to be anything sexual after. I just wanted to get wet and feel used. Like you use me for relief and go on about your business.

Is it alkward if you are a female friend who has told me you have peed some place and I ask you more details? I feel weird asking but I wanna know so I don't have to make up parts in my head. A friend of mine told me some places she's had to pee to include in a car. I wanted to know where in the car. In a cup or bottle or on the floor or seat. Just got too shy to ask.

Also, are a lot of ladies into dudes peeing? I have my own stories but to me, dude peeing isn't sexy like women peeing.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Seems to me if a female friend has voluntarily mentioned that she's peed someplace that a followup question or two wouldn't be out of place.  As far as just asking out of the blue for a girl to piss on you, I suppose that depends on the girl, how much alcohol you've both consumed, the time, and the  place. I suppose it might be worth a try, but then she might just go EWWW and stomp out too. Risky.

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21 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

Seems to me if a female friend has voluntarily mentioned that she's peed someplace that a followup question or two wouldn't be out of place.  As far as just asking out of the blue for a girl to piss on you, I suppose that depends on the girl, how much alcohol you've both consumed, the time, and the  place. I suppose it might be worth a try, but then she might just go EWWW and stomp out too. Risky.

Thanks! I never thought of the alcohol consumption, being I am not a drinker. Good advice. ?

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