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My Pee girl Ch.3

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As our story continues, Janie was gathering up our gear, while I filleted the fish. Putting them into ZipLock bags, we went up to the room, and while we were in the elevator I decided to push her limits a bit. I asked her if she wanted a drink before we got in the shower, which was met with an enthusiastic yes! I stripped off my clothes and then went into the kitchen to put away the fish and make our drinks. I didn't see her so I walked out on the balcony and there she sat naked. I handed her her drink and decided to start pushing limits. While she was taking her first sip, I stood in front of her and started peeing on her tits..then moved my aim up to her hair and face and then back down to her stomach and pussy. When I finished I ask "Did you like that?" A smile came across her face and she replied " Yes....very much, I was wondering when that was going to happen. Do you want me to pee on you?" No, I want something else I put my drink down and laid on my back on the concrete and told her I want to drink hers from the source. I had never drank pee before....but I was sure that coming from her, it was going to be like fine wine. She squatted over me with her pussy about 5 inches from my face and after a few seconds she started. It was just a trickle at first, the then the flow really started, I couldn't swallow fast enough and some ran out of my mouth. It was like drinking nectar from the Gods! I'd never tasted anything so wonderful! After she finished she moved back and leaned down and gave me a very passionate kiss and said, "That was so intimate and sexy and the fact that you loved it so much just melts my soul. I've always wanted to do that, but you have made it so special, and it makes me love you that much more!" We finished our drinks, and headed for the shower.

Now I have to tell you about her favorite (and mine) dress. It was a shiny Spandex (for lack of a better word,) I used to call them her stretchy dress. I swear she had two dozen of these things in every color in the rainbow, most were long sleeve and a few short. By the time they got over her tits, and pulled down over that voluptuous ass of hers, there wasn't much dress left. To be honest the hem of the dress ended about 3 or 4 inches below her pussy, which I insisted she kept shaved. Well that's what she put on for dinner that night. With fish in tow, we went to one of the finer restaurant's in town where they will cook your catch. (for those of you who don't know, Tuna straight out of the Ocean is some of the most incredible meat you'll ever eat!) I had them fix it four or five different ways, teriyaki, sauteed, etc. She was having her usual drink Gin Sour, and I was drinking Vodka and water on the rocks. She called the waitress over, and when she saw my expression squeezed my knee and said "Don't say a word." As the waitress came up she said "He'll have a Vodka on the rocks in a tall glass." The waitress shrugged her shoulder and left. I said "what are you doing? I'm not going to drink straight Vodka!" She leaned over to me and kissed me very softly, and said "Please trust me..OK?" I nodded and sat back. When my drink came and the waitress left, she scooted forward in her chair, took the glass under the table, and then I heard a hissing sound! My jaw dropped, not only did she fill my glass with pee but over filled it and the rest was on her hand and the carpet! She put my drink in front of me and offered her hand which I licked up as best I could without looking obvious. I was so horny after that, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through dinner! About that time they brought out this big platter will all the Tuna on it. She took one bite and her eyes rolled back into her head...she savored the taste for quite a while, then said "You have my permission to kill Tuna anytime you want!" I swear I had to almost fight her just to get my fill!

While we were having our after dinner drink, (we were sitting next to each other, rather that across the table) my one hand had my drink and the other constantly playing with her pussy. I've never seen a woman (lubricate? ) like she did...I'm talking copious amounts (which is why I loved going down on her!)

She loved it when I would whisper in her ear what I was going to do to her, be it lifting up her dress and spanking her in public (Oh...she loved sex in public), etc. As we left the restaurant, I was behind her, I reached around her waist and pulled her back into my arms, and told her that I was so horny I was going to bend her over the hood of my car and fuck her in the parking lot! I had parked in the back, and most of the dinner crowd had gone. So when we got there, she leaned over the hood and pulled her dress up. I pulled out my cock and in one stroke hit bottom....we were going at it, and she started peeing again, this time down her leg. For some reason I looked over my shoulder and there was one of the cooks on a smoke break staring right at us! I leaned over and whispered "There's a cook watching us!" She looked over her shoulder and said "I don't care, you'd better finish fucking me...I want your cum dripping out of me on the way home!" Well that did it...I came so hard I almost saw stars.

After that night all hell broke loose! Everywhere we went she'd pee for me. Out in broad daylight, in a crowded parking lot with people walking by, she would always wait for me to unlock and open her door (which I've always done.) when I got there she'd have her shorts pulled aside and peeing down her leg, it was so nonchalant that you wouldn't know with a casual glance. You just have to love a woman like that!

Below is my Pee girl. Most of them are on an old hard drive which I haven't transferred to my external drive. She's wearing her famous shorts I've told you about...she must have owned 30 pairs of those things! The legs were always stretched out and when she bent over or climbed a ladder or stairs, there was that beautiful pussy for the world to see!

I hope you have enjoyed this, I'll let you members decide if you want more. I do have another 4 or 5 chapters I can do.[ATTACH=full]91648[/ATTACH]

It's amazing how such a wholesome looking woman, can be a naughty perverted slut!


Another great chapter in your continued story. I liked it very much. Very kinky, sexy, and HOT!!!

Please post more as you're a great writer.

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@goldenfinger Yes of course we want more! These are superb accounts and it sounds like you had such a fantastic situation. Janie looks great in the photo and I just love those shorts. If only more girls were willing to be confident and wear revealing attire. My wife is getting more relaxed about it she regularly wears low cut tops, but I wish she would wear short skirts more often.
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