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The worst ive ever needed a piss

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It was first lesson, French. I hated it so much. It was hard to actually pay attention because of how boring or hard the French lessons were, so my mind was always occupied, especially one morning when I had consumed 5 cup fulls of juice in an attempt to keep myself from overheating from the high temperature.

I leaned over in my seat to look at the clock. There was still 45 minutes until the end of the lesson. Ever since the lesson started I had been needing the toilet but by this point my stomach ached and I could feel a great pain in my dick. I didn't want to ask the teacher if I could be excused as I didn't enjoy the thought of people knowing that I had to pee, it would be way too embarassing.

So I just sat there. Feeling like my nether-reigons might explode. I couldn't help but jigg my legs violently and hold on, doing my best to ignore the explosive messages that my brain was telling. I looked down, and squashed my thighs together, and looked at all the creases. I looked back up and scanned the room, desperate for something to occupy my mind. I just wanted time to fast forward so I could pee. It was no use, my brain couldn't stop focussing on how desperate I was for the toilet. I could feel how large my dick was, filled with pee, and i could feel a large build up of piss form at the end of my dick. Ot caused the entirity of my bottom half to tremble.

After about 10 minutes passed, I was back to shaking my legs like the clappers and breathing deep. I had never experienced pain like it before, and could actually imagine my dick exploding due to the amount of piss bulging in it. Suddenly, a sharp tingling feeling spread through my entire body along with a message from my brain, telling me to let go. I knew I couldn't but I just wanted relief. I could feel my turgid penis bulging against my boxers and I wanted to use both hands to hold myself, but I was way too shy.

Around 15 minutes later, I couldn't bear it. There was way too much piss inside me, built up, ready to burs at any moment. I knew I would eventually reach a point where I really coudn't hold it, and I knew that point was soon. Shivers exploded and rose up from my throbbing penis all the way up to my neck. I could now feel it, all the pee was smashing against the tip of my dick. I knew it was going come out very soon, i felt like bursting into tears.

I held on until the end of the lesson. When the teacher told us all to stand behind our chairs, I rose up as clearly as I could, knowing that any rough movement could force it all to explode out of me. As the teacher carried in talking I clenched my thighs together as well as tighten all the muscles I could.

When we were dismissed I had to wait for everone to leave as I was at the bacl of the class. I went through the corriders knowing full well I was about to piss myself, but did my best to walk normally. I prayed to fucking god that the toilets were open, like they always were. If they were I would of pissed myself on the spot. As I approached the bathroom door I did my best to face reality that at anytime my dick would release 5 cup fulls of piss, no matter where I was. As I walked passed I pushed lightly against the door, it opened. That was the happiest moment of my fucking life. I walked in, shut thr door behind me, dropped my bag and dashed into the nearest cubical. My handd scrambled desperately as I tried to undo my belt and trousers, all while piss began shooting out against my underwear. I got quite a lot of pee on my underwear but when I pulled my dick out and let it all expolde out if me, I could hear angels singing.

That was the worst time I have ever needed to pee and I'm glad I got to the toilet when I did because I really couldn't hold it any more.

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Something like this happened to a classmate in grade school. It was 4th grade, we all were getting fidgety to get out of class but there was one girl that was especially fidgety. She was shifting left and right, sliding forward, putting her hand between her legs. I knew what was going on, and she sat near me so I told her to put her hand up and see if she can use the bathroom. She looked at me and said, nope, I can make it till the end. I watched her for several more minutes, getting excited but not totally understanding why. Then it happened. She totally peed herself in the chair in class! All the kids started teasing her, but I looked at her and said I told you that you should have asked. She was dismissed so her parents could bring her clean clothes, after that happened, I kinda had a crush on her. Sadly, the next year I had moved to a new school and never saw her again.

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I genuinely felt bad for her that she did that. She ended up getting picked on a lot for that. However, I was one of the few that didn't. I know that I enjoyed witnessing it back then. One of the first memories of being interested in pee.

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