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Two very near misses and a puddle

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I was able to be out in a nearby town on Friday night. There wasn't much peeing going on (even by the men), but I had two very near miss sightings of the ladies. I saw one girl come out of a fast food takeaway and go straight down the alley next to it. (Photo courtesy of Google Maps)

I was a bit far away, but I walked as quickly as I could without attracting attention, turned down the alley, scouting left to right as I walked and then saw a head pop up from behind a wall. The lady concerned had just finished! She adjusted her black leggings and walked out of the her hiding place, which was a bin store outside a building and headed back up the alley. In the photo above, you can see four entrances under the buildings with shuttered doors. The first two were shuttered up and she had gone into the third one, where there were some bins and the back entrance to the building. I did, however, managed to get a picture of the puddle, which I know that at least some people on here like to see:

Then a bit later on, near the same takeaway, I saw a group of girls that I thought might have potential, expecting that if any of them needed to pee, they would go down the same alley as the other girl had. One of them wondered off on her phone, but in the opposite direction to the alley (i.e. to the left of the takeaway), which I didn't really think too much of, but then I noticed her coming back out from a slightly darkened passage that led to a building entrance - which I hadn't even realised was there! I metaphorically kicked myself for missing it. I walked around the corner and sure enough, there was a small passageway that led to a door and there was scaffolding over it. Under the scaffolding, there was a lovely fresh puddle of pee. The place was fairly exposed and I'm sure if I had walked past I would have had a good look. It would have been even better as she was wearing a khaki coloured one piece jump suit with short legs, so she must have had to pretty much get undressed to pee. I didn't take a picture of that puddle as there were quite a few people around and it would have been pretty obvious.

Unfortunately none of the other girls went to pee and they just ate their food and then got picked up by a friend in a car who took them home.



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