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Maigh woke in a strange mood this morning, and when she felt my pee hard boner, she was pushing me out of bed, and into the bathroom. She sat me on the potty, I was looking slightly ridiculous with this thing sticking up, and she folded a towel and knelt in front of me. Holding me tightly, she was telling me to pee, give it to her, piss for me etc ......

I was full and when I let go, it splashed everywhere, almost to my neck, until she pointed it to her sweet mouth and just let it fill and overflow, running down and under me, splashing noisily into the toilet. I could smell it, hot and metallic, and knew it was strong, but she kept going, licking me as I was peeing, murmuring softly, with an occasional gag thrown in. When I was done, she sighed and started sucking me, taking me deep, grunting with the effort.

Mary came in then, sleepy eyed, hair a mess and smiled as she watched, then said that it was her turn. Maigh let me go and Mary took my place, sitting well forward, with one leg over Maigh's shoulder, as Maigh crouched down a little more and started licking again. Mary asked if she was ready, and I heard a muffled affirmative, and Mary let her have it. I could tell that Maigh was having trouble with this one, gagging and retching, but she kept on taking it, Mary sighing and holding her hair, the obvious relief on her face was cute. As she slowed, Maigh swallowed the last mouthful, and went back to licking Mary.

I turned on the shower and was getting another towel when I heard Maigh tell Mary to move, and as she scrambled out of the way, Maigh grunted and tossed out what she had swallowed. Wasn't very much, but it definitely tasted worse coming out, she dry heaved a couple more times, then was leaning against the bath, crying. I went out and put the kettle on, then had a quick shower, then made a coffee as they cleaned up.

Back in bed, we had her in the middle, and calmed her down, apparently her dreams had turned her on, and she needed what we could do for her. I slipped into her as Mary toyed with her pussy, and I wasn't long until she was over it, and so was I ....... another fantastic random morning, slept until 11.

We don't like making her chuck, it's not something that happens a lot, but she loves morning pee, mine, Mary's or her own, normally she will just dip a finger in, taste and pull a face. Times like this morning really affect her, crying, moody all day, saying sorry all the time. I done some work on the new fence and left them to amuse themselves. Smiles all round when I got home, so everything appears to be fine.

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