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Aliyah's Story Part 3

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Aliyah's Story Part 3: The Night out


Saturday Had finally come. One week of work while playing this new game had been full of axeity. The worst was when Aliyah was standing outside of the private dressing rooms

assisting a customer, handing her clothes to try on and compare when the need stuck. "This dress looks fine, but do you have it in majenta?" The customer asked "Uhh I'm not sure. will you excuse me a moment?"

"Oh wait please I need to try on a few more things it won't take too long!" The woman said. Aliyah was struggling to keep calm her abdormen was burning. She put one hand up her thigh length skirt and massaged

her slit to try and ease the desperation. Each dressing room was it's own private closet in a way with a full door. Aliyah went over and picked out a dress one size too small for the woman. "This dress will look amazing on you! Give it a try!" Aliyah said anxiouslty.

With one hand still massaging her pussy she handed the dress through the doorway to the hald naked woman inside. "I'll give it a try." The customer said as she closed the door. "Finally! I need to make this fast." Aliyah thought. She ran

into a changing room a few doors down squatted down and spread her legs as wide as possible. Aliyah leaned foward and squeezed her mid section as hard as possible sending a thick torrent of pee on the floor under her.

Aliyah pissed as hard as she could. Her loud hissing echoed through the dressing room flodding the carpet with piss. Trying desperatly to finish up before that customer realized she was gone. After about 20 seconds her stream finished. No sooner as her hissing stopped did

the customer call out to her. "This dress won't fit me!" The customer exclaimed. Aliyah used her hand to wipe the excess piss from her slit and fixed her dress. "Coming ma'am!" She said.

"And after all of that she didn't even buy anything?" Rose asked "Not a damn thing!" Aliyah said clearly frustrated. "I need to buy more of that carpet cleaner pronto!"


"I'm not ready to go out rose what if I need to go?" Aliyah said. worridly. "Quit being a baby! You can't just stay shut in pissing all over the place for the rest of the year." Rose said

"Fine just for a few hours though." Aliyah Relented. "It'll do you some good, trust me." Rose Said as she pulled out a bottle of vodka. "But first let's pregame!" Rose Screamed.

Aliyah picked out a black backless cocktail dress that went to her knees and nothing underneath. Rose wore a tight club dress and a g-string underneath. All of a sudden a voice "New Task: Talk to someone while peeing make sure they don't notice." Aliah's stomach dropped.

The next few hours Rose and Aliyah got dressed while taking shot after shot, clearing 3/4th of the bottle. "Hold on I need to piss." Rose said as she made her way to the bathroom. "What are you doing?" Aliyah said. "Going to the bathroom?" Rose said plainly. "But aren't you supporting me?"

"It's only right you can't use the bathroom too." Aliya said making a poor attempt at puppy dog eyes. "I never agreed to that!" Rose said. "But your're my best friend! We should be in this together right? Aliyah Pleaded. Rose's aching bladder and Aliyah's pleading caused her to finally relent.

"Fine, but I'm still not cleaning up afterwards." Rose said as she squatted down in her tight dress pulling her thong to the side and unleashing a waterfall of clear piss all over the tile floor, slowly making it's way to the drain in the corner of the kitchen. "See? What are friends for!"

Aliyah smiled. "Well I bet you can't finish that 4th of vodka!" Rose said as she stood up again. "You're on!" Aliyah said. Without hesitation Aliyah downed that last 4th of vodka to Rose's surprise. "Damn girl you've got me beat!" Rose said "Damn right I do now let's go party!" Aliyah slurred, clearly drunk.

The first stop on their club hop was just around the corner from aliyah's apartment. After making their way inside Rose and Aliyah quickly took to the dance floor dancing with eachother or with other men in the club. " I gotta piss." Aliyah slurred. "Oh is it bad? I really want to talk to this guy I see at the bar."

Rose Said "Perfect!" Aliyah said as she grabbed Rose's hand. Both girls nearly ran over to the bar twords the man rose had her eyes on much to his suprrise. Rose sat next to the man and Aliyah sat three seats down away from other people sitting at the bar.

Drunk and desperate Aliyah thought fast. As she sat on the bar stool she moved her loose cocktail dress from under her rear so it draped to the sides of the chair. The loud music and dim lighting provided cover. Aliyah shifted foward and lifted the front of her dress slightly and put her feet on the ledges under the stool

spreading her legs slightly. Aliyah relaxed, her legs were still slightly together keeping her hairless slit closed but it was no mach as a stream of piss pushed past her lips and sprayed the wall under the bar. But in the middle of her piss Aliyah spotted the bartender coming her way.

"Oh this is just great." Aliyah thought as her stream pattered the floor below. In a panic aliyah let her dress fall back into place and stood up still pissing the stream now landing on the floor beneath her feet. "What'll you be having?" The bartender said.

Aliyah shifted suddenly at the bartender's opening causing her stream to run down her left leg. Aliyah bent over the bar slightly and spread her legs slightly allowing her stream to go straight down by her feet. "Ma'am?" the bartender asked again. "Oh I'm fine thanks." Aliyah said, caught between the controlling her stream and trying keep a straight face.

"Task Complete." The voice in Aliyah's head echoed. Aliyah sighed as her stream finally died. The wall under the bar had a two foot high wet spot and the floor under aliyah's stool and the stools on either side was soaked in piss. Meanwhile Rose ran up to Aliyah "Girl, that guy was so cute I gave him my number!" Rose squeled but quickly looked down to her feet.

"Did you pee here?" Rose asked "Well yeah I couldn't wait any longer and the bar is actually good cover." Aliyah responded "That's not a bad idea, I needed to go too, watch out for me!" Rose said. Before Aliyah could get a word in Rose sat on the stool with her back to the bar and leaned her ass over the edge between the bar wall and stool itself.

From the side you could see Rose work her dress up. "Hey this is kinda weird but can you pull my thong to the side? I don't want to get it wet but it'll be to obvious if I do it myself." Rose said. "Uhhh, sure just make it quick." Aliyah said hesitently, reaching down and pulling Rose's thong from the side exposing her pussy. An eruption of piss hit the back of the batstool

and fell to the ground. "Oh man that's so much better." Rose said. A splash of piss hit Aliyah's hand causing hr to let go of Rose's thong letting it slip back into place over her still pissing pussy. "Hey grab it!" Rose said, Although her thong was had been soaked through instantly. "You peed on me!" Aliyah said. "Just grab it!" Rose said. Aliyah carefully pulled the thong back to the side and allowed rose to finish her piss quickly.

"Thanks a lot now I'm wet, and not in the fun way either." Rose said as she quickly removed her thong and left it on the puddle. "Sorry, let's go to another club this place is getting boring." Aliyah said. The two girls left the club and the night had set in the moon was full and people were walking the street enjoying the night. "One of my favorite bars is up ahead let's cut through this parking lot." Rose said. They both

had made half way through the parking lot when a car sped through the parking lot, almost hiting them both! 'Watch out asshole!" Aliyah shouted "What the fuck is their problem?" Rose said. The car came to a stop about a dozen yards away. ALiyah and Rose were more than ready to go off on whoever was inside. As they approached voices could be heard inside over the loud music. "Stop the car I need to pee now!" A female voice exclaimed

"Shit you went fifteen minutes ago at the last bar! Can't we get there first?" A male voice said. "Yeah emma what's wrong with you. You're a freaking piss machine, it really annoying." A different female voice said "Let me out NOW unless you wanna clean piss out of your carpet for the next week!" Emma said. Quickly the back door of the car opened and out stepped a man followed almost instantly by a clearly desperate woman. This woman,

Emma appeared to be a redhead with pale skin and green eyes and light freckles. Her body wasn't as Volumptous as Rose or Aliyah but was quite crvy none the less. She was wearing a white blouse and black leggings with heels. In an instant Emma had pulled her leggings past her knees and assumed a deep squat over the pavemment soaking it in a thick stream. "Damn it got on my shoes!" The man said as he climed back in the car.

"Hey what are you doing! Are you going to just leave me here!?" Emma screamed. "Every weekend we go out you have to piss all night long." The driver said. "Yeah were sick of it, see you around piss machine!" Another girl yelled. The car wheels screched and left Emma still squating in a cloud of dust. "You assholes come back here!" Emma screamed. She tried to stand but stumbled as her stream continued to splash about her legs. Defeated she

simply resumed her squat and finsied her piss. Rose and Aliyah were left stunned at the scene they had just witnessed. They watched as emma finished her piss in scilence. "Are you okay?" ALiyah finally said. "I'll be fine." Emma said, cleary depressd. Rose sensing the somber tone decided to lighten the mood. "Fuck those friends of yours girl, you can hang out with us! I'm Rose by the way." Rose said. "And I'm Aliyah, trust we know exactly what your're going through." Aliyah said

"I might just take you up on that offer, I'm Emma by the way." Emma said. With that all three girls made their way to the next bar on Rose's "List." Through their conversation they learned Emma was Nineteen, still living at home while going to the local community college and working part time at a grocery store. "You need to dicth that garbage job, I'm sure the boutique is hiring right now!" Rose said.

"Hell I might go put in an application tomorrow! Afternoon of course." Emma said, all three girls laughed. After some bar hopping all three girls were headed to the Eclipse, one of biggest nightclubs in town. Upon entering the club they were invited to the VIP section by the club owner. The owner and his son's were the definition of sleazy persian dirtbags. Drunk, loud and abnoxious.

"These guys are pigs." Aliyah said. "Free booze." Rose slurred "Yeah take a load off ya big baby or maybe you need a load in ya!" Emma said. One thing the girls were quick to understand was emma talked a lot of shit when drunk. " C'mon baby you can't resist me." One of the brothers said running his hand up Aliyah's dress. She was about to smack his hand away when the urge hit her again full foce. Aliyah knew she couldn't leave her

foolish drunk friends alone with these guys. Suddenly she had an idea. Resisting the every urge in her body to slap the shit out of this sleazeball she let him ease his hand up her skirt until he was massaging her pussy. Feigning arousal Aliyah spread her legs exposing her pussy for the room to see. "Get it girl!" Rose yelled. "Ohhhhhhh somebodys bad." Emma said. Aliyah smiled as she released her bladder which immediatly sent piss all over the slimy man's hand and forearm.

"What the fuck?" The man said as stood up trying to shake the piss off his hand. "You turned me on so much I couldn't hold back." Aliyah said sarcasticly. "PEE PARTY!" Emma screamed. As she laid on her back pulled her leggings down and put her legs by her knees sneing a shower of piss at over 5 feet in the air. "Don't leave me out of this!" Rose said as she stood up pulled up her dress and pissed in the ice bucket holding the champane. All three men hurridly left

the VIP room while the piss from three different women splashed all over. Aliyah stood up mid stream and leaned foward sending a spray of piss all over the VIP sofa from ikea. Emma continued spraying pee in a narrow stream into the air. Rose had grabbed and started chugging the Champane bottle while still pissing in the now melted ice bucket. As Aliyah's stream died down the owner stormed back into the room. "GET OUT NOW." He screamed.

Rose turned to look at the Man stream still going. "Make us!" She slurred.

With a loud thud all three girls landed on their butts outside the club. The electronic billboard above the door flashed all three girl's pictures with a red X and DO NOT ADMIT in bold red letters underneath. "Well that could've gone better." Aliyah said. "Fuck them! Let's kep this party going!" Rose said, still holding the champain bottle. "I think we should just go home. You guys can crash at my place." Aliyah said "Party pooper!" Emma said. All three girls made their way back to Aliyah's

apartment. "Rose and I can share my bed. Emma you can get the couch." Aliyah said. "Thanks Aliyah..." Emma slurred. "Yeah your're a good friend you know that?" Rose said. "Yeah yeah don't get all sentimental on me." Aliyah said.


The next morning/afternoon the sun shone through. "Oh god I'm hungover." Rose said. "I knew you would be." Aliyah said Rose asked as she got out of bed. "How come you never get hungover?" Rose said. "Magic." Aliyah Said. Aliyah was wearing nothing but a black t-shirt that went to her belly button. As she walked out of her room the feeling hit her again. Since she was in her own house, she simply let go letting the stream patter on the carpet below. "Aliyah?" Emma said. "Why are you pissing on your floor?"

she contiuned. ALiyah had forgotton Emma was staying over as well. "Well you see uh..." Aliyah paused, her hissing made it hard for her already strained voice to speak up. Clearing her throat, she continued. "Basically some being made it impossible for me to use any restroom." ALiyah said. Emma simply stared eyes half closed from the hangover. "That's cool, well hurry up and finish that hissing is making my head hurt." Emma said.

"Well she took that easier that I thought she would." Aliyah thought as her piss died down. Quickly shaking herself dry she went into the kicten and came back with two gatorade bottles for Rose and Emma respectivly. Around mid-day all three girls were in the living room watching TV. Emmma and Aliyah shared the counch while Rose sat in the big recliner in the corner of the living room. "So you pee everywhere except the restroom?" Emma asked out of the blue. "Yeah pretty much. I don't even wear lower garmets in the house." ALiyah said. "You can pee on the floor if you want. Even the furniture isn't off limits."

"That's what I was getting to!" Emma said as she took off her leggings and leaned over the edge of the couch letting loose a torrent on the floor below. Rose was wearing the same dress from the night before, except she had it pulled up around her belly button like aliyah's shirt. Eventually a hissing sound could be heard from the recliner. Rose's face remained the same the only sign was the small wet spot under her pussy. The girls spent the day watching TV pissing when they needed to. "I could get used to this." Emma said. "You know even If I didn't have to obey all these rules, I'd probably still do this." Aliyah said

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