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Ladies, what are your measurements?

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We're talking volumes here. :)

A while back Sephora asked the men on this site to post pictures of themselves peeing into a bottle, glass, jug or.... I thought I'd return the favor and ask the women to show what they can do.

Even if you're shy, there's no need for any concern, as you don't have to reveal anything. Just give a number. Or, better yet, several. As they say, the more the merrier. How about every chance you can, you measure how much you pee and then report back here?

Of course, points will be given out. So, if you're the competitive sort, here's your big chance. And, even if you're not blessed (or cursed, as it were) with a large bladder, you can always try for a personal best.

Also, there's sure to be awards for color, style, the most unusual container and such.

So, how how about giving it your best shot? A lot of us would like to see or even just hear what you can do.

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